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About Collection of the Songs and their Videos. By Mr. Nand L Verma. Parental discretion advised.
In Fusion Live Collection, I thought of finding at least Sixty Thousand Songs and their Videos within Two Months, but forget about Sixty Thousand, I am struggling to find just 3 thousand. What all of you Worldwide were doing in Music industry since the Time of Adam and Eve? Yeah, something doesn’t seem to be right at least to me. But don’t worry, I will give you a one free suggestion, if someone really think, that they have a very Good Vocal and are Healthy enough to perform Live on a Stage, try to contact a Copyright holder of the Songs and some instrumental Players. Choose some of the best Songs, doesn’t matter how old the Songs are. After that if the Songs required some of the Today’s instrumental and other boost, just do so. But someone have to be very, very smart or knowledgeable to do so. Otherwise replacing some of the original Music instruments with the new one may make someone’s Song similar to others. Especially when it comes to the Music beats. Yeah, if it is a Dance Song some of you should hire few Good-looking dancers too. Because I think it is difficult for the Singers to Dance in a particular way while singing on a Live stage, even if Singers are in a very good shape and stamina. And make a Stage little presentable, beside this don’t hide instrumental players in the dark. Because most of time there is enough empty space around the Singer in the Video in live performances. Although I don’t know much about Video recording and editing, but in live performances someone should be able to put show instrumental Players in the recorded Videos of Live shows too. Because if the same Video get played on a big TV screen in High definition or 4K everything in the Videos get more visible, clear and bigger. Mumbling, who knows if my Collection may get hired by a, thinking, what they call? The Cable People or whoever. Otherwise as everyone knows that sometimes Internet and Websites can be a pain in the whatever. And while viewing Videos and images on small screen in Videos and images almost everything gets squeezed to their death. Looking around, who is laughing? Anyway, hello. But still hey, at least everyone have a luxury or option to view all kinds of Videos anytime by having all kinds of Phones handy, and now folding Phone’s screens can be extendable up to 9×9 or 7×7 inches. So, not bad at all.
“OK, So, don’t feel bad, sad, insulted or offended if someone’s Song and their Video is on the bottom, middle or on the top of any of the Videos display Pages. Because I can’t make a Page of Hundred, Two Hundred or thousand Videos by placing them all on the top. What? I said why you can’t make a Page of that kind. Because it will take more time to load for a page, or those People Worldwide have slow Internet, Page may take forever to load in their devices. What? I am asking, why you think that some very famous and so talented People are going to be so stupid by thinking something like that related to not having their Song’s Videos displayed on the top of the Pages. Hey, just making few things clear according to my own experience about People and their mentality or the way understanding and evaluating many things. So, People, please keep your egos and all kind of superior or inferior complex in check. Otherwise, I think High-definition Videos, 4K or more resolution than that need a lighting speed Internet to run Videos smoothly or even getting a page of twenty Videos displayed in all kinds of devices running on an Internet. Otherwise, if poster or thumbnail of the Video is small then page may display faster than the way I displayed Videos on pages at Therefore, please focus only on producing some Good Songs and their Videos. Because I know very well what I am doing. Looking around, who is laughing? Yeah, I am laughing, because you are acting like a one of the biggest whatever in Music Industry. Hello, in the Internet Age you should take few things very seriously even about the People those otherwise were unknown, or may got considered worthless even by their Family, Village, Town, City, State or a Country. Beside this selling the best Songs and their Videos Worldwide has nothing to do with having a knowledge or Music. Thinking, maybe it has to do something, otherwise even picking up just few thousand Songs and their Videos from 97 million. I mean on the world wide web during search that is what I found. Otherwise, according to my best judgement in all kinds of Languages and dialects worldwide there should be like more then 100 million Songs. In which Songs without having a Videos of them should be included. So, who knows maybe I will become a money-making Machine for the Copyright holder of the Songs and their Videos, those I have chosen in my collection.
