M00000014A Other Languages OLJHPOMNLV01P01 Javanese, Home Page of Mr. Nand L Verma. By Mr. Nand L Verma


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Sugeng Rawuh wonten ing Kaca Ngarep Bapak Nand L Verma basa Jawi. (Welcome to Mr. Nand L Verma’s Home Page in Javanese.)

(Senajan saiki aku ora bisa nerjemahake kabeh materi sing ditulis nganggo basa Jawa, nanging aku isih ngupayakake paling ora kanggo kabeh wong. Yen sampeyan ora bisa maca nanging ngerti, banjur instal ekstensi browser text to speech sing sampeyan pengin. kaya sing paling. laptopku, pilih apa wae sing cocog kanggo sampeyan lan piranti sampeyan.

(Although right now I am not able to translate all the written material in Javanese but still I tried my best to have at least something for everyone. If you can’t read but understand, then please install text to speech browser extension the one you like the most. Otherwise, in Windows read aloud (Text to speech) works very well. But I am not sure if in all the Phones and every size device including operating systems related to www.nandverma.com everything is working as perfectly as in my window’s Laptop. So please choose whatever works perfectly for you and your device)


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Koleksi paling apik saka Lagu Fusion lan Video saka donya. Dening Pak Nand L Verma.Best collections of the Fusion Songs and their Videos from worldwide. By Mr. Nand L Verma.

Inggih, sampeyan bisa uga nemokake sawetara Lagu lan Video ing Basa sampeyan uga. Nanging yen sampeyan ora, banjur nganti saiki, aku ora bisa nemokake, utawa Lagu lan Video sing aku temokake ora cocog kanggo pamirsa ing saindenging jagad, miturut pertimbangan lan kawruh sing paling apik babagan perkara kasebut. Dadi, Wong ing industri Musik bisa uga sinau sawetara perkara anyar babagan Musik, Lagu lan Video uga, supaya Lagu lan Video Lagu uga populer ing saindenging jagad. Sing uga tegese nggawe dhuwit luwih akeh ing kabeh mata uang.

(Kanggo ndeleng Videos of the Month lan dhaptar lagu dening Pak Nand L Verma, terus gulung mudhun.)

(To view Videos of the Month and their playlist by Mr. Nand L Verma, please keep scrolling down.)

Sawise ngeklik pranala ing ndhuwur, sampeyan bakal nggawa sampeyan menyang seni, desain, lan gambar dening Pak Nand L Verma uga koleksi lagu, video, lan dhaptar lagu sing paling apik (miturut kesenenganku saka saindenging jagad). Pak Nand L Verma ugi. Kanggo muter video, klik ing tombol Play; kanggo mungkasi utawa ngaso video, klik ing ngendi wae ing video; kanggo muter maneh video sing ngaso utawa mandheg, klik ing ngendi wae ing video. Lan yen sampeyan ora ndeleng video nganti pungkasan nanging pengin nonton video sabanjure utawa video liyane sing ditampilake ing kaca, aja lali mandheg utawa ngaso video sing lagi diputer. Yen ora, ing wektu sing padha, luwih saka siji video bakal terus diputer. Sing ora apik. Maksudku, kajaba ana sing seneng kaya ngono. Nggoleki, sapa sing ngguyu? Halo, umume debat ing televisi kaya ngono. Oalah. Yen ora, aku nyoba nggawe sistem sing gegandhengan karo video sing nggawe dheweke muter kanthi otomatis yen ana sing ngaktifake tombol “muter kabeh video ing kaca iki uga ing kaca sabanjure.” Kajaba iku, yen sampeyan terus ngeklik tombol emas sing diselehake ing meh saben kaca, sing bakal nuntun sampeyan liwat meh saben kaca kabeh jinis koleksi video lan dhaptar lagu dening Pak Nand L Verma uga seni, desain, gambar. , lirik, lan kabeh isi liyane sing kasedhiya dening Pak Nand L Verma. Matur nuwun kanggo milih: www.nandverma.com


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Lirik lan Geguritan dening Pak Nand L Verma. Sejatine Lirik ing ngisor iki daktulis nganggo basa Inggris, mula sawise diterjemahake liwat digital translator aku ora ngerti apa tegese Lyric tetep padha. Senajan sawise nerjemahake mesthi sajak ilang babar blas, nanging tetep wae. , sampeyan bisa uga seneng. (Lyrics and Poems by Mr. Nand L Verma. Actually, Lyric below I wrote in English, so after translating it through digital translator I have no idea if meaning of the Lyric remain the same. Although after translating definitely rhymes totally disappears, but still, you may like it.)

Aku ora yakin carane saben wong ngira-ngira makna katresnan minangka kabèh kang jinis iku bagéan saka padha banget. Senajan kabeh jinis katresnan lan manggoni sawijining kabeh jinis syarat, labilities lan tanggung jawab tengen bisa mokal nanging kang jinis melu bisa banget rumit uga. Amarga akeh wong bisa uga kudu omah-omah karo wong sing ora ditresnani. Dadi, aku mikir kabeh wong nyoba kanggo ngrampungake kabeh kepinginan lan kepinginan nganti ambegan pungkasan. Ing ngendi akeh sing sukses lan akeh sing gagal.

Bener, ing umur tuwa nganti wektu aku ora bisa nindakake implan rambut nyata, ing ngisor iki ing gambar loro aku nganggo wig rambut digital nalika katon-wicaksana nyoba kanggo tetep munggah karo kabeh AI kui wadon ayu banget. Nggoleki, sapa sing ngguyu? Halo, sanajan umur tuwa sawise nganggo rambut palsu digital, aku bisa uga katon luwih tuwa tinimbang kabeh wanita sing ditampilake ing ngisor iki ing Gambar sing digawe AI.

Lirik. Nganti tetesing katresnan kang pungkasan.
Dening Pak Nand L Verma.

Nalika sampeyan menehi awak kanggo kula,
lan mbukak mripatmu.
Aku ndeleng tlaga sing wuda utawa tanpa wates,
kanthi akeh banget lan dhuwur.
Saka sudhut iki menyang liyane,
kabeh aku pengin mung kanggo tresna dheweke

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Nganti ambegan pungkasaning Urip.
Nganti tetesing katresnan kang pungkasan.
Aku rumangsa iki mung siji-sijine jagad iki,
ora ana sing ngisor lan ndhuwur.

Nalika awak kita tangi,
kanggo ngelih mripat wuda.
Kabeh wiwit kobong,
kanggo nyawiji saben kepinginan.

Nganti ambegan pungkasaning Urip.
Nganti tetesing katresnan kang pungkasan.
Aku rumangsa iki mung siji-sijine jagad iki,
ora ana sing ngisor lan ndhuwur.

Nalika kaendahan lan katresnan ketemu,
kanggo ngisi kabutuhan saben liyane.
Umur kita wiwit saya suwe,
lan urip anyar terus.

