B00000028 Videos LCWV01P1 Collection ( Live Cams, Worldwide) By Mr. Nand L Verma


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The best collection of live webcams from around the world and their playlist. Volume 1, Page 1. By Mr. Nand L Verma.

To play any video below, please click the play button. To stop or pause a video, click anywhere on the video. Since these are all live webcams, the videos will not stop by themselves. However, if your internet speed is slow, the live webcam videos may not play as they should. To provide you with better video quality, if some of the videos were recorded two to five minutes earlier, that should be fine atleast with me. What? I said, and if you know that you are Live on the World Wide Web, then say hello to the Word. Yeah. Parental discretion advised. About the collections; by Mr. Nand L VermaAbout Mr. Nand L Verma


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Right now, you are at, the best Collection of Live Cameras from Worldwide and their playlist. Volume 1 Page 1. By Mr. Nand L Verma.

Total Pages of this Volume; 1. Total Videos 40.

1            2             3             4            5  

Not easily acceptable Worldwide in this Century

Universe, Earth, Humans, Human’s requirements, inventions  and conflicts between them for the same

This is a part of U.S.A too

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Note: If you came here just to enjoy the best live web cameras from around the world, it is not necessary to read the text below. Besides, if you already read the text below on any other page of the best collection of live cameras and their playlists from around the world, it is the same below. Otherwise, the choice is all yours.

So, before the existence of live webcams, whatever people worldwide used to think related to the same, all of them may not have been live broadcasts; instead, the same thing may have been recorded earlier. For me, it is fine if the videos of the webcams I choose are recorded 10 to 15 minutes earlier to provide a better quality video to viewers worldwide. Besides, now that 5G or other kinds of lightning speed Internet are available, owners of live webcams should not have any problem showing things as they are happening.

As people worldwide, including myself, have become more knowledgeable and aware of many things due to the Internet, everyone should have been knowledgeable and aware of many things, if not everything, which were otherwise totally unknown to most people worldwide. Therefore, I felt that after spending ten years in school and two years in college, the education system implemented by the government, or allowed by various governments, forgot to teach me many important things.

I am not sure if this situation is a deliberate act in any state or country by some government employees, or if this is what the government and some employees are capable of understanding about educating students in schools and colleges. Evaluating the best and the meaning of success and being successful in the world for any individual, family, village, town, city, state, or country depends on the living standards of the people.

Besides living standards, how much money and all other kinds of wealth someone has also play a role. Otherwise, sooner or later, whatever someone owns individually, as a family, in a village, town, city, state, or country can become worthless if the government of a country defaults on loans. Additionally, nothing much holds value internationally if the whole country looks like a slum, and most people and their government in a state or country are only good at inventing worthless conflicts, beliefs, faith, cheap labor, political instabilities, and wars with other countries.

Although under democracy, democratic capitalism, and all kinds of governments, almost all decisions are taken by a bunch of people in the government, but still, many bad and wrong things on the ground, in society, and in culture can also exist because of the people. Most of the time, the consequences for the people, the state, or the country may not be welcomed by some of the economically and living standard-wise well-established countries worldwide. Why? Because they know that once you enter their country legally or illegally, you will not go back to your country. But hey, some countries have cheap labor and the required labor to do all kinds of odd jobs which citizens of that particular country hate to do or don’t do. However, most citizens of some countries also think that they don’t want people from particular countries in their country at all. What does this mean? It means that someone being poor or otherwise stuck in their village, town, city, state, or country for life. Yeah.

Therefore, I collected some live webcams from around the world to understand many things, such as why it is impossible for some people living in many countries to visit other countries worldwide. Although watching something on a digital screen may look more perfect, neat, and clean, many villages, towns, cities, states, and countries worldwide can actually be that way. I know this for sure because I have personally seen it. But then why do some states and countries in the world still look like a slum? In that case, the governments and some of the government’s employees of that state or country should be held accountable in every sense and meaning, but local bodies of the government are responsible too.

Besides this, even after the existence of the Internet, people living in some of the poor and undeveloped nations should know very well about the particular kind of living, sanitary, and hygiene standards required in their villages as a whole too.


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Because only then everyone in a village, including children, can stay mentally and physically healthy to achieve something in their lives. But still, even after knowing the truth, many people living in some villages will do the opposite. Even in families, people in the villages may live like the border of India and Pakistan or the ongoing war in Russia and Ukraine. Looking around, who is laughing? Well, well, well, you better be careful before believing that all villagers are good and very innocent people. Because in reality and truth, some villagers can be the worst people in the whole world, instead of good and innocent.

So, instead of things getting better as a whole, even in the villages, they may be getting worse in the form of all kinds of dirty politics, jealousy, domination, and all kinds of worthless conflicts. Well, then some people can make the biggest mistake in their life by considering all villagers good, nice, and innocent people. What? I said, maybe originals are replaced by duplicates, or foreign and bad politicians’ hands are involved to remote control villagers. Well, I am not sure about that, but altogether things don’t look good. Because only being good in dirty politics, being jealous, or always remotely controlled means to me, not the right version of humans and humanity.

Otherwise, if right now I am living in India, I don’t want anyone to control my life directly or indirectly in any sense and meaning from the USA. Hey, I lived in the USA for a long time, therefore, there must be a reason for taking a particular kind of decision. You know what I mean. Anyway. Well, it may not be easy for someone to be perfect from head to toe in 2023, whether as an individual, family, village, town, city, state, or country. To look good on a live webcam as a particular place, area, village, town, city, state, or whole country depends on a few things for sure, because everyone can see the difference on their small or big digital screens. Otherwise, to look good individually, someone needs a nice background and, as a whole, a nice, neat, and clean place where they live. If everything around is good or perfect nature-wise, that may be a plus point too.

These days, everyone knows about all kinds of pollution in the air, which can lead to zero visibility. In that case, even live cameras can’t show something perfect as a whole about a particular area of nature, village, town, city, state, or country. But then what is the use of having something perfect or heavenly? I have no idea. Therefore, sometimes some of you worldwide may want to convict some of your government or their employees for criminal offenses, especially if 80% of the population in a state or country, because of poverty, working poor, or struggling middle class, can’t even afford to travel around in their state to see and know about it as a whole.

If, even in 2023, local people do not stop their government, some businesses, and some people from polluting the air, water, and soil, then in the future, things can become more harmful even for newborn children to grow up mentally and physically healthy. If you don’t believe me, please view the video below.


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If you would like to view more videos related to the same situation and circumstances on Earth, please click the following link. Universe, Earth, Humans, Human’s requirements, inventions and conflicts between them for the same. Otherwise, why do any newborns and children have to go through all these challenges on Earth because of their parents, governments, and government systems? What? I said, but didn’t Mr. Genghis Khan almost rule half the world once? Hello, China and India may have existed before the USA too. Yeah, altogether it is a very sad history of humans on Earth, but the height of it is that even in 2023, almost all the governments and earthly humans haven’t learned any lessons. Anyway.