What? I said, otherwise copyright holders of these all Songs and their Videos in all kinds of Collections may have dumped them. Well, in few cases that can be true. Because some of the Copyright holders of all Songs and their Videos in my collections may have thought, that those people worldwide do not understand a Lyric, they will never view a video of a Song. But the same thing didn’t convince me at all. But still I struggled a lot before finding a way putting these all Songs and their Videos in a particular order, so viewers totally don’t feel that this Song and its Video is in a language which they understand partially or not at all. Therefore, I had to find a kind of hook which once get attached to someone’s entertainment departments sitting in their brain will not come off easily. Looking around, who is laughing? Hello, doing so can be a matter of knowing about millions of things about the same. What? I said, otherwise everyone knows about a hook which is easiest to attach. Yeah, that is for sure, beside this stealing and copying other People’s work or ideas. But I really believe that because of such thieves and copycats still 80% Earthly Humans remain poor and struggling middle class. Therefore, I really want the best Lyricist, Music composers, instrumental players, Singers, producers, Copyright holders and all the other People in my collected Videos of the Song keep making very good Money. Looking around if some of the famous Singers got beaten very badly by a Ten Years old in Singing. What? I said tell em, that some of you poor old cry Babies, just take it easy. What? I heard someone said something in Children Voice, yeah, I said, someone muted or distorted my Voice in the Videos. Yeah, may be because of the Copyright or some of the Singers may don’t want you to sing their Songs better than them.
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Otherwise looks like monopoly and a hype of something is taking a last breath. But still, I think Copyright holders makes Money God, even if someone else is Singing their Songs better than the originals? Yeah, but only if new Singers or whoever producing or making the remakes have a legal authorization from the Copyright holders. Well, I am not really sure how these all-Copyright legal wrangling gets played out Worldwide. But one thing is for sure, that if money or sex is involved then even some of Humans may become alive even from their graves. So be careful about the legal wrangling and Zombies. Please don’t confuse this Collection with the Billboard or whatever you call it, because all the Songs in this Collection are on the first Place, no matter where they are on the display Pages. All I am trying to do, to match these Songs in all kinds of Languages and dialect with each other on the basis of some of the best Vocals and Music in the World. Which somehow even should get lucrative and addicted to the People also, those don’t understand a Language at all, neither ever heard about the Singers or whoever. What? I heard some Singers or Copyright holders said something, Yeah, I said but doesn’t then my Song can be heard by Seven Billion People along the way someday many times a day? I think you are right about that, but you may be able to do so through me only. “OK, so I made that up without talking to anyone. But still I can read People’s Minds. Not really. Unless someone living in the particular kind of facility or accommodation which can be equipped with all kinds of hidden whatever. Hey, anything is possible. Well, then something can be always there to read your Mind. So, may be your all ideas can be stolen and registered before you apply to do so. Man, that is a World of invisible thieves or whatever. Another mystery?
Beside this, I am also working on a cooking recipe too, so People will not gain weight. What? I heard something in Females Voice, yeah, I am asking, you cook too? Yeah, but sorry I have no plans to get marry at least in this Life, neither having a plan to have permanent Girlfriend. Mumbling, I wish I have a genes or DNA in me to fall in love only with one Female. And as you grow older and older, happening the same thing gets more harder and harder. Especially after knowing about these all-beautiful Females Worldwide, those are not only very good looking from head to toe, but also very talented too. What? I said, and most of them are rich too. Yeah. In spite of these all may be on the way; I will be able to make some kind of deal with Copyright holders to make all my Collection legally available for download. Because most of the People worldwide always are crybabies or concerned about privacy or getting hacked while on the world wide web. Well, then paying little bit shouldn’t be a problem before downloading something legally. Because look how much Worldwide almost everyone some spend on Smoking, drinking Alcohol, to have Sex or doing all kinds of drugs to get high. Otherwise, when it comes to all kinds of Internet scams, I don’t blame People to be afraid or concerned. Because many bad People Worldwide are always there to find the pray while some innocent People are just connected to the Internet to find. do or enjoy something. Otherwise, in few cases I think to have available something free on the Internet, People don’t have to worry about their Privacy. Especially, if some of the Genuine Website owners or Advertisement agencies are just tracking Internet provider’s IP address to display an Advertisements to sell you something Genuine on an affordable Price. So, take it easy, but the same time be careful from the World full of bad People too.