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Nganti ambegan pungkasaning Urip.
Nganti tetesing katresnan kang pungkasan.
Aku rumangsa iki mung siji-sijine jagad iki,
ora ana sing ngisor lan ndhuwur.

Saiki kita wis tekan adoh,
kanthi njaga Urip kita ing par.
Kita ora kudu ngucapake kekarepan,
ing iman saka shooting star.

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Saiki kita wis tekan adoh,
kanthi njaga Urip kita ing par.
Kita ora kudu ngucapake kekarepan,
ing iman saka shooting star

Kajaba gambar Pak Nand L Verma, gambar ing ndhuwur sing ditampilake ing lirik yaiku AI-generated.

© All rights reserved with Mr. Nand L Verma.

I am not sure how everyone evaluates the meaning of love as a whole in which sex is a part of the same too. Although all kinds of love and fulfilling its all kinds of requirements, labilities and responsibilities right can be impossible but in which sex is involved can be very complicated as well. Because many people may have to even marry someone whom otherwise they don’t love. So, I think everyone try their best to fulfil their all wishes and desires until the last breath of life. In which many succeed and most of them fail.

Actually, in old age until the time I am not able to do real hair implant, below in my two picture I am wearing a digital hair wig while look-wise trying to keep up with these all AI generated very beautiful Females. Looking around, who is laughing? Hello, even in old age after wearing a digital wig, I may look just few years older than these all ladies displayed below in AI generated Images.

Lyric. Until the last drop of love.

By Mr. Nand L Verma.

When you give yourself to me,
and open your eyes.
I see a naked or endless lake of beauty,
with so many lows and highs.
From this corner to another,
all I want just to love her

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Until the last breath of Life.
Until the last drop of love.
I feel this is the only world exist,
there is nothing down and above.

When our bodies arise,
for the hunger of naked eyes.
Everything starts to get in fire,
to melt each and every desire.

Until the last breath of Life.
Until the last drop of love.
I feel this is the only world exist,
there is nothing down and above.

When beauty and love meet,
to fill each other’s need.
Our age starts to get longer,
and new Life proceed.

AdSpaceAFC8atHomeOfMr.NandLVermaInJavanese. Ad by nandverma.com Where we try to provide you the best in the world including contents on this page and following.

Until the last breath of Life.
Until the last drop of love.
I feel this is the only world exist,
there is nothing down and above.

Now that we have come so far,
by keeping our Lives in a par.
We don’t have to cast our wishes,
on a faith of shooting star.

AdSpaceAFC9atHomeOfMr.NandLVermaInJavanese. Ad by nandverma.com Where we try to provide you the best in the world including contents on this page and following.

Until the last breath of Life.
Until the last drop of love.
I feel this is the only world exist,
there is nothing down and above.

Except Mr. Nand L Verma’s pictures, the above images displayed in a lyric are AI-generated.

© All rights reserved with Mr. Nand L Verma.

Lirik liyane dening Pak Nand L Verma ing Basa Inggris (kabeh asli). Sawise nerjemahake nganggo penerjemah digital, makna lan pangertene bisa uga ora padha karo sing kudune miturut Basa sing asline ditulis. Kang dadi aneh lan babar blas salah malah kanggo kula. Kajaba iku, sawise nerjemahake ing basa liyane, puisi uga ilang. Dadi, pilihan sampeyan kabeh. Amarga saiki aku ora yakin suwene wektu kanggo nerjemahake Lirik ing Basamu dening Manungsa. (More Lyrics by Mr. Nand L Verma in English Language (all original). After translating with the digital translator, meaning and sense may not remain the same as otherwise it should have been according to the Language in which Lyrics originally got written. Which gets weird and totally wrong even to me. Beside these, after translating in other Languages rhymes disappear as well. So, choice is all yours. Because right now I am not sure how long it is going to take to translate Lyrics in your Language by Humans.)

Lirik liyane dening Pak Nand L Verma ing Basa Hindi nalika nggunakake sawetara tembung Urdu uga (kabeh asli). Sawise nerjemahake nganggo penerjemah digital, makna lan pangertene bisa uga ora padha karo sing kudune miturut Basa sing asline ditulis. Kang dadi aneh lan babar blas salah malah kanggo kula. Saliyane iki, sajak uga ilang. Dadi, pilihan sampeyan kabeh. Amarga saiki aku ora yakin suwene wektu kanggo nerjemahake Lirik ing Basamu dening Manungsa. (More Lyrics by Mr. Nand L Verma in Hindi Language while using some of the Urdu’s words too (all original). After translating with the digital translator, meaning and sense may not remain the same as otherwise it should have been according to the Language in which Lyrics originally got written. Which gets weird and totally wrong even to me. Beside these, rhymes disappear as well. So, choice is all yours. Because right now I am not sure how long it is going to take to translate Lyrics in your Language by Humans.)


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(Berita Langsung 24×7 Bahasa Jawa.) Nganti saiki, aku durung bisa nemokake saluran berita 24×7 Langsung nganggo Basa Jawa. (Live News 24×7 in Javanese Language.) So far, I was not able to find any 24×7 Live news channel in Javanese Language.


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Ing ngisor iki, Lagu Tari Fusion lan Video ing Wulan. Koleksi lan dhaptar lagu dening Pak Nand L Verma. Kawicaksanan wong tuwa menehi saran. (Below, Fusion Dance Songs and their Videos of the Month. Collection and playlist by Mr. Nand L Verma. Parental discretion advised.)

Saliyane iki, aku uga pengin nerangake, manawa saka sisihku ora ana sing ana gandhengane karo Lagu lan Video kanggo sapa wae, ora ana ing kabeh jinis Koleksi, utawa babagan cara iki kabeh diatur kanthi urutan tartamtu ing wangun playlist Lan bab sing padha uga bakal Applied related kanggo Singers banget, Songs lan Videos tak ngatur ing cara ing wangun dhaptar lagu, supaya ana hubungane karo urip saben penonton ing sawetara cara Ngerteni Lirik Yen ora, he, isih aku ora ngerti kabeh lirik Lagu ing Basa Inggris, nanging isih seneng wiwit, 1994. Dadi, lali babagan ngerti Lirik ing kabeh Basa lan dialek ing saindenging jagad mesthi, Aku ora mung diklumpukake iki kabeh Songs lan Videos ing nyoba pisanan nanging uga nggawe kabeh dhaptar lagu lan Volume banget Lan kapan aku nonton utawa ndeleng Videos diklumpukake ing sembarang playlist, Aku aran kaya match digawe ing swarga aran cara sing padha, banjur game bisa rampung kanggo sawetara saka situs web liyane. Yen ora, paling saiki aku duwe akses cepet kanggo kabeh jinis Video lan dhaptar lagu saka kabeh ndonya sing paling disenengi. (Beside this I would like to make clear too, that from my side there is nothing personal related to the Songs and their Videos to anyone, neither in all kinds of Collections, nor about the way these all got arrange in a particular order in the form of playlists. And the same thing also gets applied related to the Singers too. Therefore, Songs and their Videos got arrange in a way in the form of playlist, so something relates to every viewer’s life in some way. I mean if someone will understand the Lyrics. Otherwise, hey, still even I don’t understand the whole lyric of the Songs in English Language, but still enjoying since, I think 1994. So, forget about understanding Lyrics in all the Languages and dialects Worldwide. But still surely, I not only collected these all Songs and their Videos on first attempt but also made all the playlists and Volumes too. And whenever I watch or view collected Videos in any playlist, I feel like match made in heaven. And if everyone worldwide will feel the same way, then game may be over for some of the other websites. Otherwise, at least now I have a quick access for all kinds of Videos and their playlists from all over the world the ones I like the most.)

