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Suggested Project for the Himachal. By Mr. Nand L Verma Page 1. (Digital version of Page 1 includes Book Version of Pages from 1 to 10.) Parental discretion advised.
Beside this, as always, some more in the form of writing. Which can also be beneficial as well. Otherwise, even if someday everything will be fine with the earthly humans and humanity, just having everything required for free to eat, drink, stay, and to wear, Earth may become heaven. But still, if knowingly or unknowingly not keeping up with the other things, then no use of any progress and achievement. Otherwise, the project can also be constructed and implemented worldwide. Especially for the people who live in the same kind of hilly states as in Himachal Pradesh, India.
Before I start writing about the Project for Himachal Pradesh and Himacahli People, I kind of felt obligated to discuss few very important things with all of you. Even if I am not perfect in any Language including English and Hindi. So, just try to ignore some of the mistakes, because still final editing is pending. So, According to my knowledge and observation, if I am not wrong then 90% native People of Himachal Pradesh own a piece of Agriculture or Horticulture Land. And if I am not wrong then until 1980, most of the Himachali People even use to make their own all kind of woolen Clothes, whether to wear or sleep while living in a Villages. Which I think was Good in a way, because these days you never know what else comes hidden in the stuff which People buy from the Market. Because in reality all the People Worldwide are living in a kind of atmosphere which is not only polluted the Soil, Ground, Under Ground and Air but also badly polluted and damaged almost everything in the name of Religions, Gods, Casts, Race, State, Country or keep growing economically. Which can make even People around someone their silent destroyer or killers. Because when anyone or their mentality is on the particular path of something, they live to harm, kill or destroy each other. But most of the Himachali People those lives in Villages, still may trust anyone blindly or may be not aware of the dark side of the Humans, Humanity and dirty politics. So, I am not saying that Dave Bhumi (Land of the Gods and Goddesses) Himachal Predesh is or was always without a Rakshas (Demons) but otherwise full of hard working, honest, innocent or not knowing much about the reality and truth about the World. Otherwise, it is always good to be aware and knowledgeable about many things, instead of being stupid in the sense of innocence or innocents. Because sometime being innocent of something means doing many things those otherwise by laws are crime and criminal. Because like I wrote so many times before, that Laws, Law makers and their protectors recognize a nature of crime, but not necessary the main cause of the same, which may have existed because of them. For Example: – if someone has done something criminal because of poverty or illiteracy, that means a Good Lawyer will argue, that why poverty and illiteracy have existed when Government Constitutionally is liable and obligated not to let it exist? So, if the Judge is Good and really know the meaning of Justice and the responsibilities of Judge, then in many cases Government and some of their Employees can be held responsible for the Crime, which someone did commit because of the poverty and illiteracy.
Actually, that should be the real meaning behind the Democracy and its purpose which someone should have served to the People of the World. Otherwise, most of the those are now Indians, Pakistanis, Bangladeshis and Nepalis know the truth very well, while living under the rules of the Kings, Mugals and British for thousands of Years. Therefore, the right meaning of the Democracy is very important to understand as soon as possible being a student or self-learner. The reason I wrote self-learner, because since the existence of the Internet and Computer Students and the People of all Ages can learn and teach themselves about many things by their own in time. Which in case of mine wasn’t possible at all until the Age of I think Forty-Five. Yeah, I didn’t study in a convent School, but still somehow, I not only managed to write in English but when it comes to speaking, altogether I am not that bad. May be because I lived in USA for a longtime. Otherwise, when I was in India, I may did speak to someone very little in English being a part the Job while working in one of a Five Star super Deluxe Hotel. Even if I started studying English since 6th Class or grade. Yeah, after 10th I spent few Years in College too. But still, I am not perfect in any Language, not even in Hindi. Otherwise, as everyone know, that in Himachal Pradesh English is a compulsory subject in every School from sixth Class. Beside this I was not good at all in study while in School and College. But still, someone don’t have to feel bad, sad, humiliated or worthless if can’t speak and understand English Language very well, and if someone is also a very bad speller like me. But everyone should be capable of at least getting 33% marks in English to be in a next Class.
Suggested Project for the Himachal. By Mr. Nand L Verma Page 2.
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Otherwise, I am living in USA from many Years now in which English is an official Language. But believe me still almost everything can be in a one big chaos and chaotic even if total population is only 333 million. So, make sure if someone have to be in next Class, they should be able to obtain required Marks in English. “OK, it doesn’t mean, that being fluent in many Languages is a bad thing. Because I am having a hard time finding a translator and Editor. So, if someone have a very good command on Hindi and English Languages, they can earn up to 5 to 15 US $ per Hour just by sitting in their Room in India by translating between these two Languages. Because most of the time digital translators are very bad. So, if getting paid US$ 5 per hour then working Eight hours a day means US $, 40. That means US $ 40 x 60 Indian rupees = 2,400 Indian rupees per day in 8 Hours. And still in many States in USA may be many People makes the same amount of Money per day. Otherwise, in USA official translator ask thirteen to fifteen US $ per Hour. So, World has been changed very much in last twenty Years, especially when it comes to making Money since the time of Birth. Because even in the time and era of world wide web even while babies are in their mother’s womb, some of them start making money since then. And as for all the Governments, States, Countries and Humans it is all about making and having Money therefore, having Computer and high-speed Internet in every School and Home is must. Because even in India 1 billion People living in Villages have lots of stuff to put-on world-wide web too including themselves. But still if someone don’t have a required Good School building or not at all, then even keeping the computers safe is not possible. Hello, please don’t laugh while living in a Land of the Gods and Goddesses. Yeah, poor infrastructure of Schools definitely does not exist in Home of the brave and Land of the free. Because as far as I know in USA Government provide required of everything in Schools for the student to be the best in the world in anything. But unfortunately, everyone knows about all kinds of shootings and Gun violence even in Schools. The reason I wrote these all in here, so people can understand that none of the Country in the world is perfect, even if population is just few Millions. So, don’t exaggerate too much while dreaming or thinking about moving abroad in the hope of living a better life. Well, then I think this much is very important to understand at least for the students, because they have a whole life ahead to live. Otherwise, when I was growing up in one of the Village in Himachal, there was no way to learn or know about anything by yourself. And sometimes because of the same reason even Governments may build an all Kind of unsafe and short life infrastructure of everything by wasting Taxpayers Money. Beside this sometime being fluent in English may provide someone only a Job Nationally of Internationally in a call Center, housekeeping or as a Waiter. Therefore, someone may get stuck with all kinds of odd jobs for Life. I mean unless someone is totally satisfied with a kind of work and job which they do to make a living. Otherwise, even many foreign students abroad may get forced directly or indirectly in prostitution or drug dealing to keep up with the Monthly expenses. Beside this it is very uncomfortable and inconvenient in every sense and meaning while got forced to share a Hostel Room, rental Room, Apartment or a House with totally strangers. Because you never know who does what and what kind of background someone come from and what kind of mentality they have. So, as I wrote many times that just being fluent in English may not change anything related to the cause of the main problem in someone’s Family, Village, Town, City, State or a Country. Anyways.