But still, I found some live webcams from around the world that will allow people to view parts of the world they may never be able to afford to visit. Even if some of these were built in a time and era when today’s technologies and machines didn’t exist, many things or as a whole, some countries may look pretty good through these live webcams. Because of this, people worldwide can evaluate many things about the people and governments of a particular country. It’s like sometimes you can evaluate people as a whole personality and character based on the way they look, behave, discuss, or talk. I am not going to include living standards because even people living in some world-class cities or developing nations can’t afford the required living standard of everything.

Otherwise, still trusting everything on the World Wide Web and through it, in many cases, remains not only doubtful but also can be totally fraudulent too. So, try not to do something wrong from behind the computer and smartphones by thinking you won’t get caught ever. Although, as everyone knows now, even in real life, original physical identity can be changed, but still, in the time and era of these technologies, after some time, someone may catch up with the people who even faked their death. Well, then don’t do anything wrong and criminal. Because even dumb people like me got much smarter figuring out many things and the truth about the evil side of humans just by themselves. What? I said, and as you wrote many times, most of the time, people don’t have to go very far to find all kinds of evils. Yeah. That is true too.

What? I said, besides this, now everyone knows about all kinds of physical fights and shouting matches that go on in parliaments too. Yeah. No good. Anyway. Otherwise, a few wealthy people even exist in the poorest state or country in the world too. So, if someone’s village, town, state, or country as a whole looks like a slum or garbage, or even being perfect, smoke is everywhere, then they can’t even put the live webcams anywhere for the world to see their whatever. Yeah. And 1000% of the blame goes to the central government and some of their employees. Because if it is a country, then all the laws and legal guidelines to build any infrastructure and run any kind of business not only must be the same but also some of the central or federal government’s employees supervise too. Because in that case, the central or federal government and some of their employees will not have state governments and their local bodies to blame for any of the chaos, mismanagement, poor infrastructure, or building a slum. What? I said, especially if almost all the states in a country survive or run by taking a loan and all kinds of financial help from the central or federal government. But so, if someone’s central or federal government and most of their employees are not only corrupt but dumb too?


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Well, in that case either sooner or later Country will go bankrupt, like they say, only God can save. Otherwise after knowing the truth of a slum and garbage everywhere in a State or a Country, not many foreign investors will invest in someone’s State or a Country their honestly earned money in hard currency at all. What? I said, good, otherwise price of something which got constructed by the shareholders Money should keep going up and up every Year to feed the shareholders. Yeah, but if Country totally or partially rely on some kind of import, and exporter don’t take their local currency, then everyone knows what can happen within a day. Everything in a Country including all their Citizens may become worthless. Which also includes the sacrifices of People in armed forces or whoever those died to make or save a Country for their particular kinds of Citizens. Mumbling, I wish in School or College I had only this paragraph to read to know the real truth about People and financial System of the World.

Otherwise, I don’t think that anyone may want to put a live Webcam in a part of their State or a Country if the same is full of garbage or looks like a slum. What? I said, but still, some of the People can show their perfect or extra ordinary talent or whatever by just sitting in their average neat and clean Room. Yeah. But I think that kind of Live cams should fall in to a different Category.

Because in here we are talking about evaluating something as a whole Country. And in the Internet Time an era the same also can be evaluated not only through the Internet but also through Live Webcams too. Beside this everyone knows that some of the People may be able to hack even Live Webcam, which also include Cameras in Peoples Phones, Computers, Televisions, Offices, Homes and other Places. Even all kinds of Scammers Cams got hacked too. So, not sure where things are heading. Checking on the Internet, that from which Country most of the Rich People moved to some of the Countries. Mumbling, I hope they don’t take all the hard Currency too. What? I said, otherwise everyone knows what happens when all things are local, and Country don’t have hard currency to import whatever. Yeah, yeah, I know that I wrote this almost on every Page, but so if most of the Students Worldwide still studying in a kind and type of Schools and Colleges in which I did? Beside this if even in 2023, all the Parents are not aware of these all complexities those comes with by having your own State or a Country to practice your own Religion, then almost at some point Life can get very complicated to live for everyone.

“OK, I am not saying, that someone’s Country’s value as a whole is going to increase by building just Skyscrapers, and the most expensive Real Estate in a State or a Country. Beside this building a Manhattan New York in an area in which 100, 1000 or half a Million Miles surrounding area is Empty, is not a wise idea either. Otherwise, Manhattan in New York USA have to build Skyscrapers, because there isn’t any Empty land around. Looking around, who is Laughing? Hello, I am serious. Because sometime mentality of some of the Politicians, Head of the Department in the Governments, or whoever runs a Family, Village, Town, City, State, Country or World can have a Mentality of Children below the age of Twelve too. What? I said, transfer them to bunk bed Life in a Sea for a while. Look at all kinds of best Warships in the World. Yeah. People in the Armed forces even can’t put Live Webcams.


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n reality and truth, the world of humans on Earth is very unfair, dysfunctional, and selfish. Mumbling, if my doubt or suspicion is not totally wrong, then indirectly, very bad and scary stuff may be going on between the civilian government and the armed forces even in the same country. What? I said, that means in the future, maybe everyone will have to sleep in bunk beds or open halls, even while living in one of the most expensive real estate areas in a country or the world. Maybe. I told you that mental sickness can exist in many ways. Because even someone can become mentally sick just by thinking, “Why do I have to stay away from my family for many months, a year, years, or at least for 10 months for sure?” What? I said, well, then even if all civilians in a country have LMGs, it still may not be easy to fight with well-trained and better-equipped people in the armed forces.

Otherwise, everything can still be changed on this planet Earth for the sake of humans and humanity within a year, only with peace, while understanding the whole concept of life too. In which at least everyone can afford a required living standard and lifestyle to be fully happy and healthy. And after that, at least one main part of earthly humans’ problems can be eliminated forever.

Otherwise, as everyone worldwide should know very well, before the Internet, most or all people worldwide used to know whatever people in their family, friend circle, village, town, city, state, country, education system, governments, religion, and system of the government wanted them to know for some reason. And I and all of you worldwide shouldn’t have any problem accepting the same if these all provided every human in a state, country, or worldwide at least the required basics to live a happy and healthy life for everyone. Otherwise, even just to afford basics in life, still 80% of people in every state or country don’t earn enough, struggle a lot, or have to work to their death. But then, how can someone consider themselves good in anything in the form of the right version of a system, government, religion, and spirituality even in 2023?

What? I said, looks like a plan B to me to control the damage caused by the dysfunction of almost everything. Mumbling, I think mind, body, and thought control technology really exists. Not with the aliens but maybe with a few earthly humans. What? I said, otherwise the excuse is always there, kai log yeh Kaliyug hai, aur Kaliyug mein aisa hee hota hai. Now I am also doubtful about the same whatever too. Because sometimes I feel like these are well-thought calculations about humans and their whatever to hide the failure of some people. But don’t many things then come under manipulation and conspiracy theories?

But anyway, all the live webcams here should be real. Otherwise, still, I think even in some of the live webcams, someone should be able to change a background to hide their location. Otherwise, isn’t it a miracle that people can see each other live no matter where they live on Earth? Mumbling looks like my spellchecker doesn’t believe in miracles because if you don’t believe in something, you don’t recognize them. But in World Press, it does recognize the word miracle.