Video ora bakal muter kanthi otomatis, saiki ora ana tombol “muter kabeh video ing kaca iki”, mula, kanggo ndeleng Video, klik tombol play; lan yen ora ndeleng kabeh Video nganti pungkasan nganti video bakal mandheg muter dhewe, sampeyan pengin ndeleng Video liyane sing ditampilake ing kaca sing padha, banjur mandheg dhisik Video sing diputer kanthi ngeklik, kanthi nutul nganggo pucuk driji utawa yen nggunakake cara liya kanggo nindakake perkara sing padha. loro-lorone utawa akeh Video bakal terus diputer, yen ora ana sing nyenengake, sapa sing ngguyu. wong ngomong ing wektu sing padha, lan pirsawan luwih bingung tinimbang njupuk yakin utawa ngerti apa wae Ya, sing bener malah ing urip nyata paling saka iku padha lan paling wong tindakake prosesor padha taktik. Oalah. Dipikir, opo maneh? Ya, sawise ngeklik salah sawijining tautan Video ing ngisor iki, sampeyan bakal diterusake menyang bagean situs web www.nandverma.com ing Basa Inggris. Nanging sawise dadi bagean saka situs web ing Basa Inggris yen sampeyan bakal terus ngeklik Tombol Emas (Kaca Sabanjure; dumunung sawise Video ditampilake ing kaca kasebut) bakal nuntun sampeyan liwat kabeh kaca Volume, Koleksi lan Dhaptar Lagu saka Video uga Seni lan Desain lan Gambar dening Pak Nand L Verma. Dadi, sanajan sampeyan ora ngerti basa Inggris, sampeyan kudu bisa nikmati kabeh koleksi Lagu, Video lan playlist uga Seni lan Desain lan Gambar dening Pak Nand L Verma.

(Videos will not play automatically, neither right now “play all videos on this page” button is available, therefore, to view Video, please click on play button; and if not viewing the whole Video to the end until the time video will stop playing by itself you would like to view another Video displayed on the same page, then first stop the Video the one is playing by clicking on it, by touching with your Finger-tip or if using any other method to do the same. Otherwise, both or many Videos will keep playing, in that case nothing going to be enjoyable. Looking around, who is laughing? Yeah, I am laughing because in that case it is going to be a kind of debate on the Television or Internet in which many people speak at the same time, and audience are more confused instead of getting convinced or understanding whatever. Yeah, that is right. Even in real life most of the things are based on the same whatever and most of the people follow the same processor or tactic. Whether to keep their job or to make a living. Anyway. Thinking, what else? Yeah, after clicking at any of the given links of the Videos below, you will be forwarded to part of a website www.nandverma.com in English Language. But still after being on a part of the website in English Language if you will keep clicking on any Golden Button (Next page; located after the displayed Videos on the page) it will walk you through all the pages of a Volume, Collection and Playlists of the Videos as well as Art and Designs and Pictures by Mr. Nand L Verma. So, even if you don’t understand English Language still you should be able to enjoy fully all the collections of the Songs, their Videos and playlist as well as Art and Designs and Pictures by Mr. Nand L Verma.)


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Aku pengin ndeleng luwih akeh Lagu Tari Fusion lan koleksi Video lan dhaptar lagu dening Pak Nand L Verma. Kawicaksanan wong tuwa menehi saran. (I would like to view more Fusion Dance Songs and their Videos collection plus playlist by Mr. Nand L Verma. Parental discretion advised.

Kanggo milih Kategori liyane ing wangun koleksi Lagu Tari Fusion sing paling apik, Video lan dhaptar lagu dening Pak Nand L Verma utawa Lagu Tari paling apik, Video lan dhaptar lagu ing Basa liya, monggo klik link ing ngisor iki. (To choose other Category in the form of collection of the best Fusion Dance Songs, their Videos and playlists by Mr. Nand L Verma or the best Dance Songs, their Videos and playlists in other Languages, please click any of the links below.)

Lagu Tari Spesial Fusion paling apik, Video lan dhaptar lagu (The best Fusion Special Dance Songs, their Videos and playlists)

Lagu Fusion Dance paling apik lan Videone (The best Fusion Dance Songs and their Videos)

Lagu paling apik lan Video ing Basa Inggris (Kabeh jinis) (The best Songs and their Videos in English Language (All kinds)

Lagu paling apik lan Video ing Basa Español Spanyol (Kabeh jinis) (The best Songs and their Videos in Spanish Español Language (All kinds)

Lagu Tari paling apik lan Video ing Hindi lan Urdu  हिंदीऔर उर्दू Languages (The best Dance Songs and their Videos in Hindi and Urdu  हिंदीऔर उर्दू Languages)

Lagu paling apik, Video lan dhaptar lagu ing Basa Punjabi.The best Songs, their Videos and playlists in Punjabi Language)

Lagu lan Video paling apik ing Basa Pусский Rusia (The best Songs and their Videos in Russian Pусский Language)

Lagu lan Video paling apik ing basa Arab  لعربية   Basa (The best Songs and their Videos in Arabic  لعربية   Language)

Lagu Tari paling apik lan Video ing Campuran Basa lan Dialek India (The best Dance Songs and their Videos in Mix Indian Languages and Dialects)

Lagu Rakyat Campuran paling apik lan Video ing Basa lan Dialek India (The best Mix Folk Songs and their Videos in Indian Languages and Dialects)

Lagu Rakyat Campuran paling apik saka Himachal, India. (The best Mix Folk Songs from Himachal, India)

Video Lagu-lagu sing paling apik lan dhaptar lagu ing Campuran Basa lan Dialek India (The best Live performance’s Videos of the Songs and their playlists in Mix Indian Languages and Dialects)

Sampeyan ing basa sampeyan, aku ora bisa nemokake jinis lan jinis lagu lan video sing cukup, amarga miturut pertimbangan lan kawruh sing paling apik, kudu nggawe koleksi lan dhaptar lagu lagu lan video kasebut bebarengan kanggo pamirsa ing saindenging jagad. ; mula, panelusuran isih aktif. (So far in your language, I was not able to find enough kinds and types of songs and their videos, as according to my best judgment and knowledge, required to put a collection and playlist of the songs and their videos together for the worldwide audience; therefore, search is still on.)