“OK, so as I wrote above that I made few things up in here about talking or hearing something from someone. Hey, making myself clear, Otherwise, someone may get charged for illegal or fraudulent practices of doing Business or some kind of mental illnesses. But still, lots of people worldwide have to write or say many things in a same way even to present something publicly on the basis of true stories. Because it is not good to mention someone’s name. So, don’t think that it is easy to design or run a website while at the same time choosing or making content for the same to display on world wide web. I mean unless someone have investor’s Money to spend. But as right now I am just myself and yet have to start making Money from a website: I have to be extra careful about everything. But the same time I am not afraid either, neither totally relied on a website to be alive or survivable. But still almost everyone tries not to get involved in legal wrangling, but sometime may be there is no choice. Anyway.
So, enjoy all kinds of free stuff while on the Internet. What? I heard some Lawyer said something, yeah, I said you have a right to keep secret and confidential all the tricks of the trade. Really? So, things go on and on in legal process and arguments. Therefore, my advice is, keep yourself away from all kinds of legal mess if you can. And I am trying to do the same too. Especially those of you yet don’t have Investors or People’s Money to spend, but still want to do something on the Internet to make a decent living or to get Rich and famous. Otherwise, as everyone knows that most of the Governments and Corporations spend investors or People’s Money. But the same time as everyone knows too, that whatever something of good or bad someone have in their lives individually or in the form of as a Family, Village, Town, City, State, Country or Worldwide may have because of the Governments and all kinds of corporations and rich people too. What? I said, looks like an all kind of Chaos everywhere without any perfection, stability and futuristic vision for the new generation. Hello, otherwise how someone is going to create Jobs for the job, work, State, Country, race and Religion loving People? So, I am writing one more time, that you all Worldwide have no choice left except building a “Project for the World” by Mr. Nand L Verma while at the same time becoming a Citizen of Earth. Look after that who is going to be your Daddy. Hello, everything will be free for Life. What? I said, that is we call living a life with perfection and all kinds of stabilities. Otherwise, having that many children to raise even without any perfection can be scary. I think that is another Chapter. Well, enjoy the Collection of Songs and their Videos by Mr. Nand L Verma at Looking around, who is laughing? Hello, I am serious.
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Otherwise, from worldwide in all kinds of Languages and dialects I thought of at least finding 5 thousand Songs and their Videos for each and every category of the Collection within a Month without any problem but looks like that is not true at all. I see, may be not available to embed or yet not available on the Internet. Come on People bring it on, many more rounds to go, because I am holding tons of Indian Songs back, so don’t let Indians rule the World when it comes to Songs and their Music Videos. Otherwise, looks like to me, that Females still are going strong in every sense, but most of the Males Worldwide are kind of done. No Good. Looking around, what happened? Hurry up, because you never know may be on the way someday someone can get one point four Billion hits in a Week. Because somehow, I have a strong feeling, that what kind of Music, Lyrics and their Videos majority of the People going to like Worldwide. And if that will happen, then all of you in Music industry so far don’t know anything about the Music Business. But hey look, some people in Music industry learned few right recipes since they heard and watched my collection. Therefore, if I will succeed, it can be a very, very, shame, shame for many People in the Music and Song Business. Believe me some of the People in Music and Song industry still standing on a first step, hello ninety-nine to go. I mean that is the way I felt.
Songs in particular order on the Video display Pages are not fixed, because as I will find some more new Songs in all kinds of Languages and dialects worldwide, thes all Songs and their Videos in all kinds of Collection can be reshuffled according to their quality and standard on the basis of finding the right match; or I am not sure, that how my senses, feelings and emotions are going to respond to put these all Songs and their Videos as a collection in particular order. So, if someone for some reason kind of feeling down sad or bad about something, I surely recommend watching Fusion Dance Songs and their Videos. No, seriously, I am not joking. Beside this Fusion special turned out to be a very Good too. Looking around, then what you are waiting for? Yeah, I recommend at least listening and watching Twenty Videos a day until the time you finish all the Collections. And then back to the starting point. Well, I think then maybe no escape ever. Believe me you never ever have to keep searching for the best combination of Vocal and Music in a Song. Yeah, according to my choice some of the Videos are not that Good in all kinds of Dance Songs and their Collections. May be because so many new and old producers suddenly fell into totally a new Business of Songs and their Videos. Especially after they found themselves and their product displayed on a website in a way which otherwise they didn’t think about so far. Therefore, looks like some of them are catching up to make a perfect recipe for the Songs and their Videos. Hey, I can understand, that not easy at all to sell something Worldwide even with the click of a Mouse. Therefore, in the Internet Age of today almost everyone have to prepare themselves to handle all kinds of failures too. Because when anything have to compete with the product or talent from Worldwide, not an easy task at all to be the best. Thinking since when I started writing Lyrics, drawing and listening Songs? Yeah, when I may be Thirteen Years old. But I didn’t take any Class in Computers and their whatever. Therefore, whatever you see on the Website related to the Digital World and doing something in Computers, I have learned just by myself. Yeah, but if sometimes I got stuck and help is free, hey just call the number. I mean, if genuine help is there to help you out. Otherwise, by now everyone should know what can happen if your cry for help ended up in scammers call center somewhere over overseas or in a Country. Otherwise, I don’t mind if some of the hottest females in the world genuinely trying to help me out to fix something in my computer, even if doing so is not their profession. Hello, while writing still my old naked Eyes can see even a difference between coma and full stop very clearly, and I never been blind. Anyway, sometime during any kind of conversation misunderstandings can take place too; especially if not verified, trying to know something indirectly or through third party. But as always, with some good and bad memories everyone have to move on with their lives.