So, if I am not wrong, then in the Villages of Himachal Pradesh all kinds of cooking used to be done on a Wooden Stove (Chulaa) around which five to six People easily can sit in the wintertime to keep them warm. Although in most part of Himachal Predesh temperature from March to November is pretty comfortable, but still in some places winter can be very harsh. Therefore, to cook and stay warm Farmers either use to collect Woods from the nearby Government Forest or they used to have their own Trees in their Land to use in a Wooden Stove. And beside woods Trees also used to provide leaves for all kinds of Cattles too. Otherwise, having a fireplace in the House while living in most of the World class Cities is a Luxury. I mean where Temperature is the same as in most part of the Himanchal Pradesh. But almost all the Houses and Vehicles in USA have a facility of heating system and Air conditioning. But still in the Villages of Himachal Pradesh even while I was growing up, most of the Farmers used to have a Kitchen bigger than the Room which otherwise in the World Class Cities may be shared by three strangers because of high rent and low income. And they all may be fluent in English. So, if anyone who grew up in a Family-owned Farm in Himachal Pradesh have to move to the Big Cities Nationally or Internationally for a better life, then most of them may have to face some of the very big problems.
Suggested Project for the Himachal. By Mr. Nand L Verma Page 3.
So, I was kind of confused for a while about the definition of better life and living standard in the World Class Cities Abroad. And before that while living in a Capital of the Country (Delhi) just few Miles away from the area where Government of the Country lives, even Government built a kind of accommodation for their Employees in which taking shower next to the floor toilet was totally hygienic. But when I see the Bathrooms in Hotel Rooms there was a bathtub in each and every of them covered with shower curtains or glass doors to stop any contamination. Otherwise, for the health-wise safety of all required living standard must be built and maintained to stop any diseases breakout. Actually, while working in a Five Star Super Deluxe Hotel in New Delhi I couldn’t figure out anything, neither I was aware of a required hygienic standard required to be healthy by yourself and at the same time keeping everyone around you healthy too. Because no one taught me in the school. Even in USA still for the landlords it may not be legally required to put a butt wash or whatever you call them in toilet. Therefore, sometime people use so many toilet papers that plumbing get clogged. What? I said, and if someone working at the reception of some of the Motels in USA, then that person may have to mop, broom and open the clogged toilet too. Yeah. Otherwise, without using water still many micro pieces of Human waste may remain stick on skin everyone’s whatever. Well, then after that taking bath in a bathtub full of water may not be 100% safe. Otherwise, in India still most of the People may wash or wipe their butt with bare hands after using toilet, because not being able to afford toilet papers. What? I said, that is not only gross but can spread diseases too. Yeah, but whatever. Over that even religious people says, that there is nothing wrong being Male Gays or Bisexual. But look what some of the medical experts says in the Videos below. Yeah, world of Humans and Law makers can be scary.
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The reason, I embedded Video of rabies above because still in Himachal people in the Villages have many Dogs, Cats and Cattles. Therefore, even just a friendly scratch from Dogs, Cats or Monkeys those are not vaccinated for can be deadly. Beside this everyone knows about the stray Dogs, Cows and bulls almost every street of India. So, in reality and truth nothing from the Governments and Politicians is free, because someone being a Taxpayers paying for it or loan is piling up more and more even on newborn. So, even every baby in Himachal born with the loan of I think Rupees 84 thousand. But unfortunately, still by State I was not able to find a list of Loan on Government’s website which almost all the States in India owe. Otherwise, if all the Children and People in a State and Country are loan free and healthy then the Money get spent on treating diseases and interest on all kinds of Loans can be used to improve the infrastructure of Schools and Midday meal in Schools as required per day to be Healthy. Because only then parents and Governments can expect from the students to have a capability to function their Bodies and Minds with full potential. What? Otherwise, if someone in Hunger index ranks 107 out of 121, then some of the students instead of bearing an all kinds of pressure from their parents, Governments, and society to become something in life in the form of financially successful, may commit suicide. Well, this is the ugly truth which Parents and Governments should understand, that from the day someone start to grow as a Human in their mother’s womb to the last breath of Life need a required fuel of Food, Water, nonalcoholic beverages, hygiene, accommodation, clothes and some shoes. Otherwise, look what can happen even to a most expensive Vehicle if fuel is mixed with kerosene oil, water or if fuel is not available. So, if everyone can afford to take all kinds of precautions to be mentality and physically healthy then no one should be negligent about the same. Beside this People living in any Town or city have a right to enforce legally their municipal, health department and Government to have a required standard of everything and after that maintaining the same for the sake of Health of everyone. Even in the Villages to keep everyone safe and healthy legally the same Laws can be enforced. What? I said, still in our capital water comes only for few Hours in the Morning and Evening and cut in electricity in many areas are normal. And accommodation for some of the Government Employees may be very poorly built and constructed too. Yeah, but now don’t blame China and Pakistan to create a such situation. Because I noticed so many times, that whenever someone trying to tell or discuss the truth and reality on the ground, some kind of conflicts Locally, Nationally or on the borders will breakout to divert some of the Peoples Minds from the real problems.