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Yen ora, umume sampeyan ing saindenging jagad bisa uga ora ndeleng, ndeleng utawa nonton Video kabeh Lagu kasebut sadurunge (kajaba Lagu lan Video ing Basa utawa Basa sing sampeyan ngerti) uga ora tau krungu. Lan ing kahanan kaya ngono, Manungsa ing saindenging jagad uga bisa kelangan prekara sing paling apik ing uripe. Nggoleki Wong-wong sing nikah sadurunge ana Internet, lan Wong-wong sing isih jomblo sawise ngerti sing bener, yen akeh Wanita ayu sing ana ing Bumi. Ora, aku mung guyon. Amarga nemokake katresnan sejati kanggo Urip utawa akeh kudu ora kurang saka 8 wonder. opo? Aku ngomong, yen ora saiki aku rumangsa kaya, langit liyane ana ing Bumi, langit liyane ana ing Bumi, langit liyane ana ing Bumi. Inggih, aku mikir sampeyan mbukak pikirane. Eh, kebebasan mikir mesthi kanggo kabeh wong, sanajan ora ana sing liya saka sapa wae. Lan mung sing akeh keluwesan bisa ngganti mentality kanggo apik banget. Nggoleki, sapa sing ngguyu babagan apa wae? Halo, mangga serius. Nanging isih, aku uga pengin nggawe cetha lan yakin, sing saka sisih aku ora ana apa-apa pribadi kanggo sapa wae sing tak ngandika lan diterangake ing sembarang wangun lan alam ing Songs lan Videos, utawa saka Wong-wong ing Video kanggo saben liyane. Maksudku yen ana wong sing ngerti kabeh kanthi lirik ing kabeh Lagu lan Video. Yen ora, nikmati acara kasebut. Nanging, aku nyoba sing paling apik kanggo nyelehake kabeh Lagu lan Video kasebut ing saben Halaman kanthi urutan tartamtu, saengga ana sawetara cara sing ana gandhengane karo kabeh pamirsa saka saindenging jagad. Yen ora, kadhangkala ora gampang kanggo Manungsa kanggo nerangake lan ngerti babagan utawa kabeh sing bener. Dadi please, aja exaggerate soko; amarga kadhangkala exaggerations digawe dening inferiority utawa superiority complex utawa loro-lorone nyebabake misunderstandings, lan misunderstandings kanggo kabeh jinis tragedi. Kajaba iku, meh kabeh manungsa minangka pribadine lan karakter kabeh bisa uga ora padha karo Taun kepungkur, utawa malah dina sadurunge wingi. Amarga ing dalan urip meh saben manungsa saben dina ngerti, ngerti lan ngevaluasi babagan sing anyar. opo? Aku ngandika, nanging ing kene saben dina padha lawas, padha lawas kanggo nindakake lan menehi hasil karo. Inggih, yen wong 100% wareg karo padha, padha, banjur nalika urip urip swarga uga. Yen ora, pilihan liyane mesthi ana, terus ndedonga lan nindakake kabeh kanthi pangarep-arep bakal ana ing swarga sawise ambegan pungkasan. Oalah, lali kabeh lan nikmati macem-macem koleksi Lagu lan Videone Pak Nand L Verma.

Koleksi Live Cams paling apik saka Donya. Ya, amarga meh 80% Wong ing saindenging jagad ora bisa mlaku-mlaku ing Negarane dhewe kanggo ndeleng kabeh, mula, lali ngerti apa wae babagan Wong sing manggon ing saindenging jagad ing macem-macem bagean ing Bumi. Ya, amarga alasan sing padha, aku nyoba ngumpulake sawetara kamera Live Web sing paling apik ing saindenging jagad, nanging isih ana sawetara yen ana sing direkam 5 nganti 20 Menit sadurunge kanggo nyedhiyakake kualitas Video sing luwih apik, kanggo aku, mesthine. uga apik. Yen ora, kaputusan tansah sampeyan.

Inggih, saiki aku ora duwe akeh isi sing kasedhiya ing bagean Kategori iki, uga durung bisa nerjemahake kabeh isi dhewe ing Basa liyane. Ya, ora gampang kaya sing dikira. Nanging isih wae, aku bisa nggabungake kabeh basa kalebu ing Basa Hindi mung kanggo mbukak bagean situs web iki. Malah nulis iki akeh ing Hindi Language, pisanan aku kudu golek soko ing World Wide Web sing nulis paling iki akeh kanggo kula ing Hindi. Sawise iku, pisanan aku kudu nulis tembung Hindi kanthi ngeja ing basa Inggris, lan yen aku ora nulis tembung Hindi kanthi bener ing basa Inggris, mula ora bakal nulis tembung sing bener ing basa Hindi. Pracayaa, aku wis berjuang banget kanggo nulis ing basa Hindi kanthi cara iki.

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Nanging aku isih nulis iki akeh ing Hindi liwat padha. Banjur saka Web aku nyalin lan nempel menyang kaca sing lungguh ing situs builder. Sadurunge iki, Pembangun Situs sing digunakake kanggo nggawe situs web, teks sing ditulis ing Hindi ora bisa diatur ing kaca kaya sing dikarepake nalika kaca kasedhiya ing World Wide Web. Banjur aku njupuk gambar saka Teks banjur dipotong nganggo Software editing foto. Ya, sawise iku, kabeh biasane tetep ing papan sing padha ing endi wae sampeyan nyelehake ing sawijining Halaman. Nanging nalika nggunakake pembangun situs iki (World press) aku mikir tinimbang gambar, aku kudu bisa nulis teks sing ditulis ing Hindi langsung ing sawijining kaca. Lan ora bakal mulet. Dadi, kabeh sing kudu dak lakoni yaiku nyalin lan nempel Teks sing disimpen saka situs web Yahoo menyang World Press. Kajaba iku, aku ngerti, saiki ana Piranti Lunak sing bisa ditulis basa Hindi liwat wicara menyang teks. Dadi, aku mung kudu ngomong karo Software ing Hindi, lan bakal nulis sing padha ing Basa Hindi kanggo aku. Lan iku grate. Aku elinga tuku piranti lunak sing padha (Aku mikir ing taun 1998 utawa ing antarane 1998 nganti 2000, Naga ngomong kaya ngono, wicara menyang teks) kanggo nulis ing basa Inggris uga. Lan iku cukup apik. Tegese aku uga kudu bisa njupuk alih meh kabeh bagean saka Basa Hindi. Ora, aku mung guyon, amarga njupuk saben bagean, subyek utawa prakara sing ana hubungane karo Negara utawa Donya ing basa apa wae ing wangun diskusi sing bener adhedhasar fakta lan bebener kanthi solusi kanggo nambah kabeh dadi sampurna ora mungkin kanggo siji. wong. tenan? Ora, iku uga ora bener. Amarga saben wong saka Kulawarga, Desa, Kutha, Kutha, Negara, Negara utawa malah kanggo mbukak Semesta milih siji wong. Nanging isih katon kaya kabeh jinis kekacauan lan konflik meh ing endi wae. Hei, sampeyan ora ngerti.