Although I tried to keep nudity, vulgarity and Sexuality in the Videos in check, but as everyone Worldwide evaluate an exposure of digital nudity, vulgarity, sexuality and a kind of provocativeness which leads to sexual desire in the form of appropriate differently for their Children or while watching something together, therefore, still Parental discretion advised. What? I said, otherwise if Children between the age of 13 to 18 are allowed to have sex between them, and worldwide age of consent starts for 13 or 14 too plus all kinds of married people and people living together in a sexual relationship, then I have no idea how many people left to spend their time on fake things. Yeah, that is true too. What? I said, some of the law makers may think that giving that choice to Children may reduce population of Gays, Lesbians and bisexuals. Well, that can be true too, but hey as I am not expert in such things, so just follow the laws of the land or whatever someone’s parents think is good for their Children. But in the end, it is always good to provide all the Children sexual education and its consequences before the puberty age. But still even well-educated people worldwide do all kinds of drugs to get high even by knowing the truth that same thing not only going to destroy them and harm other People but also can kill them too. That means Governments and their system worldwide failed to establish even a right version of the mentality in their Citizens. But then what is the use of having your own Country? What? I said, to have all kinds of Wars and conflicts with each other, while spending Taxpayers Money on military weapons and all kinds of Armed forces in the name or whatever. Looking around, who is laughing? Hello, your 18 years old perfect whatever have long way to go, so be serious in time. Mumbling, definitely Gods and Goddesses do not run and manage anything on Earth, and if they do then according to my point of view something is very wrong with them too. What? Then we always can blame Satan or demons. Well, to me that sounds like cooking Books or a formula which keeps investors investing their money, so those investors invested money before can have a return with profit on their investment. No, that is not true, because some Corporation also make some profit by selling something, but still in some cases you can be right too. Mumbling, I wish someone taught me this much in a simple Language when I was 12 or 14 Years old. But then who really manage and run the world and all kinds of herds on planet Earth? I have no idea, but my point of view something definitely not only is very wrong but seems fishy too.
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So, beside in your Browers everyone worldwide also should install anti phishing extension in their lives too in the form of to avoid brain high jacking. And in that Anti phishing extension all kinds of Video Collection including Songs and their Videos also are included.