Suggested Project for the Himachal. By Mr. Nand L Verma Page 4.
So, since I move out from Village to Cities, at least for me in India and USA it always remain some kind of living hell. And when first time I moved to New Delhi, I kind of remain sick for many days or Months. Because my Body and Mind were not used to deal with hot temperature. Things were so bad, that while eating or drinking something drops of sweat used to fall in a Drink or Food. Whether you are eating or drinking something at Home or in a Restaurants. Yeah, it was that bad. Because even that time those People had Airconditioned in their Rooms, the same may shuts down whenever there is a power (electricity) cut. Otherwise, in most of the Villages of Himachal Pradesh in a same Month People sits around the wood Stove while same time Cooking the food without sweating. But at least in USA all the Shops, Buildings, Houses, Apartments and Vehicles are equipped with heating System and Air conditioning. Well, before reaching to read and knowing about suggested project for Himachal and their People living in the Villages, it is very important to know about many things as I am trying to mention. What? I said, otherwise even some of the Farmers in Himachal fluent in English also “motapai ka Shikar baun saktai hai. Looking around, who is laughing? Well, you don’t believe me, watch the Videos below about obese in India, even if in Hunger Index India got ranked 107 out 0f 121 Countries. While Himalayas getting slimer and slimer without having much of snow and glaciers. Not a good combination.
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Anyway, even if I will die after living a Life of 100 Years, still there should be enough of everything inside the Earth, on the Earth and inside of me to survive. Mumbling, wow still 37 Years to go. Beside this even if living in USA for so many Years still I am slim. Hello only 67 kilograms. Otherwise, when I left India, I was only 48 kilograms. Yeah, according to my height 5.9 I was under weight for sure. So, while living in USA I gained 20 kilograms, but still one Female told me, that you are skinny. Hello, everything from head to toe not only original but solid too. Yeah, lots of mass. Beside this I can’t die before living a Life of 100 Years, because People living in heaven want me on Earth alive. And after 100 Years still may be extension required. Lo Ji Yey to wo walee baat ho gayee kee itnee mahanat karai baicharee murgee per aundai khaye sahab. Kayonkee apsarayain to saree swarg mai rahtee hai. No, I am just kidding, I don’t have any connect with people living in heaven those are in charge of Earth too. But still hey you never know anything about Wi-Fi signal and connection.
Otherwise, while growing up in a Village, in the wood stove (Chulaa) Kitchen not many People even used to have a proper system or not at all to let the Smoke go out from the Wood stove Kitchen. And the same whatever may have caused blindness in People and Children or may be some other Lung related diseases too by sitting in the kitchen full of Smoke. So, if People are not aware of few things neither the People around them nor their government teach them few things, then the same illiteracy can harm Children and everyone else’s health in many forms. In that case everything else in life either will go to treat someone Medically, or life will become worthless. So, back then every Year most of the Farmers in Himachal Pradesh used to Plant some new Trees in a Monsoon Months, but as Families starts to multiply the same Agriculture and Horticulture land which used to feed Family of Five, their Cattles and other domestic Animals well, started to shrink.
Suggested Project for the Himachal. By Mr. Nand L Verma Page 5.
Because the Land which used to grow all kind of necessary, healthy, organic and diseases free food for a Family of Five for a Year wasn’t sufficient to feed Ten, Fifteen or Twenty People in the same Family by growing everything in an old-fashioned way. Beside this Air and Water’s quality in the past may have been pollution free too. I think that was the reason, that most of the People lived more than eighty Years without having much of the diseases. Beside this may be some of the People never ever taken any kind of Medicines of Today in their whole Life. “OK, it doesn’t mean, that some of the very horrible and deadly diseases didn’t exist at all. But now as most of the World and People are living in an all kinds of toxicity and cold war related to many things, everything got more complicated. Whether because of the wrong mentality or getting financially little bit better. So, when people are poor there are problems and if getting little bit better still there are problems. Although now almost all the People living in Himachal have access to make themselves knowledgeable and aware of almost everything just by themselves, but still sometimes about many things it may not be easy to know for sure about the difference between Naturally occurred causes or Manmade disaster to Kill or making Humans Sick. But I truly and strongly believe, that from the beginning of this Century Young Generation and Students should understand the difference between innocence and illiteracy about many things as soon as possible. Otherwise, someone on the basis of these two can get exploited, brain washed and may even get painted Criminal in any Age. Because someone’s Government, their Employees and Justice System even in Twenty First Century still may not understand the consequences of Poverty and illiteracy at all. And sometime the same thing can lead to all kind of Mental sicknesses. Because either some of the responsible People in the Government don’t understand few things at all or just ignore everything to keep their Jobs. Beside this combination of selfishness, jealousy, ignorance, inferiority complex, superiority complex and not understanding many things well can lead to all kinds of mental sicknesses too. Because of which even some of the mentally sick people in many forms can exist even in someone’s Family, Village, Town, City, District and State too. In India including in Himachal such problems can be more because of caste system and a big and quick shift related to getting exposed to all kinds of stuff in the world.