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Or maybe even spellcheckers have a very short memory like me. Otherwise, if 80% of people in a village, town, city, state, country, or worldwide can’t afford to travel, then look, you can see that part of whatever on your smartphones, computers, or 100-inch television screens even live too. But because of whom? Hello, because of the inventor of the Internet. But no one worships that person. Besides this, most users of the Internet worldwide may not even know the name of the person who invented the Internet. And I am sure that in most schools, they don’t teach the names of such inventors to their children either. Because then children may get influenced by other religions, thinking, why do all the dumb things exist only in our religion?

I said, even if in reality, most of the poor and rich people from all over the world directly or indirectly would like to move to some of the countries. Yeah. And I hope it is not true, that in India, there is a temple somewhere too, where people pray to get a foreign visa. Sawarg wahain bhee hai, swarg wahain bhee hai, brabhu jeetai jee nark sai chutkara deelaoo. Aur Bhagwaan sochta hoga kee, Loji karlo baat, per fir duniya ko ye religiously aur spiritually kaisai samjhayengay kee we all are Vasudev katumbh. Mumbling Angrazee mai Katumbh bhee Katumbh ban jata hai. Now, most people worldwide may search for the meaning of Vasudev Katumbh on the Internet. And because of that, some people can make more money too. Hello, traffic to search engines and websites related to Vasudev Katumbh will increase. And then, some people may also say internally, that Internet banane walai Amar ho. And that is the only true internal and silent voice heard by invisible forces. Otherwise, even in the Internet era, writing publicly about all these things can come with many risks too.

Anyway, singing, Jab Payar Kiya to Darn Kya———–. Or jab okhlee mai saur Daal hee diya hai to moosaloon sai darta kyaa. Mumbling, almost six months have passed in India since 5/27/22, but still waiting for my very little monthly Social Security money from the US Government. (Actually I got my money after like 24 Months) Hello, even in the most powerful country in the world during COVID-19, just after two months, people were looking for free food in their luxury cars. So even by having governments, religions, and government systems in place since whenever, still most or almost all humans worldwide, after a particular age or since their childhood, have to spend their whole life either struggling to have the basics in life or more than enough of everything. And as everyone knows, to have the same in life, some, most, or all humans in some way may have to destroy, manipulate, mislead, or even kill each other. But hey, still look at the population of religious and spiritual people worldwide. But then where is the logic? What? I said, search with the magnifier glass. In childhood, I remember burning our hands or paper with a magnifier glass with the sunlight. Yeah, that time doing so was very exciting too, or just keep rubbing the skin on the hand or forehead until the skin gets peeled off and that part of the hand or forehead starts to bleed.

Otherwise, I am sure that even in 2022, not many people and their families can afford to see everything in their own district or state by traveling around. So, forget about seeing anything or everything in their own country and worldwide. But then, what is the use of having something your own as a state or country? What? I said, to make some people locally, nationally, or internationally rich or very rich. But how? I said, by providing a supply of very, very cheap and unlimited labor.


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Otherwise, how many White Americans, very similar to your skin color and eyes, wash dishes or do housekeeping in a motel where very bad people come to stay? Thinking, that can be true, because before coming to the USA, I used to work in a five-star super deluxe hotel. And in that kind of hotel, you have to do only the job assigned to you according to your designation while working in a particular department. So, for example, if you are a manager, then you don’t have to mop and broom the floor. But in the USA, even managers or owners of businesses may have to do all kinds of work by working maybe eighty or ninety hours a week. And most businesses may survive because of the minimum wages on which most of the employees can’t afford to pay even the rent of a one-bedroom apartment. What? I said, then live in cars to increase the price of gasoline. But then, what can be the worst inhumanity, unholiness, and violation of human rights? What? I said, under which you are not allowed to speak and protest. But why does someone have to speak and protest if they are happy at least by affording the required basics to live a happy and healthy life while having a job and work? What? I said, in that case, democracy and capitalism will go bankrupt. Therefore, keeping some of the working-class people poor, below the poverty line, or working poor is required. But then who is the creator of poverty, and because of the same, all kinds of crimes exist? Well, everyone knows that for sure. But then, who should get convicted legally if forcing people to do all kinds of crime by creating or keeping poverty? I think the government and its system. What? I said, especially some of the lawyers and judges. Because I don’t think that so far, any lawyer has put such an argument in front of the judges, neither has any judge thought about it. But then how are people, responsible people in the government and system going to find a way out of a ditch if afraid of not discussing or presenting the truth even to serve justice? What? I said, either putting people in jail or starting all kinds of conflicts and wars. See, so simple.

But then why all these lectures, books, and speeches related to gods, goddesses, humanity, religions, dignity, integrity, brilliance, sacrifices, and blah, blah, blah? What? I said, to keep idiots energetic until everything collapses, and all kinds of conflicts, civil wars, and world wars start. And then drop the most dangerous bombs or use biological weapons directly or indirectly to kill almost everyone on Earth. And after 5, 10, 15, 20, or 30 years, look, only Adam and Eve in the Garden of whatever naked again. Zooming my perfect eyes on a picture of Adam and Eve. Both look white to me. What? I said, Black Lives Matter starts in Kaliyuga. Well, whatever you say. Yeah, sometimes even if you don’t tell, accept, or write the truth, then legally, religiously, and spiritually, even human sentiments related to truth and facts get hurt too. So, telling, discussing, saying, and writing any truth in a civilized way with a legal point should also be protected under the same laws that protect religious and other kinds of sentiments from getting hurt. Otherwise, 80% of earthly humans, including children, may never be free from the clutches of poverty, working poor, and struggling middle class. What? I said, that is why being alive, most people do everything for the sake of going to heaven after death. Well, things again come down to the same thing, that how can someone do good karma required to go to heaven? Especially if 80% of earthly humans are either poor, working poor, or struggling middle class, and 20% somehow got benefited from the same situation. What? I said, doesn’t this whole thing sound a little fishy too? Mumbling, I can’t stand the smell of fish in some of the fish markets. Anyway, so far, I may have eaten seafood once or twice in my whole life. Otherwise, while looking at something through webcams, viewers don’t smell anything, even if all kinds of bad smells are there.


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But then, who should get blamed for all these wars, conflicts, and civil wars? What? I said, people with white skin. Wow, that was quick. Let me check. Yeah, I think 95% of Europeans, Americans, Canadians, Australians, British, Chinese, Japanese, people from Thailand, Koreans, Indians (including people from Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, and Pakistan), people in Hispanic countries, as well as people living in Muslim countries, either have white or very fair skin. Well, I am not sure if it is possible to change skin color within a month or week. Otherwise, everyone knows about the skin color of white Russians and the people living in the 25 countries that separated from Russia.