“OK, as I wrote somewhere else too, that don’t confuse Collections of the Songs and their Videos with the Billboard, or any other ranking System on the basis of popularity. Because according to my evaluation and choice almost every Song and its Video in Collections is at the first Place. So, all I tried to match these all Songs with each other in a way which sounds good even for the People those understand Language fully, partially or not at all. Looking around worldwide, now all the Copyright holders of the Songs and Videos are going to be after whom to hand over their Songs to add in all kinds of Collections? Of Courses after me. “OK, I was just kidding or joking about that, because in reality I choose these all songs and their Videos in my Collection just for myself. Because I was having so many problems finding these all Songas and their Videos at one place in a particular order for quick access. But at the same time as I was working on a website and came to know that I can embed these all Songs and their Videos on my website too, that is how my personal choices got available for the People Worldwide too. Looking around, who is laughing about quick access? Hello, now process can be delayed because of having so many Good Songs and their Videos. Not really, because I thought of finding at least 70 or 100 thousand Songs and their Videos from worldwide in all kinds of Languages and dialects to add in my Collections. Mumbling looks like soon I have to open my own live Radio Station too; on which People can hear the Collection of the Songs and their Videos in my Collections Worldwide. Beside this if I will have tons of God Money, then I defiantly will construct special kind of Stadiums Worldwide where all these Singers can perform Live at one Stage. I mean if original People in the Videos are dead or because of health issue can’t perform live, then someone else should be able to Sing their Songs. Otherwise, doesn’t sometime watching and listening the same people and same Songs only in your Language on live stage feels little boring? Therefore, I am planning a world tour of all kinds of Videos and Songs in Fusion Songs. Yeah, it means, that Show can go on for 5 or 7 Hours. That should be a fun for sure. Don’t worry I will keep the Price of Tickets cheaper than the amount which someone otherwise may spend in a Month or Day on Alcohol, Smoking and all kind of Drugs to get High. Anyway, but until then let’s see who is going to lure almost all the People from Worldwide to watch the Videos of Songs on world wide web?
What? I heard something in Female Voice. Yeah, I said, you idiot my Songs are not included in the Collections. Hello, now erotica in Video Songs or in whatever is open. Otherwise, it used to be only a competition of Miss World and miss Universe on the basis of physical beauty. But now in my Collections some of the Females can have both ways. I mean in the form of physical beauty plus talent in bikinis or thongs. So, those females Singers physically looks head to like some of the best bikini models, they should make 2 kinds of Videos of different Songs, one for Erotic collection and one for another. What? I said, and if these Female Singers are having some problem writing a perfect Lyric for any Video, then they can give you a call. Sure, why not? I will try my best, even if I can’t read and write Music. Yeah, translating the same Lyric in other Language is going to be your Job. What? I heard something in Male’s voice, Yeah, I said, I like all the Females in Erotic Collection very much from head to toe in little cloths while moving their whatever. Hey, enjoy. In this portion of a website no one under the age of Eighteen is allowed, but as I wrote above, I am not sure about that when it comes to viewers from worldwide. What? I said I am Eighty Years old, and I want to show that Video of Erotica in Songs to my Wife. Mumbling may be too late now. But still, you can try your best before getting forced to cheat by your wife on her. But still you can argue legally in Court that how and why your wife forced you to cheat on her. And same thing also applies in case of married Males too. Yeah, even if I never married, still I can understand well that marriage life can be full of all kinds of problems too. So, don’t be judgmental about other People’s personal life. Otherwise, hey, none of my business therefor, I am going to stay out of it. Beside this looks like some of the Males are having some Physical attraction issues with their Wives or Girlfriend because of the Weight too. Hey, just glued yourself to Erotic Collection, after that someone’s wife or girlfriend may understand the right Recipe to keep their whoever glued to her only. Don’t worry Children are thinking, that I am talking about Crazy glue. No, I am just kidding, because meaning of real beauty between Couples can be very different. What? I said, ” Galib dil ko bhalanai kai leyai ye khayal accha hai, verna kuch rishi muniyon nai too sab kuch gawan kar apsaryon kee sundarta ka sawaad chkah hai” Yeah, that is true too. 700 saal kab ek hee apsara kai saath guzar gayai pata hee nahee challa. Yeah, that is what it happens on the way while trying to be a God. Now start tapsaya from ground zero again to take God’s place in heaven. But make sure this time after 700 years God’s trick you again by using the same weapon of destruction. Looking around, who is laughing? Hello, in our Religion almost all the Gods and Goddesses are married. But still some of the stories about the same are little weird. That is what happened in Satiyouga. What? I said, otherwise even in reality and real Life of Humans in many cases case only Physical beauty counts. This person is totally right, and because of the same paycheck is not that bad either. So, while in India I was very skinny too, even after living in USA, it took me and my system 5 to 10 years to gain some weight. Looking around, which Female is saying, that still you are skinny according to my standard. Hello, I was having some struggle even while trying to wear socks without resting my feet on something. Anyway. So still sometimes it is like, choice is all mine or between Men and Women. Beside this now in most part of the World, electricity is on, because everyone have their own Room to sleep. Having a separate Room to sleep? Looks like this person lives in one of the World Class Cities where Humans lives in an accommodation which can be less than a 3 cows Room in a remotest Village in the world. Beside this in some of the World Class Cities one 10×10 foot Room can be shared by 3 People. Hello, headphones are required. If you don’t believe me, then watch Videos below.