Yen ora, paling aku kudu golek penerjemah Manungsa kanggo nerjemahake kabeh Materi tulis sing wis rampung saka Inggris lan Hindi menyang Basa liya. Ya, paling ora aku ora percaya karo penerjemah digital. Nanging ing wektu sing padha, aku ngalami akeh masalah sadurunge ngrampungake babagan kanggo nerjemahake ing Basa liya. Amarga yen ana sing diterjemahake ing basa liya, mula ora bisa diowahi utawa ditambahake. Kajaba iku, ora gampang nulis utawa ngomong sing paling ora bisa ngganggu mentalitas wong liya kanggo kepentingane dhewe yen ora kanggo kabeh wong. Mumbling katon kaya aku ora bakal mbukak www.nandverma.com kanggo umum manawa. Inggih, banjur katon kaya bakal dadi pertunjukan siji Man. Oalah, ora ana sing anyar kanggo aku.

Nanging nganti saiki isih ana Isi sing kasedhiya kanggo kabeh wong, sing miturut kawruhku bisa uga ora mbutuhake pangerten Basa kanggo nikmati sawetara perkara kanthi lengkap. Halo, dina iki Wong-wong ing saindenging jagad bakal omah-omah, sanajan ora ngerti basane saben liyane utawa ora bisa komunikasi. Mulane, kanggo seneng Gambar lan Seni lan desain dening Pak Nand L Verma mesthi ora mbutuhake kawruh Basa. Saliyane Koleksi Fusion Lagu-lagu paling apik lan Video saka Donya dening Pak Nand L Verma bisa uga ora mbutuhake pangerten Basa. Amarga aku seneng Lagu lan Video ing Basa Inggris wiwit, aku mikir 1994, apa manggon ing Amerika Serikat utawa ing India, nanging isih, aku ora ngerti kabeh Lyric Lagu lan Video ing Basa Inggris ing kabeh. Oalah.

Ayo ndeleng kepiye kabeh iki bakal diterjemahake ing Basa liya dening penerjemah Digital. Maksudku amarga basa Inggrisku ora 100 % sampurna lan bener, amarga akeh perkara sing bisa uga kacau sajrone terjemahan. Dadi, nikmati konten sing bisa uga ora mbutuhake pangerten babagan Basa. Nggoleki, sapa sing ngguyu?

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Hello, Aku ngomong bab sawetara isi kasedhiya ing www.nandverma.com Dadi, kanggo seneng Gambar dening Pak Nand L Verma. Seni lan Desings, dening Pak Nand L Verma lan koleksi paling apik saka Lagu lan koleksi Video saka Worldwide, dening Pak Nand L Verma, monggo klik link ing ndhuwur ing Basa Panjenengan. Ya, ing jejere sing padha uga ditulis ing Basa Inggris, supaya aku bisa nyambung kaca tengen. Matur nuwun.

Cathetan: Kabeh isi sing kasedhiya ing situs web kasedhiya (kajaba download gratis) kanggo ndeleng, maca lan ngrungokake mung nalika sampeyan ana ing World Wide Web. Mula, nggunakake isi ing wangun liya tanpa idin tinulis sing sah saka Pak Nand L Verma dilarang miturut perjanjian Hak Cipta Worldwide. Nanging isih, sampeyan bebas nuduhake link utawa alamat kaca lan situs web. © Kabeh hak dilindhungi undhang-undhang karo Pak Nand L Verma.

Terjemahan ing Basa sampeyan ditindakake liwat penerjemah digital Google kanthi gratis. Mulane, ing sawetara Basa, kabeh bisa uga ora diterjemahake kanthi bener 100% kaya sing dikarepake. Ora mung amarga penerjemah digital, nanging uga amarga akeh alasan liyane; kalebu cara aku nulis iki kabeh ing Basa Inggris. Dadi, kanggo maksud apa ora nyaman utawa misunderstanding aku Pak Nand L Verma lan www.nandverma.com ora bakal tanggung jawab ing sembarang wangun.

Ya, aku nyunting sawetara terjemahan ing Basa Hindi, sing dakkira adoh saka makna sing tepat amarga cara diterjemahake dening penerjemah digital. Mumbling Mugi ing basa liyane iku ndadekake pangertèn sing padha persis cara aku nulis kabeh ing Basa Inggris. Katon kaya Wong sing nggawe sebagian besar piranti lunak ora apik.

Yen ing Bumi versi sing bener saka Manungsa lan Kemanusiaan kalebu Bocah-bocah nandhang sangsara lan makna apa wae, aku uga sedhih babagan kahanan lan kahanan sing padha. Nanging kabeh wong diwasa ing saindenging jagad kalebu kabeh jinis Pamrentah lan sisteme kudu mikir kanthi serius, yen ing jaman kepungkur, akeh sing sengaja utawa ora sengaja nyumbang kanggo nggawe kahanan lan kahanan tartamtu ing Dina iki kanggo awake dhewe, Anak-anak lan kanggo Planet Bumi, amarga umume buta huruf, pendidikan sing salah, iman lan iman kanggo tartamtu utawa meh kabeh bisa nggawe Manungsa luwih elek tinimbang Kewan, utamané yen wiwit eksistensi Manungsa Kadonyan isih 80 kanggo 85% Manungsa Kadonyan kalebu ing kategori miskin, ing ngisor garis kemiskinan, makarya miskin lan berjuang kelas menengah. Apa wae sing salah, tragis, sedih, utawa ala, ora ana sing bisa ditindakake, nanging tetep miturut umur apa wae wektu sing isih ana ing urip iki, saben wong kudu duwe pilihan lan pilihan nyoba urip kanthi lengkap. kanthi kejujuran, bebener lan integritas tanpa eksploitasi lan ngapusi wong liya kanggo keuntungan lan bathi dhewe. Lan wong-wong sing pracaya ing reinkarnasi, ing saben pangertèn lan makna nyoba kanggo ninggalake kabeh konco luwih apik saka kang lair wong. opo? Aku ngandika, amarga sampeyan ora ngerti bisa uga wong bakal lair maneh ing Omah, Kulawarga, Desa, Kutha, Kutha, Negara lan Negara sing padha. ya. Nggoleki, sapa sing ngguyu? Sampeyan kudu serius ing wektu. Ora, aku ora kudu, amarga yen kasunyatan lan bebener sing ana hubungane karo karma apik lan ala iku bener, banjur sawise reinkarnasi, panggonane manungsa ing neraka utawa swarga ing Bumi kudu ditindakake dening sapa wae. Dadi, apa sampeyan nyoba ngomong, malah sawetara saka Sugih, Politikus lan tanggung jawab saka sawetara departemen ing Urip iki, sawise reinkarnasi bisa lair ing slum paling gedhe ing Bumi? Persis. Nanging, yen sawetara wong sing ala banget, bisu lan kebak manungsa ing Bumi, AI utawa sapa wae sing ngatur lan mbukak kabeh ing Bumi wiwit kapan ora bisa mati? Oalah, aku bakal terus nerusake bagean obrolan ing papan liya. Yen ora, iku kudu kasedhiya nang endi wae ing Book Journey of Life Volume 1 dening Pak Nand L Verma. Nanging yen ana wong sing ora pengin percaya utawa ragu-ragu babagan meh kabeh, banjur miwiti nyanyi salah sawijining Lagu ing basa Hindi, video saka Lagu kasebut ditampilake ing ngisor iki ing kaca iki. Nggoleki, sapa sing ngguyu? Mangga serius.