Besides this, before the existence of the internet and live webcams, it was not even possible to verify the gender of a person before getting married. What? I said, in that case, if there is a culture, tradition, or whatever of arranged marriages, and education about sex and genders is prohibited before puberty, then someone may get stuck with whatever they got after the marriage. Surprise, surprise. I mean, if the couple has a separate room for themselves with at least a 100-watt light bulb. Otherwise, someone may never ever know the truth about whatever. That is scary. Because sometimes on the World Wide Web, I came across some videos in which, after the marriage on the first night, some of the brides turned out to be not females, and some of the grooms not males. Isn’t it a crime to hide your true gender? Otherwise, as I wrote, whatever kind of gender someone is born with must have the same rights as males or females. “OK, I wrote born with, because that is very important. Otherwise, now in many ways, live webcams can be used to verify so many things too. Yeah, make sure not to share a few things with the wrong and inhuman people, who may later blackmail a person to whom someone sent their nude pictures or videos for some reason. Yeah, Earth is full of low-life and mentally sick people too. What? I said, Kali Mata ko bulaoo. Yeah, even I don’t like gods and goddesses who don’t believe in cleaning up all kinds of crap in the form of inhumanity on Earth. Otherwise, it doesn’t mean that all people with white skin are dumb or whatever. Because most of the inventors, because of whom everyone’s lives on Earth (including Black people and people of color) got easier to live, look white to me. Because the invention of anything that makes humans’ lives on Earth or anywhere in the universe easier to live is very, very important too. And that may be the only alternative to minimize or eliminate all the wars and conflicts between humans to have at least the basics required by everyone. Mumbling, looks like some of the written material got edited by hackers. I hope they are not capable of changing the digits of votes and so many other things too.

Otherwise, as I wrote somewhere, even if on live cams or on the World Wide Web someone’s country as a whole looks like a slum, and garbage is everywhere, then even foreign investment and spending may not come into the country at all. Therefore, it is very important that the central or federal government provide a legal guideline or a plan to build all kinds of infrastructure throughout the country.


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And like I wrote above, after that, the central or federal government will not have state governments and their local bodies to blame for anything. What? I said, otherwise, as everyone knows now, what happens in a country when exporters don’t take your country’s currency. I hope it is not true that even countries like India or Nepal have to import made-in-USA potato chips for their beloved citizens. Hello. And look how people are proud of eating made-in-USA potato chips in their countries. If I am not wrong, then it is called an inferiority complex created by poverty. Well, if it is not fake news, then something is very wrong with some governments and their beloved citizens. I hope the governments of India and Nepal don’t have to pay in USD to import potato chips. What? I said, especially if farmers have to dump their potatoes on the road to protest because they are not getting the required price in the market. Yeah. Well, is it only me, or do you also see some of the evils or katputlies everywhere? Yeah, after the existence of the Internet, I came to know about so many weird things, not only about humans but about their governments and government systems too. What? I said, now I am sure that people living in Area 52 have mind control technology for sure. No, that can’t be true, because I know many people who are the way they are because of their own mentality and beliefs. Otherwise, at least in the time and era of the Internet, almost everyone worldwide should have a choice and common sense to create the right version of humans and humanity in themselves.

Otherwise, I am sure that any responsible version of biological or adoptive parents, including governments, never wants to leave behind a bankrupt country for their children, nor a state with debt. That means even if you and your children are personally debt-free, you still owe a portion of your country’s debt. So, approximately in 2022, every citizen of India, including children, owed 60,000 Indian rupees, and the same goes for US citizens, who owed $60,000 per person. Although states and countries receive a certain amount of loans based on their economic growth, the same can still be fragile or based on cooked books, just like some big corporations do to stay afloat for a while.

Anyway, the government of every country should be legally obligated to display an import list of all kinds of goods and the payment method for them on their websites. But why this lecture here? So everyone knows where they stand as a state or country and what the responsibilities of every person living in a country are. Otherwise, if someone’s towns and cities either look like slums or are very, very congested, then in reality, everything may value zero.

According to living standards and their requirements to accommodate all kinds of technologies, even in 2023, it may be impossible to implement or construct in most or all old houses, buildings, and beside roads or any kind of railway tracks. What? I said, then even a city like London may become worthless. Yeah, otherwise, you have to demolish at least one or two lanes of buildings to make it feasible. But then you have to demolish the lanes of buildings on which someone has to build something from scratch. That means if a building had two stories before, the new buildings must have eight or more stories. Well, then practically, someone has to demolish a whole city or town if they want to build something on the same space or place, which can be much more expensive than building everything new on an empty space. So, enough all kinds of materials to recycle from the old infrastructure.


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Otherwise, I came to know about London while watching a live bus cam. Although once I did stay in London for like 12 to 14 hours (I think in December 2001, yeah not sure) while getting a transit visa at Heathrow Airport, because my connected flight to the USA was after 20 hours. Yeah, believe me, spending that much time at the airport is not fun at all. Otherwise, when it comes to building everything from scratch on an empty space, slum towns, cities, and countries have not much to lose. Therefore, for many countries, building a project for the world is much, much easier than for others. After that, look how many countries are going to look like heaven on Earth even on live webcams. Yeah, some of the big cities in the middle of a country from one corner to another. So, I definitely have an idea of how to eliminate slum towns and cities in a country. I mean if the government really, really wants to catch up with the living standard and have a whole country of this century. Mumbling, waiting for my first installment of 10 trillion USD in the form of 34% in cash, 33% in gold, other precious metals, and 33% in land from just three countries.

What? I said, dreaming and thinking about something doesn’t cost any money. Yeah. Per Yeai bhe sauch hai kee, kuch loog kawboon ko hakikat mai badlnai ka dum bhee rekhtain hai. So himatai Marda Maddai Kuhda, or Shri Ram, Shivjee, Mata whoever, or Jesus or Waheguru or whoever. Mumbling, I hope the same God doesn’t take Avtara in different whatever. What? I said, in that case, earthly humans are screwed. Yeah, for sure. Lo ji ismai majaak kee kaya baat hai, especially if humans believe that there is one God or gods and goddesses can convert themselves into anything. Please raise your hand if you believe in such whatever about God and goddesses. Mujhai too ek kai bajayai sabhee kai donno haath hee khdai Dikh rehai hai. Pyarai shrotayon, mainai sirf ek haath hee khda karnai kai leyai bola thaa. Mumbling, now you people don’t have much of another choice either. Otherwise, to eliminate or clean up all garbage and slum in a particular way legally even in a small town or city, at least someone needs like a trillion USD. What? Especially if the construction company must be imported too, so forget about trusting local equipment and materials. Otherwise, it looks like bunk bed apartments and rooms are going to exist in the most expensive real estate in the world too. Besides this, people may have one open hall with beds to rent for USD 700 a month. Hey, welcome to the armed forces lifestyle. Do I have to pay USD 400 to USD 600 for one bed in an open hall? Yeah, because you have to protect only your whatever. Mumbling, I hope someone doesn’t have to keep a pistol under their pillows. And then put live cams to show how working poor civilians are adjusting to the armed forces lifestyle because they are not able to afford the required whatever. Well, sometimes you may find it difficult to find the right definition, types, and kinds of mental illnesses. Especially in the form of the way humans, including children, get prepared to deal with all kinds of crap in life, just to have basics or more than enough. Otherwise, it looks like most or all humans are somehow taken over by evil spirits. Looking around, who is laughing? Please be serious, because look at one of the videos below from India.