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So, under the Democratic Capitalism renting these an apartment in almost all the Worldclass Cities are totally legal. I hope that is not the real plan to put one day almost all the people in world class of whatever. And as doing so is legal therefore, some of the landlord divided their Room in to 2 or 3 so they can pay the mortgage or put bunkbeds. But how come under such situation can be considered a world class of something where living standard can be worse than Animals or Jails? What? I still someone have an excuse that Satan and demons made them do so. 1, 500 hundred British pounds per Month to rent that coffin an apartment in Hongkong. And people living in these all an apartment may be working for some of the richest whatever or handling food and beverages. The reason I mentioned these all in here, that even to listen Songs and their Videos to enjoy fully Humans have to be little satisfied with their living standard. Otherwise, many people in some way not only can become mentality or physically sick themselves but can make other people sick too. What? I said good, because People in Medical and pharmaceutical Companies will not only will keep their Jobs steady, but investors will keep making money too. Yeah, but so if medical treatment is not free? Then either someone will die or will spread diseases to rich people too. Or, hey to live better or like a drug lords, start selling cocaine. And in this case on the way things can get as bad as like in some of the drug supplier or users Countries. What? I said good, because then no one will visit your website, neither will watch any videos in your collections. Because even parents will be forced to insist their Children to watch Videos of Gangsta rap. Yeah, but in that case if Children will find a loaded Pistol or Gun in a House, then everyone knows on whom they are going to test their firearms skills first. So, in reality and truth even in the World Class of something, accommodation for the Poor and struggling Middle Class are still shrinking. What? I said, “Abhi eedhar to Tripple Talk bhi khatam kar deya” Well, otherwise for some of the Females Life can be full of tragedies. Whether because of the Male’s Illiteracy, Poverty, Psychotic mentality or having different laws in a same Country for everyone. What? I said, we Males follow the legal System of the Government, so not our fault. Hello, our own Brain and humanity are also a very beautiful thing too. Especially when it comes to improving the inner beauty of Mentality. Anyway, purpose of writing these all in here may make everyone understand few things more deeply and elaborately related to dirty Politics and inequality. Otherwise, being a Men to have Sex with different Females, someone really don’t have to marry, neither have to Born Children. Anyway, sometimes it takes time to know and understand the truth.
Otherwise, when it comes to Songs and their Videos, I noticed, that directly or indirectly out of Hundred, ninety-five Songs and their Videos are related to passion, Love and Sex between Man and Women. What? I said that is how today we are more than Seven Billion and still growing very fast. Not necessary, because growth of population on Earth may slow down, because more and more parents are getting aware of their responsibilities and liabilities about the future of their Childrens. Especially while worldwide altogether things still don’t look perfect in any sense and meaning, instead almost everything in almost everyone’s lives got more unstable because of all kinds of exposures. But in spite of these all now don’t blame anyone about controlling Music Industry. Because only some very fine Vocals, Musicians, Lyricist and Producers controls the same with their qualities, knowledge and hard work. How they say in USA? Period. Is that how you spell Period? But what happened to full stop in British English? What? I said, Americans need a change. Really? I hope Period and full stop is the same thing.
So, now someone can figure out by themselves, that where they really stand when it comes to Singing, Producing, musically composing and writing a Lyric to make a final product as a Song. Especially the kind of Songs and their Videos which in Internet time and era are capable of luring all the viewers from worldwide. What? I said, now I feel like, that I am at nowhere after watching these all very talented People involved in making the best Songs and their Videos. Well, well, well, you poor baby, don’t feel bad about it. Instead, you should feel Good, that at least you are in the list of best in the World. Because I can’t discriminate anyone if I never ever heard and viewed most of the Songs and their Videos in my collections, but still picked them on first attempt. What? I am asking if you have only Music Videos in your Collection? No, I mean Music, Lyric and whole Song in a Video. Oh, I see, otherwise, I thought only instrumental Music Video. No, no whole Song with the Music. Yeah, English language can be confusing. So, if someone is using the same Constitution which British made Hundred or four Hundred Years ago, everyone know what can happen. But when someone going to create your own? Create what, Constitution or Songs and their Videos? Anyway, that was a Joke. So, if some of you being popular in Music industry still don’t find any of your Song and its Videos in my collections, then it is not because Songs were bad, but it may be suitable only for the people those understand Lyrics of the Songs.