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(If on Earth right version of the Humans and Humanity including Childrens are suffering in any sense and meaning, I feel sad about the same situation and circumstances too. But all the Adults Worldwide including all kinds of Governments and their system should think very seriously, that if in the past most of them knowingly or unknowingly did contribute to create a particular kind of situation and circumstances of Today for themselves, their Childrens and for the Planet Earth too. Because most of the time illiteracy, wrong education, believes and faith related to particular or almost everything can make Humans worse than Animals too. Especially if since the existence of the Earthly Humans still 80 to 85% Earthly Humans falls into the categories of poor, below the poverty line, working poor and struggling middle class. So, whatever wrong, tragic, sad or bad happened in the past, nothing much can be done about that, but still according to the age whatever duration of time is left in this life, everyone should have a choice and option try to live the same fully with honesty, truth and integrity without exploiting and manipulating others for their own benefits and profits. And those of you believe in reincarnation, in every sense and meaning try to leave everything behind better than the one in which someone born. What? I said, because you never know may be someone will born again in a same House, Family, Village, Town, City, State and a Country. Yeah. Looking around, who is laughing? You better be serious in time. No, I don’t have to, because if the facts and truth related to good and bad karma is true, then after reincarnation placement of humans in a hell or heaven on Earth should be done accordingly by whoever. So, what you are trying to say, that even some of the Rich, Politicians and in charge of some of the department in this Life, after reincarnation can born in a biggest slum on Earth? Exactly. But so, if some of the very bad, dumb and full of inhumanity Earthly Humans, AIs or whoever manage and run everything on Earth since whenever are immortal? Anyway, I will keep continue this part of the conversation somewhere else. Otherwise, it should be available somewhere in a Book Journey of Life Volume 1 by Mr. Nand L Verma. But still if someone don’t want to believe into something or are doubted about almost everything, then start singing one of the Song in Hindi Language, video of that Song is displayed below on this this page. Looking around, who is laughing? Please be serious)


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Babagan terjemahan ing Basa ndhuwur (utamane yen ing jejere Basa sampeyan ing sisih, ing ngisor utawa ing ndhuwur uga ora ditulis ing basa Inggris) biasane ana ing ngisor link Video lan dhaptar lagu sing diterjemahake saka basa Inggris kaya sing ditulis ing ngisor iki. Nanging isih ana sawetara panyuntingan manual. bisa uga wis rampung. (Part of translation in above Language ( especially if beside your Language on the side, below or above also not written in English) mostly below the links of Videos and playlist got translate from an English Language as written below. But still in few manual editing may had been done.)

Best collections of the Songs and their Videos from worldwide. By Mr. Nand L Verma

Well, then you may find some of the Songs and their Videos in your Language too. But if you don’t, then either so far, I was not able to find them, or the Songs and their Videos I found were not suitable for the Worldwide audience, according to my best judgement and knowledge about the same. So, People in Music industry may learn few things new about Music, Songs and their Videos too, to make their Songs and Song’s Videos Worldwide popular too. Which should also mean making more Money in all kinds of Currencies too.

I would like to view, see or watch the best Fusion collection of the Songs and their Videos by Mr. Nand L Verma.

After clicking at any of the above links, it will take you to art, designs, and pictures by Mr. Nand L Verma as well as the best collection (according to my liking from worldwide) of the songs, their videos, and playlist by Mr. Nand L Verma too. To play video, click at the Play button; to stop or pause video, click anywhere at video; to play again a paused or stopped video, click anywhere at video. And if you don’t view the video to the end but want to watch the next one or any other video displayed on a page, don’t forget to stop or pause a playing video. Otherwise, at the same time, more than one video will keep playing. Which is not good. I mean, unless someone likes it that way. Looking around, who is laughing? Hello, most of the all kinds of debates on television are that way. Anyway. Otherwise, I am trying to make a system related to videos that makes them play automatically if someone enables the button “play all videos on this page as well as on the next page.” Beside this, if you keep clicking at any of the golden buttons placed on almost every page, that will walk you through almost every page of all kinds of video’s collections and their playlists by Mr. Nand L Verma as well as art, designs, pictures, lyrics, and all other available contents by Mr. Nand L Verma. Thanks for choosing: www.nandverma.com

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Otherwise, most of you Worldwide may did not see, view or watch the Videos of these all Songs ever before (except the Songs and their Videos in a Language or Languages the ones you understand) neither ever heard of them either. And under such circumstances sometime Humans Worldwide can miss the best things in their lives too. Looking at the People those got married before the existence of the Internet, and the Man those still remain bachelor after knowing the truth, that so many beautiful Females exist on Earth too. No, I am just kidding. Because finding a true love for Life or many should not be less then 8th wonder. What? I said, otherwise now I feel like, that another heaven is on Earth too, another heaven is on Earth too, another heaven is on Earth too. Well, I think you are open minded. Hey, freedom of thinking for sure to everyone, even if nothing else from whoever. And just that much flexibility can change a mentality for the sake of good too. Looking around, who is laughing about whatever? Hello, please be serious. But still, I also would like to make clear and sure, that from my side there is nothing personal to anyone whatever got said and explained in any form and nature in Songs and their Videos, neither from the People in the Videos to each other. I mean in case someone will understand everything lyrically in all the Songs and their Videos. Otherwise, just enjoy the show. But still, I tried my best to put these all Songs and their Videos on each and every Page in a particular order, so something in some way relates to all the viewers from Worldwide. Otherwise, sometimes it is not easy for Humans to explain and understand something or everything right. So please, don’t exaggerate something; because sometime exaggerations created by inferiority or superiority complex or both lead to misunderstandings, and misunderstandings to all kinds of tragedies. Beside this in almost every Humans as a whole personality and character everything may not stay the same as last Year, or even day before yesterday. Because on the way of Life almost every Humans everyday know, understand and evaluate something new. What? I said, but in here every day same old, same old to do and deal with. Well, if someone is 100% satisfied with the same, same, then while alive living a heavenly Life too. Otherwise, another option is always there, keep praying and doing everything in the hope of ending up in heaven after taking a last breath of Life. Anyway, forget about everything and enjoy all kinds of collections of Songs and their Videos by Mr. Nand L Verma.