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Otherwise, majority of the People living in the Villages used to know very little about the Glamorous or you can say crazy Life of People worldwide. And sometime because of the same side effects even responsible people in the Governments can become meatily sick in many ways too. Because look at all kinds of corruptions and manipulation for Money and Sex goes even in Politics. And most of the times because of such sicknesses other People of all Ages suffers in many ways too under someone’s govern. About which sometimes signs of the same are visible the way some of the Politicians and officers argue, answer questions or even can have physical fight with each other. Well, I am not sure how professionals in medical separates mental sickness and particular kind of crimes and action of the Humans. But still legally the same thing can be up for legal argument. What? I said, that is why even in old age you are still Bachelor, without children and Family. Well, to be very frank, when I see or observe the reality and truth of the same in almost all the cases, then I feel lucky by not having any kind of serious legal and emotional attachment to anybody. I mean I didn’t plan that way but if it happened, I am not regretting it at all. What? I said, that is how you got a time, will and freedom to think about the project for Himchali People and Government. Well, that can be true too, because otherwise People have so many obligations, responsibilities and prestige related issues because of their own Families and close relatives. So, no particular kind of freedom and time. Yeah, I told you, that most of the time People don’t want to talk about truth, neither want to hear nor can let go many things in Life.
Otherwise, when it comes to Himachal Pradesh, then if I am not wrong still in 2017 to treat a particular kind of disease People from all over the Himachal get raftered to PGI Hospital in Chandigarh. Which I think is very shameful not only for the People of Himachal but also for the State Government. Because by the time any Patient in critical condition reach to Chandigarh by road, it may be too late. And if I am not wrong sometime even a seriously ill Patient and the People with that Patient have to wait for the Doctors for Hours or Days just laying down or sitting wherever they find the space in the Hospital. What? I said, good because to PGI Hospital Chandigarh people have to burn more fuel. Which is very good for the Government, especially if 30 or 40% per liter goes to the Government.
Suggested Project for the Himachal. By Mr. Nand L Verma Page 6.
And then put back the same Money to treat some of the People for free. Especially the Children and People those got sick from all kinds of pollution from traffic smoke. But doesn’t that become a legal liability of the Governments? I think it does. So, if anyone get sick from smoke, polluted water, soil, pollution and unsanitary conditions then legally they should have a right to file a lawsuit against the Government or Municipal corporation (committee) or Health department. Yeah, that also is a part of the Democracy and equal rights. Otherwise, capitalism or most of the Governments and their system can ruin even Planet and all the resources on it. Beside this, sometime even after getting admitted in the Hospital if the bed is not available, patients may be forced to share the Hospital bed or have to sleep on the floor wherever they find the space. Well, I told you, that none of the infrastructure of UK and USA will work in India and China for sure. So, please use your own brains according to the population. I think such situation is not only can be in Himachal but all over India. And since everyone or most of the People in Himachal have their own Vehicles to drive, all kinds of tragedies, injuries and deaths are on the rise too. Whether because of the bad roads, driving while drunk over the limit, not having a required driving training, over loading or while People trying to show off their new fame and Money by driving their own Vehicle on the road recklessly. Otherwise, while crossing the Road someone suddenly will come in front of the Vehicle. In that case Driver may not be able to do much. And sometime when I see three or four Children sitting with their Parents on a Motorcycle or scooter, I really feel bad for the Children. But I know very well, that with in a blink of an Eye someone can end up dead, seriously injured or paralyzed for a life in case of Vehicle accident. Because I myself escaped a death like three times while driving a Motorcycle or in some Country they say Motorbike. Therefore, I think Parents with the Children have the most responsibilities as well as the Government and their officers in charge of particular department to bring a big change from the starting of 2001. Otherwise, spending most of the Life in Government Hospitals, private Medical Clinics or legal or illegal Medical Lab can’t be a fun. So, be careful because who knows someone close to you may be testing some of the Medicine or drugs on you or on your Childrens without your knowledge. Looking around, who is laughing? Hello, be serious, because if I am not wrong then in some of the Medical Labs worldwide almost any kind of diseases can be created in any of the Mice or some other Animals to find a cure. And if I am not wrong then in most of the Countries Poor and Homeless People’s Lives can be worse than the Animals in Medical Labs to test some of the Drugs. Yeah, no one going to teach these all to anyone in any of the schools. And as in the Internet age everyone knows that even most of the Medicines have side effects or someone can get addicted to few of them forever, therefore, I think few things in life are not worth to do, show off or have. And I hope that some of the People from land of the Gods and Goddesses are not involved in some of the inhuman activities deliberately Locally, Nationally or Internationally.
Otherwise, I defiantly believe that Drivers of the Public Transportation in Himachal Pradesh are more experienced when it comes to driving on some of the deadliest roads in Himachal Pradesh. I mean if some of them are able to drive without having a Drink or not being high on some other Drugs. Because once I was terrified when Driver of the Truck told me, that keep Eyes on the Highway and keep waking me up, because I am going to take short naps while driving. What? And before hitting the Highway after Kalka we both had few twenty-two ounces Bottles of Beer in one of the Hilly Dhaba. And who knows if Beer were Homemade. After these all I surely believe, that if someone is alive there must be very good reason behind it. Otherwise, I shouldn’t be here right now to write these all. So, lately I realized, that there is a big difference between being innocent, totally stupid, ignorant, illiterate or not aware about many things. Therefore, people of almost all Ages should not be confused about the difference between innocent or the things I mentioned above. Because in the era and time of world wide web even if someone just understand their own Language and have average Phone with the Internet, still they can learn so many things by themselves. Otherwise, such option was not available when I was growing up. And after that everyone should be able to get something done on the basis of Laws even from the Governments instead of protesting on the streets and blocking roads for the public those have nothing to do creating a particular kind of situation and circumstances. Beside this being a Man, it is not worth fighting over a Girl or to become a Leader in School, College or University.