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Now, don’t start guessing that some of the people living with us can be half-human and half-robot. Otherwise, I am not a believer in such things as shown in the videos, but after watching the video above and many other similar videos, it can make anyone, including me, a little concerned for sure. Besides, once in a while, such things keep happening even in the villages of Himachal Pradesh too, while local deities are invited by people to their homes. Hello, the video above was recorded from a live show. Well, well, well, but so if some of the heads of departments are controlled by such things or evil spirits too. What? I said, bring them all in here to make sure. Looking around, please don’t laugh, because the video above can’t be fake. In that case, at least in India, the process has started to make the country a heaven. Otherwise, if the right version of humans or any of them is taken over by evil spirits, that means there is not much they can do and think right because they are remotely controlled. Now, what do science, medical science, experts, laws, law enforcement, governments, and all kinds of technologies have to say about all these? Well, then if all these can’t prove such things fake or wrong, then something very wrong invisibly really exists too.

Otherwise, for those of you worldwide who can’t afford to travel, I tried my best to put together a collection of the best live webcams from around the world. Actually, I didn’t visit every country in the world, but still enough to have a whole idea about people and their countries, lifestyle, living standards, and many kinds and types of struggles on a daily basis to keep up with the same. So, I found it hard to digest and accept the truth even after landing in a land of opportunities or whatever to live a better life. What? I said, but if someone is under a particular age or a particular kind of income is required, then they can join the armed forces for a better life. I mean if not having another alternative of income. But now, as everyone knows, that even in the armed forces, for the majority of people, life and living the same may not be as good or glamorous as it gets promoted in many ways. But then what is the truth? Hello, see the live webcams. I mean if all of them are out of the reach of hackers. Otherwise, some of the well-educated hackers may show their favorite shows on someone else’s live webcams. Yeah, still the digital world is more vulnerable to getting hacked or changed in every sense and meaning than something in real life. And as everyone knows, these days even almost everything related to real life depends on a digital life or world too. But then why so many vulnerabilities or whatever? Well, for the same things, either to make a living, keep a steady flow of money to shareholders, to get rich, or to have sex. But how, why, and who created such a wrong version of humans and humanity? What? I said, evil spirits by controlling humans remotely and invisibly like in the above video. Now, please don’t make an excuse without verification. Because if I am not wrong, then even a court can legally issue an order to have any kind of verification if legally someone can’t prove something on the basis of science, medical, technology, and forensic evidence by also asking for proof that whenever someone committed a particular kind of crime, they were not taken over by evil spirits. Well, well, well, then it looks like it is easy to give the right and freedom to practice any religion and spirituality, and at the same time believe in and spend so much money on science, medical science, and all kinds of technologies too. But like they say in Hindi and Urdu, that Ek mayaan mai 2 Talwarai nahee raha saktee. Well, then one has to go down. Especially the ones that make humans do crazy things or control them remotely in any sense and meaning for their own benefits and profits.


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What? I said, but then doesn’t it mean that even every court will be required to have one Baba like one of them in the above video? Well, I think you got that right. Hey, before a judge or jury makes a decision, they want to make sure that someone is 100% human and not taken over by evil spirits. Otherwise, if I am not wrong, then some of the people who use particular kinds of drugs act very similarly too. But in that case, someone should be drugging people with some kind of drugs without their knowledge. But in that case, the timing and presence of a person at the right place should be right too. Thinking, does that make any sense? I think it does. Otherwise, I am not sure if a particular kind of satellite in the sky can be capable of doing a few things to humans whenever someone wants them to. Hello, nothing against anyone, but finding the truth to perfect anything or everything is everyone’s legal right too.

Otherwise, at least in the year 2020, every human on this planet Earth should have been able to see the worldwide beauty of nature or whatever for free. Well, if not, then in what sense and meaning have most or all humans worldwide grown since their existence? What? I said, by having the most powerful armed forces and their lethal weapons to have their own country in the name of religion or race by killing each other. But who asked for the same from their government and system? What? I said, citizens of the Earth. Otherwise, if a bunch of people ask for their own country on the basis of whatever, it is not going to happen. Well, as always, that nothing much citizens of the Earth can do about whatever happened wrong even yesterday, so forget about the things that went totally wrong before that, or since the existence of earthly humans or whoever. Whether it is because of not understanding the meaning of living life at all, not having the required right resources to do the same, or power and wealth ending up in the wrong hands. But like they say, it is never too late. Especially if someone believes in reincarnation. Well, then at least half of the dead humans have to be born again next year. What? Especially if no one qualifies for heaven. Yeah. Besides, for most of the people living a dream of heavenly life on Earth may turn out to be working on a minimum wage in the USA, UK, Europe, Canada, and Australia too. What? I said, it means legally many people can fall into a working poor category. Yeah. Looking around, who is laughing? Hello, before the internet, people including myself used to think that all the people living in these countries live a heavenly life. What? Per pata chala kee America mai too self-defense kai leyai gun saath laikar he nahee ghumna padta per gharoon aur dukanoo mai bhee load karkai rakhnee padtee hai. Translation in English: I came to know after landing in the USA that even in a country like the USA, people not only have to carry a loaded pistol for the sake of self-defense while hanging around on the streets but also have to keep a loaded pistol or gun while at work or running a business. What? I said, especially if most of the people are having problems with their weight or are obese, then pulling the trigger is much easier instead of martial arts. Yeah. Besides, everyone knows what it takes to become a Shaolin Kung fu monk. What? I said, strange roommates kai saath rehtai huai mai too America kai apartment mai apna kamara hotai huai bhee tukeyai kai nechai khokree laikar soota huin. Translation: While living with strange roommates in an American apartment, I used to sleep with a club under my bed even though I had my own room. That is scary, but hey, everyone has their own experiences in life to be concerned about many things. What? Especially if many people are driven by evil spirits like in one of the videos above.


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Otherwise, if humans have a system in place that wants to keep growing economically to build palaces of gold and diamonds only for a few, then others may have to suffer even to have the basics in their lives. But then what is the meaning of humanity and equality? Well, in my point of view, nothing. Because this all-in-reality may exist only in words, laws, and speeches. I understand that those humans who contributed something for the sake of earthly humans, which made their lives easier to live, deserve many things better than the others who are only good at making children even if unable to afford just basics for themselves, but still. Because in the end, even legal, religious, and spiritual arguments or discussions come down to the same thing: if everyone had equal opportunities related to education plus having at least the basics in life. Yeah, only then can everyone compete or participate equally in everything. But because of whom humans and humanity on this Earth reached this point of dysfunctionality in almost everything. Well, the truth is hard to digest or accept, but still, someone has to tell it for the sake of children or young people. I think these all happened between humans worldwide because of having something in life in the name of religion, God, goddesses, belief, or faith to live a better life as a separate country. Especially while almost all the countries worldwide rely on each other for many things. Besides, almost everyone believes that this Earth and everything on it are made by God for everyone. But then who divided the same into pieces for their own benefits and profits in the name of the same or whatever? I think humans. OK, I said humans, not governments. Because a bunch of people in the government or leaders can’t ask for a country, neither can make one, nor can run one.