Collection of the best Live Cams from Worldwide. Well, as almost 80% People Worldwide can’t even afford to travel around in their own State to see everything, therefore, forget about knowing anything about the People living Worldwide in different part of the Earth. Well, because of the same reason, I tried to collect some of the best Live Web cams from worldwide, but still in some of them if something got recorded 5 to 20 Minutes earlier to provide you a better quality of Video, for me that should be fine too. Otherwise, decision is always yours.

Well, right now I don’t have much of the contents available in this part of the Category, neither yet I was able to translate all the contents of my own in other Languages. Yeah, it is not as easy as it may seems. But still somehow, I was able to put this much together in all Languages including in Hindi Language just to open this portion of the Website. Even write this much in Hindi Language, first I have to find something on the World Wide Web which write at least this much for me in Hindi. After that, first I have to write Hindi words by spelling them in English, and if I don’t spell Hindi words right in English, then it will not write the right word in Hindi. Believe me I struggled a lot to have something written in Hindi this way.

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But still I got this much written in Hindi through the same. Then from the Web I copy and paste into the pages sitting in site builder. Before this the Site builder in which I used to make a website, text written in Hindi wasn’t getting adjusted on the pages the way it supposed to be while page is available on World Wide Web. Then I used to take a screenshot of the Text and then crop them with the photo editing Software. Yeah, after that everything used to stay at the same spot wherever you put them on a Page. But while using this site builder (World press) I think instead of screenshots I should be able to put the written text in Hindi directly on a page. And it won’t stretch. So, all I have to do copy and paste the saved Text from Yahoo site builder to World Press. Beside this I came to know, that now there is a Software available in which Hindi can be written through speech to text. Well, then all I have to do just speak to a Software in Hindi, and it will write the same in Hindi Language for me. And that is grate. I remember buying a same kind of software (I think in 1998 or between 1998 to 2000, Dragon speaking something like that, speech to text) to write in English Language too. And it was pretty good. That means I should be able to take over almost every part of Hindi Language too. No, I am just kidding, because taking every part, subject or matter related to any Country or World in any Language in the form of right discussion on the basis of facts and truth with the solution to improve everything to perfection is not possible for one person. Really? No, that is not true either. Because everyone from Family, Village, Town, City, State, Country or even to run the Universe choose one person. But still looks like all kinds of chaos and conflicts almost everywhere. Hey, then you never know. Otherwise, at least I have to find Human translators to translate all the finalized written Material from English and Hindi into other Languages. Yeah, defiantly at least I can’t trust digital translators. But at the same time, I am having so many problems before finalizing something to translate in other Languages. Because once something got translated in other Languages, then it may not be possible to edit or add something to the same. Beside this not easy at all to write or say something which at least jolt someone’s mentality a little bit for their own sake if not for the sake of everyone. Mumbling looks like I will not open www.nandverma.com for public for sure. Well, then looks like it is going to be a one Man show. Anyway, nothing new for me.

But until then still there are Contents available for everyone, which according to my best knowledge may not require an understanding of Language at all to enjoy few things fully. Hello, these days Worldwide People are getting marry, even if they don’t understand each other’s Language not at all or a little bit to communicate. Therefore, to enjoy Pictures and Art and designs by Mr. Nand L Verma surely don’t require any knowledge of Languages. Beside this Fusion Collections of the best Songs and their Videos from Worldwide by Mr. Nand L Verma may not necessarily require an understanding of Language at all either. Because I am enjoying Songs and their Videos in English Language since, I think 1994, whether living in USA or in India, but still, I don’t understand a whole Lyric of Songs and their Videos in English Language at all. Anyway.

Let’s see how these all are going to get translated in other Languages by a Digital translator. I mean as my English is not 100 % perfect and correct therefore, because of the same many things may get messed up too during translation. So, enjoy the contents those may not require any understanding of Languages at all. Looking around, who is laughing? Hello, I am talking about some of the available Contents at www.nandverma.com  So, to enjoy Pictures by Mr. Nand L Verma. Art and Desings, by Mr. Nand L Verma and the best collection of the Songs and their Videos collection from Worldwide, by Mr. Nand L Verma, please click any of the given link above in your Language. Yeah, beside that the same is written in English Language too, so I can link a right page. Thanks.

Note: All the available contents on a website are available (except free download) to view, read and listen only while you are on the World Wide Web. Therefore, using contents in any other form without a valid written permission from Mr. Nand L Verma is prohibited under the Copyright treaty Worldwide. But still, you are free to share a link or address of the pages and Website. © All rights reserved with Mr. Nand L Verma.

Translation in your Languages are done through a Google digital translator for free. Therefore, in some of the Languages everything may not got translated 100% right the way it supposed to be. Not only because of the digital translator, but also because of so many other reasons too; including the way I wrote these all in English Language. So, for any inconvenience or misunderstanding I Mr. Nand L Verma and www.nandverma.com will not be responsible in any form.

Yeah, I edited some of the translation in Hindi Language, which I thought was way off from the exact meaning because the way it got translated by a digital translator. Mumbling I hope in other languages it makes the same exact sense the way I wrote everything in English Language. Looks like People in making most of the software are not good at all.


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Nyanyi Laguku dhewe. (Dening Pak Nand L Verma)

Kita kabeh padha manungsa Bumi,
kanthi kabutuhan lan tumindak urip sing padha.
Dadi, kepiye yen warna kulit lan fitur rai beda?
Nanging, kita kabeh duwe weteng sing padha.

Kita kabeh manungsa ing jagad sing padha,
apa ana sing adoh utawa cedhak
Kabutuhan lan komitmen sing padha kanggo urip bebarengan,
ing kabeh jinis cuaca.
Dadi, yen werna kulit lan pasuryan beda?
Nanging, kita kabeh duwe weteng sing padha kanggo dipakani.
kanthi kabutuhan lan tumindak urip sing padha.

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Banjur apa gunane kabeh jinis konflik?
Nalika nggawe awake dhewe dadi ketagihan,
babagan perkara-perkara sing ora penting.
Babagan game saiki kudu pecah.
Dadi, ayo nyoba nggawe jagad iki luwih apik,
Ora kanggo gedhe utawa cilik, nanging kanggo kabeh.

Amarga kita kabeh padha manungsa Bumi,
kanthi kabutuhan lan tumindak urip sing padha.
Dadi, kepiye yen warna kulit lan fitur rai beda?
Nanging, kita kabeh duwe weteng sing padha.

Sesuk bisa luwih apik, ing kabeh makna lan cara.
Dadi, ora ketompo carane dina iki.
Ayo padha nyoba kanggo nggawe sesuk luwih apik bebarengan.
Dadi, kita ora duwe kasangsaran kanggo ngelingi.

Amarga kita kabeh padha manungsa Bumi,
kanthi kabutuhan lan tumindak urip sing padha.
Dadi, kepiye yen warna kulit lan fitur rai beda?
Nanging, kita kabeh duwe weteng sing padha.