Suggested Project for the Himachal. By Mr. Nand L Verma Page 7.
Especially, if some of the Schools, Colleges and Universities in a State still don’t have Electricity, running hot and cold Water, Internet and Computers, neither heating system. Beside these buildings of some of these and their Hostels may also be in a very bad condition. Well, if few things are true then why someone think, that still it is a Lands of the Gods, and someone should visit and invest in Himachal? Otherwise, if all of the Hilly States in India including Himachal Pradesh have a required infrastructure of everything in this Century, then People in USA should not call almost all the Cities and Towns shanty. Yeah, until then I wasn’t aware of the word ” Shanty Towns and Cities”
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But why tourists from all over the world want to visit Shanty towns? What? I said, maybe they are checking out that the cheap stuff they find in their Country to use, Eat and drink in what kind of Factories are being manufactured or made. Now, please tell me now, that who is totally shameless, trader or not patriot at all? What? I said, don’t worry slowly but steadily may be most part of the USA may become Shanty. Hello, but in Amercian Government, Town Halls and Municipal all the people are Americans. Yeah, but whatever. It is not like that Indian Government don’t spend People’s Money or People don’t spend theirs, but somehow in the end almost everything ends up shanty. Otherwise, in Himachal Pradesh most of the Villages may have improved a lot in almost everything compared to most of the Towns and Cities in India. But still 1000 times better needs to be done to meet a required standard of this Century while trying to compete with the devolving Nations. Otherwise, how come the oldest Region and civilization became a Country of Shanty Villages, Towns and Cities? Thinking, is this dirty Politics or almost everyone have lots of traders in their Country? What? I said, mujhai too kuch Daal mai Kala Lagta hai. Yeah, but if you have said or written this while living in USA then by now Black Lives Matter protest against you should have been started on the Streets.
Otherwise, come on, just 8 or 9 million People in a whole State of Himachal, and State is full of all kinds of beauty of Nature, resources, Gods and Goddesses. Believe me it is not worth living your State for a better life and financial gain. So, young and educated People of Internet time and era and Students have to save State from becoming a filthy one in many senses. Because old People may have Ten or twenty Years left to live, and most of them may be used to many things. But you all born in an Internet and Computer Era and Age, in which everything as an all kind of Knowledge, education and information is in front of you to think and invent something right by your own including Mentality and right version of the Religion. So, no excuse. Mumbling, if I live 100 then still, I have 36 Years to go. Even in old age ending up in nursing Homes. on the streets or Annath Asharmes can be pretty risky and dangerous. Because if I am not wrong then in USA 50% deaths from covid took place in nursing Homes. Anyways.
Otherwise, I think until Nineteen Seventy, not many People in the Villages of Himachal Pradesh were able to read or write, neither many Schools were available. But still none of the Himachali were begging on the Street, neither were Homeless, nor even most of them may have gone outside of their Town or a State ever. But as usual other Problems related to not having an enough or right of something including food may have been existed in a same way as it exists even Today in the World Class Towns, Cities States or Countries Worldwide. Therefore, I think People should not feel bad about few things, because still in the Village People at least have permanent Two or four Room’s House to live and free Water to use, even if someone sometime don’t have a right or enough food to eat. Otherwise, now even House in the Villages of Himachal looks like hotels from outside. Well, at least everyone have their own Room. And as no one have to pay the rent or mortgage, neither are Homeless therefore, interior work can be done according to the budget.
Suggested Project for the Himachal. By Mr. Nand L Verma Page 8.
So, in the past so many other Problems, Crimes and inhumanity may also have existed in a same way as today even in the Land of the Gods but went unnoticed. Whether because of illiteracy, wrong Mentality, Poverty, not having a particular kind of Laws in Place or may be because of some People Abroad. And most of the time such tragedies and crime take place in the form of sexual abusing or raping Children and Females, beside experimenting some of the Drugs on innocent Humans of all Ages. And once in a while even Today I read about such an inhumanity and brutality keep happening even in some of the richest and educated Countries in the world. Therefore, sometimes it really terrifies me by thinking, that what could have been happened in the time and era when victims have no way to complained and talk about the same to someone. So, what you are going to say, think or define about the meaning of innocence, illiteracy or inhumanity, in case someone demanded a sexual favor from their Neighbours or their Children before helping them out with the Food or Money? Hello, such things also can happen or may happened in the Villages too.