Otherwise, look, all humans on Earth have the same body parts to feed from all kinds of available resources on Earth. But then why is everyone mining more than enough of everything from the same Earth? What? I said, either to store or to get rich. But then how much do parents and governments worldwide care for the future of their children? What? I said, they have to fight and kill each other to take control of storage facilities. Looking around, who is laughing? Hello, I think the same situation may occur in the future sooner or later in your country too. Because look, almost every country in the world wants to have the best armed forces and their lethal weapons. What? I said, and after the war, everyone knows who and how many are still going to be alive to enjoy the rubble everywhere. Yeah. But then who is the most dangerous animal on Earth, not only for the human race but also for the planet Earth too? What? I said, people with white skin. Wow, that was quick. Looking around worldwide again to verify the same for sure by opening my third eye. What? I said, otherwise visible eyes can be remotely controlled by whatever or whoever. I am not sure about that. Looking at the founded data by the third eye. Yeah, 80 or 90% of Americans, Germans, Japanese, and Russians are white. Ninety-nine percent of Russian and Afghan people have white skin too. So far, countries involved in world wars were almost all with white skin. Eighty percent or even ninety percent of people living in Asia also have white skin, in which ninety-nine percent of Chinese and Koreans have whiter skin than the white Russians. Hello there, ladies. Yeah. And once all the Japanese people with white skin almost reached India. Ninety-nine percent of people living in Israel and Palestine have white skin too. And maybe the majority of the people living in India and Pakistan either have white skin or have fair and lovely skin too. Hello, Fair and Lovely is a name of the cream in India.


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And brown and dark-skinned Indians are very happy about the result of the cream. No, I made the result stuff up. So, I am not sure about the result of the cream. Mumbling, but my all-gray hair above the neck sure are whiter than the Santa Clau’s beard. Mumbling, this is weird, that still most of the hair inside the nose, on the ears, and eyebrows are black. Anyway. Yeah, looks like it is true, that so far people with white skin not only killed each other on the largest scale but may have created all the problems too. What? I said, and still, it is not over. Yeah. Looking around, look, who are the happiest after knowing the truth. No, I am kidding. Because how can someone being a right version of humans be happy if the people who could have made their lives easier to live have died in all kinds of worthless conflicts and wars. What? I said, otherwise so far whatever the people with white skin have invented in the form of technologies and machines, still the same can make this planet Earth a heaven for all too. Yeah.

Looking around while asking, “Who invented guns?” What? I said, “White people.” But who is firing the same on each other in their own country to protect something, even with a hundred percent of people having the same skin color and whatever? Therefore, at least to me, the same situation raises some suspicion about the way racial discrimination and other related problems are presented. Especially if the same situation also exists even between people who not only have the same skin color but also similar facial features. Well, whatever the truth is, try not to become a victim of dirty politics, inferiority complex, or all kinds of mental illnesses. Yeah, it looks like there is chaos in almost every country on this planet Earth. But for what and why do humans do such horrible things to each other? Well, for the same reasons: either to have the basics in life or more than enough of everything, plus having unlimited access to sex. Yeah, I can’t verify the original skin color of someone for sure because I am not sure since when all kinds of technologies and treatments related to changing skin color have existed. Looking around, if anyone got offended. Well, someone being a real man should be able to tell, discuss, and accept the truth to improve everything worldwide to perfection for the sake of everyone. Otherwise, everyone knows what kind of ditch most or all people worldwide got stuck in as humans and humanity forever since their existence. But then who are the dumbest? People of color or people with white skin? What? I said, it looks like to me that people with white skin are the dumbest. Especially if so far they have killed each other on the largest scale since as far as I can find all kinds of proofs. People of color? I think that line should be banned because white also comes under the category or definition of colors. So, if someone is only a valuable voter or wants to become one on the basis of whatever, then the same situation becomes a required fuel to keep running a particular kind of dirty politics and its systems machine too. Because everyone knows what happens if some or whatever are out of fuel. So, please, being a human of any skin color, don’t become fuel to keep running the broken system and dirty politics. Yeah, become some kind of inventor or mechanic to fix the same to perfection for the sake of all humans worldwide. What? I said, because only then will everyone and everything around everyone look good even on the live webcams too. Yeah.


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Otherwise, someone should say Black or Brown-skinned people instead of trying to be nice by saying People of Color. Believe me, before coming to one of the richest, most educated, and most powerful countries in the world, the USA, I never ever heard “People of Color.” Some of the people in my family, relatives, and friends in India are either brown or almost black. But I never ever thought about discriminating against someone on the basis of the same. So, I guess I came to know about it while living in the USA. Yeah, but as I wrote somewhere, sexually, someone can be attracted to a particular kind of skin color only. But in that case, nothing much someone being a human can do, neither does it have anything to do with any kind of discrimination, nor does it mean discriminating against someone as a whole person on the basis of their skin color. Because I still don’t get along with some of the people even in my family and relatives at all, those who are born like me with the original white or fair skin with black, blue, or green eyes. So, I think in the internet age, everyone should understand this much for sure. Otherwise, worldwide, most parents and governments may leave all kinds of mess behind for their children. Anyway.

Yeah, these days there are all kinds of live webcams on the Internet, so in some cases, it has become easier to look at things before getting approved by both parties. Otherwise, people like myself who grew up without the Internet and live webcams didn’t have the option to approve and verify something digitally even before getting married. What? I said, in that case, the first night might come with many unusual surprises. Hey, not sure, because I never got married. So, in the year 2020, not only can people look at the place live before visiting, but they can also find out what kind of people live in that part of the village, town, city, state, or country. Besides this, before visiting any village, town, city, state, or country, people can also find out about the ratio of all kinds of crimes and criminalities too. What? I said, otherwise, everyone knows what can happen to tourists. Yeah. So, still, in some states or countries, particular kinds of foreigners may get killed just for a hundred US dollars. In that case, not many people want to visit the same state or country. What? I said, besides this, if someone’s skin color doesn’t match with the locals, then be careful too. Otherwise, in many states or countries, many Black or Brown-skinned people have never seen White people physically face-to-face, and neither have White people seen someone with Black or Brown skin. Hello there, new creature. Yeah, it may sound a little weird, but it can be true. Otherwise, after a particular age, it is very difficult to know about a person as a whole and what they think about other people. Besides this, someone may never come to know why and on what basis other people want to keep their distance from them. But after a particular age, personally, everyone has a right to do so. Because every human has a maximum capacity to deal with something. After that, most people may not have the strength to deal with a few humans and things in life at all. Hey, I had enough. Yeah, after a particular age, the same situation and circumstances occur even between family members, relatives, friends, and married people too. But then what? Hey, everyone has to move ahead in life without any regrets or feeling bad. Especially if someone thinks that life is short, and I am going to try my best to live it fully.

What? I said, but still, if someone can invent a kind of tablet that can change a person’s skin color to brown, black, or white within twenty-four hours, then all kinds of problems related to the same between humans can get resolved forever. Yeah, that is for sure. Looking around, who is laughing? Looks like the laughing person never went outside of her whatever. What? I said, I can’t afford even to travel to my work if working only 40 hours a week. Well, but still, you can be proud of living in one of the most powerful countries in the world. No. Anyway.