Kajaba gambar Pak Nand L Verma, gambar ing ndhuwur sing ditampilake ing lirik yaiku AI-generated.

© All rights reserved with Mr. Nand L Verma

Singing my own Song. (By Mr. Nand L Verma)

We all are the same Earthly Humans,

with the same needs and Life’s deed.

So, what if skin color and facial features are different?

Still, we all have same stomach to feed.

We are all human beings in the same world,
whether someone is far away or close by
Same needs and commitment to life together,
in all kinds of weather.
So, if skin color and face is different?
Still, we all have the same stomach to feed.
with the same needs and Life’s deeds.

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Then what is the use of all kinds of conflicts?
While making ourselves all kinds of addicts,
about the things those shouldn’t matter.
About the game now should shatter.
So, let’s try to make our world better,
Not for the big or small, but for the sake of all.

Because we all are the same Earthly Humans,
with the same needs and Life’s deed.
So, what if skin color and facial features are different?
Still, we all have same stomach to feed.

Tomorrow can be better, in every meaning and way.
So, it doesn’t matter how it is today.
Let’s try to make tomorrow better together.
So, we don’t have miseries to remember.

Because we all are the same Earthly Humans,
with the same needs and Life’s deed.
So, what if skin color and facial features are different?
Still, we all have same stomach to feed.

Except Mr. Nand L Verma’s pictures, the above images displayed in a lyric are AI-generated.

© All rights reserved with Mr. Nand L Verma

Yen isih ana sing ora yakin utawa mangu-mangu babagan meh kabeh, mula nyanyi karo wong-wong ing ngisor iki ing Video.(If still someone is not sure or doubted about almost everything then starts singing with the people below in the Video.)


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Padha nyanyi; Mboten kesupen, cak, kabeh kekacoan! Saben dalan lurus ana dalan sing bengkong, saben dalan lurus ana dalan sing bengkok! Mboten kesupen, cak, kabeh kekacoan! Golmaal Golmaal, Golmaal iku Golmaal, kabeh iku Golmaal! Yen sampeyan luwe roti banjur entuk dhuwit, kanggo entuk dhuwit sampeyan uga butuh dhuwit! Yen sampeyan ora entuk apa sing dikarepake banjur kringet, nalika kringet sampeyan butuh saputangan. Ya wis rame-rame, cak, kabeh dadi kacau! Golmaal Golmaal, Golmaal iku Golmaal, kabeh iku Golmaal! Kabeh iku bingung, saben dalan sing lurus iku dalan sing bengkok, saben dalan sing lurus iku dalan sing bengkok! Iku kekacoan, cak, kabeh iku kekacoan! Sanadyan saputangan digawe kanthi nyuwek klambi, kain uga dibutuhake kanggo klambi! Eh, ana sing nyumbang kain. Ayo, menyang tukang jahit lan jahitan dhisik! Cak, kabeh iku hoax! Heh heh heh, saben dalan sing lurus ana dalan sing bengkong, saben dalan sing lurus ana dalan sing bengkok, iku bingung, cak, kabeh dadi bingung! Golmal Maal Gol Gol Golgolmal! Kabeh iku hoax. Ora ana sing dijupuk klambi sing ora dijahit, klambi sing dijahit butuh jahitan, dhuwit kanggo menehi jahitan, dhuwit kanggo entuk dhuwit. Ya wis pisah cak, kabeh iku pedhot, pedhot, pedhot, pedhot! Saben dalan lurus ana dalan sing bengkong, saben dalan sing lurus ana dalan sing bengkok! Iki kekacoan, cak, kabeh dadi kacau! Golmaal Golmaal!


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They are singing; It’s a mess, brother, everything is a mess! Every straight path has a crooked path, every straight path has a crooked path! It’s a mess, brother, everything is a mess! Golmaal Golmaal, Golmaal is Golmaal, everything is Golmaal! If you are hungry for bread then earn money, to earn money you also need money! If you don’t get what you want then to sweat, when you sweat you need a handkerchief. Yes, it’s a mess, brother, everything is a mess! Golmaal Golmaal, Golmaal is Golmaal, everything is Golmaal! Everything is confusion, every straight path is a crooked path, every straight path is a crooked path! It’s a mess, brother, everything is a mess! Even if the handkerchief is made by tearing the shirt, cloth is needed for the shirt too! Hey, someone has donated the cloth. Come on, go to the tailor and get it stitched first! Brother, everything is a hoax! Heh heh heh, every straight path has a crooked path, every straight path has a crooked path, it’s a confusion, brother, everything is a confusion! Golmal Maal Gol Gol Gol Golgolmal! Everything is a hoax. Nothing is taken on an unstitched shirt, a stitched shirt needs a stitch, money is needed to give the stitch, money is needed to earn money. Yes, it’s a breakup, brother, everything is a breakup, it’s a breakup, it’s a breakup, it’s a breakup! Every straight path has a crooked path, every straight path has a crooked path! It’s a mess, brother, everything is a mess! Golmaal Golmaal!

गोलमाल है भाई सब गोलमाल है! हर सीधे रास्ते की एक टेढ़ी चाल है, सीधे रास्ते की एक टेढ़ी चाल है! गोलमाल है भाई सब गोलमाल है! गोलमाल गोलमाल, गोलमाल है सब गोलमाल है! भूख रोटी की हो तो पैसा कमाइए, पैसा कमाने के लिए भी पैसा चाहिए! माँगे से ना मिले तो पसीना बहाइये, बहता है जब पसीना तो रूमाल चाहिए! हो गोलमाल है भाई सब गोलमाल है! गोलमाल गोलमाल, गोलमाल है सब गोलमाल है! सब गोलमाल है, हर सीधे रास्ते की एक टेढ़ी चाल है, सीधे रास्ते की एक टेढ़ी चाल है! गोलमाल है भाई सब गोलमाल है! रुमाल बन गया भी गर कमीज फाड़ कर, कमीज़ के लिए भी तो फिर कपड़ा चाहिए! अरे कपडा किसी ने दान ही में दे दिया चलो, दर्जी के पास जा के वो पहले सिलाइये! भाई सब गोलमाल है! हे हे हे हे, हर सीधे रास्ते की एक टेढ़ी चाल है, सीधे रास्ते की एक टेढ़ी चाल है, गोलमाल है भाई सब गोलमाल है! गोलमाल माल गोल गोल गोल गोलगोलमाल है! सब गोलमाल है गोलमाल. बिन सिली क़मीज़ पे तो कुछ नहीं लिया, सिली हुयी क़मीज़ पे सिलाई चाहिए, सिलाई देने के लिए फिर पैसा चाहिए, पैसा कमाने के लिए फिर पैसा चाहिए! हो गोलमाल है भाई सब गोलमाल है, गोलमाल गोलमाल, गोलमाल है! हर सीधे रास्ते की एक टेढ़ी चाल है, सीधे रास्ते की एक टेढ़ी चाल है! गोलमाल है भाई सब गोलमाल है! गोलमाल गोलमाल!


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