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But such thing really can’t happen in the Lands of Gods and Goddesses for sure. Otherwise, now I even almost all the Childrens the are educated therefore, I don’t have to explain and say anything else. So, I hope now People will help each other in the Villages being a Humans and Humanity, instead of destroying or being Jealous of someone’s financial successes. Therefore, I think nothing many People can do whatever happened in the past. Whether something happened because of the illiteracy, Poverty or that is how Humans Mentality used to be in a particular kind of era and time. But then still one question always used to bother me, that how come particular kind of illiteracy, Mentality, Selfishness, ignorance and very bad People can exist in a Land of the Gods? Because I remember many People losing their antiques, Gold and Silver Jewelry, because some People were not able to pay back the loan or interest on the loan which they have took by keeping their Jewelry as a guaranty with one of their own. And few may also have lost their Land too. I know most of the People earn everything in their life by working hard, but if someone have enough of everything for themselves and their Families to be happy and to live a decent life, it is not always necessary to keep someone’s Jewelry, Land and very old Pans and pots made out of Bronze, copper and brass against the loan as a guaranty. Especially, if someone is living in a Land or a State of Gods, beside this if lander is someone’s Friend, Relative or a Neighbour. And if God and Goddesses really exist, they shouldn’t let happen such a horrible thing to their People. But who really can be behind all these terrible and horrible things? Well, well, well then someone don’t have to go abroad to find bad and inhuman People. So, be careful, especially from the People those helps only if someone offer them a Sex or do something for you in the hope of getting something back on the way of Life. What? I said, now I know why you are still bachelor and without any Family Legal Family member. Hey, still I believe in vasudev Katumbha. Looking around, who is laughing? I said, Galib dil ko bahlanai kai leyai ye khayaal achaa hai, verna jiskai muha mai Ram Ram aur Bagal mai churee, whohee banda sachaa hai. (Yeah, and when someone is not able to put up with the argument of something in a logical and caviled way, then excuse is always there, that) kaleeyog mai aisaa hee hotaa hai, sharif inssan fiker mai jagta hai, aur choor gohdai baich kai sotaa hai. Internet kai zamanai mai ghatnay ka bajaye harafairee ka dhandha aur bhee baud gaya, Isleyai mujhai kabhee kabhee Race ka Ghoda behee dekhta Khoota hai. Fir bhee guru jee or whoever boltai hai, daroo nahee bachaa kaliyog mai aisa hee hota hai, aisaa hee hota hai. Andhoo kee anteryamee dirshtee jagrit ho jatee hai, aur aankhon wala ankhain khol kai sota hai. Maira kaam to likhna hai, likh daita hun, mujhai kaya dhagai maun mai kaun shabdo ko kaisai firota hai. Daroo nahee bachaa kaliyog mai aisa hee hota hai, aisaa hee hota hai. Koee ghoree baba ban jata hai, aur koee ragad kai roz sharir dhota hai. Buchkai chalna Jindgeyai safar mai ai rahee, pata nahe kon niyat ka sacha ya khota hai. Aub tujhai kaya doon mai haseena, marai ek haath mai kamndal aur dosarai mai lota hai. Per fir bhee tapsaya todnai swarg sai apsarayain aa paunchee, arai oper walai yai to saraair dhhoka hai. 700 saal sambhoogras mai bahnai kai baad fir tapsaya shuru kar daina, tumhai aisaa karnai sa bhala kisnai roka hai. Sateeyoug kai baad Kaliyoug aur kaliyoug kai baad fir satiyoug aa gaya, ise safer mai sabhee apnai apnai hessai kai beej botain hai. Per satiyoug mai kaya milaigaa? Zarorat kee her cheese muftai mai milaigee, iseleayi her payaar aur rishta bhee sachaa hooga. Actually, I made up all the lines after first one. Beside this, even I LOL after reading the stuff which otherwise I wrote. Well, well, well one thing is for sure that in the Internet time and era someone can make tons of Money even just writing such stuff. Because even doing PHD in many things became risky. Otherwise, almost everyone have to say cheese even while taking selfie. “Ok, time to soak the Sun because frizzing in my Room, beside this I can’t stay in the Sun more then 10 minutes, because it is so sharp where I stand. Over that dealing with the wintry flu. No, good.
Otherwise, those born, grew up and lived even in the Land of Gods and Goddesses may be to some of them very horrible things could have been happened too. But still, that can be the only truth about the People and their whatever. And most of the times whatever happened wrong to someone it could had been happen because of their own people. But still People call them their own People, People from their Family, Village, Town, City, State, Country, Religion, Relatives or Friends. The reason I have written this, because I wish I had a such written material available to read or listen while I was in Sixth Class or Grade. “OK, it doesn’t mean, that I am saying don’t believe in Gods and Goddesses because they don’t exist.
Beside this, don’t mix up two things in here, when I say taking an advantage while someone is in problem or not being able to help someone financially being poor or someone not even having an enough food to feed their own Children. Therefore, still I am not sure that why People have to go through with so many struggles and hardship if living in the Land of the Gods and Goddesses. But then I think that even if God and Goddesses exist, you never know how many problems, they can have while running and managing such a complex world of Humans and everything else. Although, I do believe in the existence of God and Goddesses, but the same time I am aware of, that nothing in my life has been fallen from the Sky neither came from any God or Goddesses. Because look, how much struggle almost all the Humans have to do in their daily Life just to be healthy and alive. So, so far none of the Gods and Goddess have handed over anything to me by saying, hey dear Nand you don’t have to Work all kind of odd jobs at all, because I have a power to give you whatever you need to live a Happy, Healthy and decent life. No, no, no at least for me so far that turned out to be a one big Myth. Therefore, after knowing and understanding some of the things related to Life and living it, I tried to be practical too. Otherwise, Humans as a whole can be taken over by all kinds of myths, stories and by the People those actually in truth and reality do and say everything to brainwash others for the sake of their own. And believe me you are very lucky even if you get paid well for your hard work even while living in a Land of God. And with the same crape someone may also have to deal with even while living in a Country of the richest and most educated People in the World. Especially while you come to know that even in the richest and educated Country in the world not many People and their Government care much about the Homeless People sitting on the Streets. Therefore, so far in a World and between the People in which I born, grew up, living and have lived, most or all of them may say and believe in many things, but when it comes to the Money, properties, assets and Sex everything changes practically, Religiously and Philosophically. Yeah, in that case related to religious, spiritual, humanity, relations and so many other things may not exist at all. So, in reality and real World of the Humans and Humanity most of the believes and hopes can be totally misleading and sometime tragic too. Because in reality everyone gets paid in the form of Money only if Humans Work the way their Employer and needs of Humans want them to work. Even if someone prays every day and visit their Religious Place too. Yeah, sometime some of the Religious Places may serve a free food, and if someone is a sober Person some of them may offer a place to stay for a while too.