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But despite all this chaos among humans, none of the children worldwide should suffer because of having bad parents and parenting. “OK, so the government is also your parent. And everyone knows what children are going to learn if most of the parliament’s boxing, shouting, and blame game matches never end. Otherwise, if someone being a parent can’t provide even the basics for their children to live a happy and healthy life, then don’t have them. Otherwise, it looks like making children, the ones someone can’t raise well, is the easiest part of life for almost eighty percent of parents and their governments. What? I am asking, but what do all these have to do with live webcams? Loji phir whohee Dhak kai teen paat. “OK, after translating Dhaak kai teen Paat into English, it should mean that no matter how hard someone is trying to make people understand a few things, in the end, for the majority of humans, it is going to be the same, the same as it was before the lecture or whatever. Otherwise, hello, if still eighty percent of people worldwide in 2020 can’t afford to travel even in their own state to see whatever, then they can watch the same live on this part of the website in one place; no matter where someone lives in the world. So, if someone can afford high-speed unlimited internet on their smartphone or computer with the latest technologies, then live webcams from worldwide may also help someone to know the truth about others and themselves too. Arai o whoever, hum kitnai panee mai hai duniya kai samnai Liveweb cam mai? Sarkaar mujhai to lagta hai galai tak doobain hain.

And some people may realize that everything in their state or country as a part of the Earth is pretty much the same or very similar to other states or countries. But then what is different? I think it’s the people, their living standards, and whatever they have built in their state or country as a whole since their existence. But as always, I still can’t find the live webcams I’m looking for. So, whoever owns and operates all these webcams in a village, city, state, country, or worldwide, try not to focus the live webcams on one place only. Although I have no idea how these live webcams work, based on my assumption, most of them could have been better liked by everyone worldwide.

Otherwise, if live webcams in a few cases can switch from one to another within the village, town, city, area, state, country, or worldwide in a particular way, then it can be more engaging for viewers worldwide. So, having many webcams and switching them around the area at least for a minute or two should make them more likable too. In that category, Earth TV live webcams are doing fine, but they should stay in one place for at least a minute while moving around. Otherwise, if any live webcam is still and focused on only one thing, then there must be some kind of live activity of humans or animals. Besides, once in a while, live webcams should zoom in on something for a closeup and then zoom out for a wider view.

Of course, people worldwide also want to know what kind of people live in a particular village, town, city, state, or country. Therefore, there must be a designated area where people can stand or sit for a minute to say hello to the world by waving their hand from a closeup. Yeah, everyone should know about that spot before sitting or standing there. So, put up signs that say, “If you sit or stand here, then you are live on the World Wide Web.” Otherwise, legally, there shouldn’t be any problem related to privacy, especially if security cameras are everywhere. But I am sure that some people want to get recognized worldwide on live webcams for a minute or two.


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Otherwise, even if someone is advertising only their business through the live webcam, it is still required to move the live webcams in a circle with a perfect speed so everything is not only recoganizable but viewers can see surrounding area as a whole too. And during that time, zooming in on a particular place or human activities should keep viewers worldwide busy watching the live webcams for a very long time.

For example, let’s say that someone puts a live webcam on the top of a mountain. While the same live webcam is moving in a circle very slowly at a speed where people can see clearly, the same live webcam should zoom in for a minute or two on a village, houses, waterfall, or whatever good and attractive things exist in that area. Otherwise, live webcams either become a traffic police’s cam or a security cam. Looking around, who is laughing? Isn’t that true?

So, if particular kinds of hardware and software related to live webcams are not available, then someone has to make them. Because if a live webcam is at a height, it should still be able to move very slowly in a circle at a speed at which everything looks clear to human eyes. So, if anyone worldwide wants to promote their village, area, town, city, state, or country to bring people in from worldwide, then there must be multiple switching live webcams to show the area as a whole while the webcams move around.

Otherwise, I really don’t know much about live webcams. But everyone should know that humans want to look at everything from head to toe before making a particular kind of decision. What? I said, original skin color please. Yeah, otherwise, everyone knows what can happen when seeing someone face to face in real life. What? I said, “You look totally different in real life.” And after that, everyone knows where things can end up. So, be careful, because a few things in the digital world may look totally different from the real deal.

Besides, someone should also put live webcams on the side of trains too. Because sometimes, the view from the passenger’s seat can be better than the driver’s seat. Looking around, who is laughing? Anyway, whatever. So, on trains or any other vehicle, there must be three live webcams instead of one. And those webcams should be able to switch for better views manually or automatically according to the surrounding area. What? I said, the driver of the train should have enough time to switch live webcams manually for a better view. Yeah, but still.

Besides this, I found some 24×7 live walking street webcams too. Those are good too. Hey, if three people can make a good living by doing so, then why not? Just tie a webcam on a forehead. Walking around for eight hours should not be a big deal, and when someone gets a little tired of walking around, just sit down for a while at a particular place to show some interesting things or spots in a town, city, or area.

Otherwise, except for some of the humans, everything in nature and its beauty should look the same in live cams as they are in real life. But I noticed that if the resolution is 4k or more, then everything in the videos looks more clear and real. But to have the same thing in live webcams may require 5G Internet and special live webcams too. Otherwise, the color of the picture and videos should depend on many other things too. So, if everything in the camera is on auto, then everything should look the same as it is under the real light at that place. What? I said, in that case, you may look brown, dark brown, or black. Yeah, I am not sure about the combination between the cameras and lights when it comes to humans and their look. Anyway, who cares? Because in old age, everything becomes whatever. So, I guess, a few things really matter for the young-looking people or bachelors. What? I said, otherwise, for most people after forty or fifty years of age, all kinds of shows related to almost everything can be over forever. Well, I don’t say that about everyone. Because some old people can stay young forever too. Yeah, I know some parents who still look much younger than their children, not only digitally but in real life too. Anyway. Hey, everyone has to deal with the truth, no matter in what way it comes.


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So, enjoy whatever you see on your digital screen through the live webcams. But I think everyone has the option to set everything according to their choice on their devices. But I am not sure about all these settings and their combinations. Otherwise, as always, in the end, humans have to trust their eyes after looking at something in real life. I mean if the eyes are perfect. What? I said, even in old age, my eyes work fine without wearing eyeglasses. Otherwise, like I wrote, being a human, it may not be easy at all to be satisfied from the first to the last breath about everything, even in themselves. Therefore, forget about the satisfaction related to everything worldwide. But still, I think all humans worldwide try their best to satisfy themselves in every sense and meaning. But despite every effort of theirs, still, the majority or almost all humans worldwide may not get what they want and desire. So, let’s hope for the best to get rid of the same situation by everyone worldwide as soon as possible. Yeah, to do so, some of the live webcams may help in some way. Otherwise, still, the majority of the people worldwide may not know much about the places and people living even in their state or country; so, forget about knowing about the same worldwide. In that case, the government should put live webcams in every village, town, city, and state of theirs. Especially if so far, most or all the governments worldwide have failed to make everyone rich enough to do the same by traveling. But then why does someone need such kinds of governments and their system in place? Well, at least all the voters should know about that for sure. But then what is the difference between the people who have the right to vote and those who don’t? What? I said, I can vote, even if still I can’t afford to pay the rent by working 60 hours weekly; so, forget about traveling around to look at something. Looking around, who is laughing? Yeah, doesn’t almost everything seem like a joke in the end?