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Therefore, I kind of started to believe, that may be Religion and Religious Places can be a Plan B of the same Government and System those are unable to eliminate Poverty and illiteracy. So, one part of the system may will kick someone out and other will provide a hope for the best and some urgent help too. “OK, so you don’t have to think and believe into something in a same way the way I felt and think. But in such case if real God, Goddesses and the owner of the real version of Religion exist somewhere on Earth or in the Universe, then I am sure they are not going to be Happy at all the way Earthly Humans have interpreted them. Because if you look at the History of Earthly Humans, then even almost all the Kings or rulers used to rely on their some of the People in the administration before making any decisions. And the same thing related to all the Governments still not only is alive but in practice too. Therefore, sometimes I am doubted that if some of the Humans took even Gods and Goddesses for a ride too. I mean if they exist, otherwise there can be some Earthly Humans those can have an all kinds of scientific, technical and all other kinds of knowledge to make few or everything happen. But still as a Human, Gods or Goddesses being in power and commend of something or everything may not be that difficult but making right decisions in time to run and maintain everything on Earth perfectly for the sake of everyone and everything, not easy for sure. Especially when almost all the Humans are trapped in some way in their own word. Whether to have just required of everything to be happy and healthy or more than enough of everything. But now the question is that if Humans got divided in to so many Countries, Religions, Castes by some of the Evil Earthly Humans to make their whatever fat or by Gods and Goddesses? Otherwise, no matter how Humans look from their faces but still everyone’s Body require the same thing. Beside this mentality is always changeable. But then in the end I have to settle down my all kinds of suspicions and thoughts, that today even I am not the same person who I was yesterday. So, in particular time and era even some of the Earthly Humans, Gods, Goddesses, Science or Nature may took all the decisions for the sake of Humans and Humanity. But still nothing seems to be perfect. Therefore, in the end everything comes down to the same things, that all the Earthly Humans should become one for the sake of everyone and everything. Otherwise, so far even the most lethal weapons, all kinds of wars, conflicts, education, richness, achievements, inventions, Technologies, Religions, Spiritualities, believes, fates, States, Countries, Governments, Government’s systems, Gods, Goddesses and everything else on Earth and in the Universe have failed to provide at least basics to all the Earthly Humans. And because of the same there is not any kind of stability on Earth. Well, then it is all up to the Earthly Humans that what kind of future they want for themselves and their beloved Children. Don’t worry, we will reach to project for the Himachali People by Mr. Nand L Verma slowly but steadily.
Otherwise, while I was growing up on a Land of the Gods (Himachal) nothing was heavenly for sure. And that time as nothing was available in the Village to know about all kinds of things Locally, Nationally or Internationally except Radio therefore, people were not aware of an existence of anything except whatever you see, hear around and read and come to know in School. And whenever I used to visit any religious place, I was given some Money to give to a God or Goddesses. So, I thought if you give one Rupee to a God or Goddesses, they will give you at least double of that. Because after particular age I came to know for sure that without Money no one will give you anything. Beside this whatever everyone does every day in the Farms as a work is required not only to stay alive but to make some money too. Well, I wasn’t happy about that at all since then. Because then what is the use of believing in Gods and Goddesses, even if People have to pay Money in a hospital. Then slowly but steadily I came to know, that food served in Religious Places doesn’t come from the Gods or Goddesses but from the Donation which has been given by a People to the God and Goddesses. Yeah, since then I was kind of confused about the whole concept. But as back then there wasn’t any Internet and Computers to find out the answer or addresses of the whole World with in a Minute, neither particular kind of People used to be around therefore, it was kind of growing up in a very shady world, culture and society. Over that back then when someone used to be under particular age, no way having a courage to ask something from anyone. Looking around, who is laughing? No, I am serious, because even when I was Adult, I thought if you give God or Goddesses a one $ or whatever currency they have a Power to Multiply that one $ into Millions to give their devotes or followers for free. But I wasn’t aware, that those People are Rich they Donate more than a one $ to the same God or Goddesses, and because of that fat donation Religious Places survive and exist. So, I came to know the truth very late, that one $ or whatever other Currency multiply in Millions only if someone have invested some money in a Stock Market. I mean if Stock Market doesn’t crash or the Company in which someone have invested don’t get vanished or go Bankrupt over night without any prior notice. Otherwise, someone should have taught me this much while I was in 8th grade or class. Because that time there wasn’t much competition to make money even in Stock Market. Yeah, you heard that right, I am talking about 1970s.
Otherwise, even if in the time of world wide web if investment Company have an office like one of mine and other stuff in the office, then nothing much someone can sell to recover their invested Money. Therefore, People have to be careful before investing into something with someone to make their investment double within a Month. Because someone can keep paying to the old investors with some profit for a Year or two without doing any Business as long as new Investors are investing in the Company in the hope of getting their investment double within a Week, Month or Year. Therefore, being in such kind of circumstances chances can be more getting ripped, even if someone is living in the Land of Gods. Because still some People of the Godly Land may believe and think, that everyone is afraid of Gods and Goddesses, so they will not disappear overnight with their invested Money. So, in reality and truth now may be Billions of people Worldwide don’t believe in the existence of Gods and Goddesses at all, but only in Money God. Wow Money God is real, I can touch and feel it. And the same having in tons can make anyone feel like living in a heaven too while being alive. So, at least Earthly Humans mentality about many things can change very fast.