Otherwise, in every school, classroom, factory, hospital, and in some kitchens, there must be live webcams. But everyone knows that all governments worldwide are not going to do so. Because after that, everyone locally, nationally, and internationally may come to know the horrible truth of a few things in some of the states and countries. So, I guess, keep listening to the speeches and promises about the same thing getting improved and fixed this time for sure, over and over again. But no one asks, how is someone going to fix the same this time if they failed in the last 20, 50, 70, 100, 200, 300 years or since the existence of humans and Earth?

Therefore, most of the earthly humans are only good at asking for a separate state or country in the name of religion or race. And everyone knows what happens after that too. Anyway, but still, hey, hope for the best. What? I said, even if in a few cases there isn’t any light at the end of the tunnel since whenever. Yeah. So, humans have to keep driving no matter what. What? I said, even if smoke from the same and all kinds of pollution to keep growing economically are triggering fire alarms and pollution alarms in heaven too. Yeah. And after that, everyone knows what kind of fire brigade, smoke killer system, and pollution control system take over.

Hey, stay inside your rooms, apartments, houses, or palaces. Mumbling, some people may have to cook food for the first time in their lives to stay alive. Otherwise, a few deadly things can come with the takeout and cooks too.


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Otherwise, live webcams can help many people in advance to know about the density of smoke before thinking of visiting some of the states and countries in the world. What? I said, besides this, live webcams should also detect the air quality too. Yeah. And after that, all these things should be displayed on the viewer’s screen. Yeah. But make sure that the same information doesn’t take up almost half the screen of the live webcam. Looking around, who is laughing? Yeah, sometimes on the screen of your devices, you may find very unusual things. I know everyone wants to make money, but at the same time, someone should be able to view the content too on their big and small screens from which the owner of the content wants to make money. Especially when it comes to displaying advertisements on the space of the video or on them. Besides this, in a few videos, some of the unnecessary things can stay on the video from start to end too. So, in the time and era of live cams, everyone should be careful before contributing any kind of pollution to Earth in any sense and meaning, including smoke. So, everyone’s whatever can be on the line.

So, it looks like as a whole, everyone, including the governments, has turned out to be bad parents. Because now many things depend on the way something looks online. Besides this, if someone wants to remain invisible as a state or a country as a whole, it can harm them economically too. Because people worldwide do not know much about the state or country, neither all kinds of conditions on the ground nor about people. So, don’t deliberately do anything wrong to the Earth by thinking that no one is watching you. Well, I hope everyone will learn something for the sake of their children and for themselves too from whatever. Besides, the live webcams in my collection may also help some of the government and their citizens understand the value and requirements in 2020. So, if you like them, enjoy.

Looking around worldwide while asking, citizens of the Earth, do you feel lucky, unlucky, or very unlucky having your own country based on religion or so many other worthless differences? Especially if even in 2020, 80% of humans worldwide may not be able to afford to travel around, not even in their own state or country, to see whatever. Yeah, if you all think seriously, then it is a very sad situation created by humans for themselves in the name of whatever to make only a few whatever fat. I mean wealth-wise. What? I said, good. But why? Because if all the humans worldwide had been able to travel in their state, country, or worldwide, then right now Earth may have become a deadly gas chamber. And after that, everyone knows what happens if nature can’t breathe.

Otherwise, by now, everything could have been run by electricity. Yeah, but then capitalism, shareholders, and governments of some of the countries will not make any money from gas, petrol, and diesel to grow economically. Otherwise, by now, all kinds of vehicles related to transportation could have been Maglev. Besides, ships, airplanes, and all kinds of factories could have been run by electricity too. Oh my, what kind of people in this century want to work in a coal mine? Hello.

Otherwise, in this century, humans on Earth should not work at all in a kind of job which they hate to do or are full of health hazards. Instead, they should be living in fireproof, floodproof, and earthquake-proof houses equipped with all the necessary technology to have just healthy food, fruit juices, some clothes, and just one pair of shoes a year. Yeah, free of this much should be enough to live a very happy and healthy life for everyone on this planet Earth. Otherwise, everyone knows what kind of people are consuming or storing the most resources of Earth. But so, if your children will not have anything to take out from the Earth? What? I said, who cares? Because we will not be around to see the tragedies and struggles of our children. Yeah, but so, if parents are born again as a grandchild of their children? So, think seriously, especially as these days there is plenty of free time to spend alone.


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So, if humans don’t have to keep growing economically, then so far, all the transportation systems could have been all green and very fast too. Look at the UFOs. What? I said, only lightweight please. Looking at myself. Hello, I think I am the only one in the USA who gained only fifteen kilograms in almost thirty years, but I am still almost seventy kilograms. Besides this, in all these years so far, I was not able to afford to travel even in the USA to see the beauty of nature. So, if anyone in the USA is getting paid between five to fifteen dollars per hour, then not much they can afford in their lives without taking a loan. But then who and what kind of people have grown economically since whenever while practicing democratic capitalism? Well, everyone should know this much by now. But still, without any income, labor cost, food cost, and utility bills, not many businesses worldwide have money to survive even for two months, neither parents with children. But then where did all the money go?

What? I said, being a business owner, my income went to pay the rent, gas, electricity, and government tax. But then what do citizens of the Earth or a particular country have in place for them as a government and the system created by the government? What? I said, now it looks like to me, that it is to keep the government jobs. Look, who is still getting paid even during the pandemic while all the government offices are closed to the public. But then why does the government want to bail out the businesses that can’t survive for a year even if there is no one on a payroll, no food cost, no labor cost, no tax, and no utility bills?

What? I said, it is so simple to understand. How and why? Because governments want a broken system of capitalism alive by keeping most or all the people slaves of work by having jobs for themselves. And as everyone knows, no one wants to have or do a job which forces them to take a loan to have just the basics in life. Now the question is, why should someone have to take a loan to have basics in life if they are working? What? I said, to grow economically. I hope this is not true.

But have you ever thought about what is the danger of taxing rich people heavily? What? I said, that all the money can be moved systematically only to a few people, and then tax them heavily. Hey, now the government has enough income even if the poor and struggling middle class are not able to pay tax. What? I said, that is not true, because being single, I made only thirteen thousand US dollars in a year, and I have to pay tax. But one of the richest corporations may have paid the same amount in taxes as a single person with an income of thirteen thousand did. But then in what sense and meaning are men created equally? Well, by now, while at: link everyone should understand that much for sure.

Thinking what else? Yeah, if you see just dark or only Lights in the Live Cams, then it should mean that it is a nighttime in that part of the Earth. Looking around, who is laughing? No, because still there can be a Humans on this Earth, those still may not be aware about few things at all. Especially about, that if it is daytime in India then in USA is night. Hello, before the existence of the Internet how Man worldwide used to know, that particular kind of Sawarg Dhartee per bhee ho skata hai, dhartee per bhee ho sakta hai. Loji sahee baat bolo too log hanstai hai. Mumbling, I hope all the Rich bachelor straight Males will not move to Russia. No, I am just kidding, because in so many other Countries all kinds of very beautiful Females exist too. Anyway. So, whoever worldwide are getting connected to the Internet first time, they can be in the same kind of situation as almost all the Humans Worldwide were without an Internet. Especially when it comes to knowing about almost everything worldwide.

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Enjoy, the best Collection of Live Web Cameras and their playlist from Worldwide. Put together by Mr. Nand L Verma.


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