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So, the World of stocks and Stock market didn’t exist in my dictionary and life until the time I was may be forty. And I am sure the same thing may have been happened to so many People in the same States or Country where others were making tons of Money from the same, which otherwise was unknown and non-accessible in their area for the rest of the population. But when I started to know and understand about these all things, it was too late for me to take a risk about many things. Beside these all, at one point of my life I came to realize, that when it comes to making God Money, I have no other choice but to Serve food and Alcohol to rich People by working in a Five Stat super Deluxe Hotel starting as a Room Service Waiter. Yeah, I didn’t like that at all. That isa why I quit a Job in India after like 5 or 6 Years. Because most of the People while staying in a Five Star super Deluxe Hotels used to spend a kind of money in a day for the Room, Breakfast or Liqueur which I may make in a Year or Five Years by doing the same Job and work every day. No, I am not Joking, because back then it was very confusing when first time in life someone starts to know the truth about Humans, Humanity and Equality under the Democracy, Capitalism and Fundamental Rights. What? So, it was very disturbing for me to know and except the truth, that only the difference between Humans is having or not having Money. Well, well, well, and sometime being in that situation if people are not married, neither many labilities are there, then they can take some very drastic decisions to live a particular kind of Life. But as always there is not a guaranty that everyone is going to become the richest person of the world by working hard and honestly. What? Especially if even in a Country like USA someone working on a minimum wage get paid $ 200 or 280 weekly by working 40 Hours a week. And after knowing such a bitter truth about one of the richest and powerful Country in the world someone again can be very disappointed, but hey now you got stuck, so just stick around for a while and try your best to make money. Beside this I came to know about the world of Earthly Humans in which Money is not made by honestly and hard work at all. Otherwise, as I wrote that while I was growing up, that time there wasn’t any Internet neither any other source to find the right answer about all kind of questions generated by my situations and circumstances to live a decent life with dignity and self-respect. But I came to know the bitter truth, that I can’t have these things in me and in my life if I have to do something in my life which I don’t like to do. Whether to have a required basic facilities and Amenities in life or to stay alive. Although, before I started my first Job, I had some very bad experience about losing a hefty amount of God Money by trusting someone. Because most of the People those grew up in a Village, still most of them can be little or totally unaware of the bad side of the People while trusting someone blindly for anything. Especially, if someone grew up by listening from the Religious People, that God and Goddesses punish bad People. But in reality, and real life of Humans and Humanity, I think so far, I found totally opposite of that. So, my advice for the People of all ages is, that don’t trust anyone when it comes to Money and all other assets, even if someone born in a Land of the Gods and Goddesses.
Therefore, I really like to make few things clear for the young Adults and the Students, those may not get taught few things timely in any Class neither at Home. So, back then while I was growing up, getting informed about something or entertaining yourself the only source was Radio. And if I am not wrong then back in 1970s, not many People in our area used to own a Radio either. Therefore, in that kind of situation most of the Children or even Adults were kind of blank, dumb, idiots or stupid about almost everything. Therefore, it was a very, very awful feelings when I have to do something as a work or Job which I don’t like at all to make Money while living in a Land of the Gods. And in the beginning the same thing also used to make me feel like a piece of whatever. “OK, I didn’t mean, that all the People necessarily feel that way while working in a Five Star super Deluxe Hotels, where most of the time Wealthy and Famous People stays, Eat and Drink. Therefore, all other Employees except myself may think, that they are the luckiest People by having a Jobs in such kinds of establishment. But for me it was a very strange and weird feelings all together by dressing up in a weird inform while on the Job. Because back then even I couldn’t understand that why I have to wear a particular kind of odd uniform while working. But now I understand that I should look inferior or whatever then the customer. Well, then Hooters Waitresses in USA should be very happy. Hello, what happened to my equal rights? Oh, my after these Years living in USA still you are too skinny. Alright. Anyway. But at least while working in a Five Star super Deluxe Hotels in India I used to get a well washed and ironed free uniform from the Hotel’s Laundry every day. Yeah, even back then they used to have a very HighTech Laundry in a Hotel. But still I think with in 5 or 6 Years I ended up quitting a Job. Which otherwise that time having a that kind of Job and earning a particular amount of Money wasn’t bad at all. But I didn’t know why I was feeling so horrible about so many things by keep working the same Job. But, by that time one thing was for sure, that it was too late to regret whatever I thought about the reality of Life, Humans, their System, God, Goddesses, Religious Stories and the Lessons about kindness and Humanity from other Humans. Because, if you don’t give a good service in the Restaurant to your Customer, hey no tip for you, because you are a bad and rude Waiter. Beside this you never even give a cheesy smile. Yeah, sometime people can end up working in a weird place. I mean in my whole life I felt that way, so I am not sure about you all out there.
And while working in USA, many times I wanted to hit many customers with the Tray on their head. But then you lose your job and go to jail. So, in reality you are stuck to deal with some of the creepiest, weird and awkward People in the whole World. Man, am I in United States of America? Sure, you are. But why I feel that I never left some of the People back in my Home Country? No, I am just kidding, because if you are working in a Five Star Super Deluxe Hotels, you not only make good Money but also 95% customers are nice and well behaved too. But still in many Hotels People in the Kitchen can screw up everything. Otherwise, Kitchen runs very smoothly even if occupancy is 110% and Hotel have different kinds of 6 to 8 Restaurants, Banquet halls plus 24×7 Room service for 500 to 1000 Rooms. What? I said, but what these all have to do with the Project for Himachali People. You will come to know on the way.
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