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I know for the People in Music industry it can be a totally new thing or concept, but hey that is how it turned out to be according to my best evaluation and judgement related to audience worldwide. Yeah, it can be very tricky. Therefore, now People in Music industry must have few things in Songs and their Videos to sell the same worldwide. Beside this shelf life of the Song and their Videos should be immortal too. But hey, if product is not good still someone may make decent money. Well, then if it is so, then who cares. And that kind of attitude or whatever is fine with me. Because whatever almost all the Earthly Humans do and say from the first to last breath should make Money or whatever are required to live a happy and healthy Life.
Otherwise, when it comes to particular kind of nudity in a Video of the Song, I tried to adjust such Songs and their Videos under the category of Erotic or R rated Videos. Although, most of the Lyrics are mostly related to Sex, Passion and Love between Man and Women, but still if Lyric is Sexually explicit in a particular way, then may be Children will not understand the real meaning behind it very well or nor at all. But if there is a particular kind of nudity in a Videos or Sexual act, then even Children will see, therefore, those are over the puberty age and are not involved in Sex on a daily basis may get sexually provoked. But at the same time, it depends in what Country Children are living. Beside this Internet is full of porn too, and there may not be any way Children not having access to porn in their devices. Over these all as I mentioned above about that not only an age of consent can be different in Countries but Children between the age of 13 to 18 with mutual understanding are allowed to have sex between them. What? I said, and in some of the Countries even teaching Children before the puberty age is totally fine that there is nothing wrong becoming Lesbians, Gays or bisexual. Well, I think teaching so in any sense and meaning to anyone should be illegal. What? I heard something from creator of a Human from wherever. Yeah, I said, teaching so also is a Copyright infringement of my creation meant to be for a particular purpose. Well, I am totally agreed with that. Otherwise, I really don’t care what Men and Women with mutual understanding do sexually between them. Otherwise, as I never married, neither ever lived in live-in relationship so not sure if some of the couples need particular kind of proactiveness in their lives to spice up their sexual Life. What? I said, you should have named yourself Nun instead of Nand. Hey, that is true too, but may be some of the Nuns are having more fun than me. Opening my third eye to know the truth, I was right. So, related to Sex still worldwide it can be an all kinds of mess too. Because almost directly or indirectly not anyone seems to be satisfied with one forever. Anyway, so not sure what to write about the same situation. Hey, as long as no one get harmed on the way in any sense and meaning, everything should be fine. Otherwise, believe me doing few things may not be worth at all. Especially if getting harmed or harming someone in any sense and meaning just to have Sex or to be with someone. So, still I am not sure that after the existence of the Internet in almost everyone’s lives in a Criteria of Sex and sexuality things got more complicated or easier to deal with. Otherwise, in here nothing much changed. The reason I wrote these all in here to clarify few things. Because even running a website comes with so many complications and problems too. So, I tried my best to explain elaborately about Sex and Sexuality in a Book Journey of Life Volume 1. What? I said, even if almost living a life of Nun. Yeah, that is true too. Because I never lived just to have Sex or doing everything to impress Females. Otherwise, I know almost everyone going crazy if not having Sex just for a week. Even many people got married, so they can have someone to have Sex. Hello. But somehow, I never got in that kind of situation ever. May be for good. So, try to play safe.
Otherwise, come on if more than 100 million Songs exist Worldwide in all kinds of Languages and dialects then by now I should have at least 100 thousand Songs and their Videos in my collection. What? I said, I may have thousand Language and dialects only in my Country. Well, then everyone knows the truth. Therefore, if someone is talking on the Phone in their unknown and unofficial dialects, then all the spy Agencies or hackers in the World may have no idea that what someone is talking about. Therefore, I think sometime knowing, and Speaking in your Language or dialect is not that bad at all. What? I heard some hacker said something, yeah, I said we can turn the Web cam on remotely to see the live show in someone’s room or bedroom. So, no need to understand a Language. Anyway, that was a Joke. Is that can really happen? What? I said, that is why you have a Tape on your Laptops Webcam. Because I see all dark in here. Anyway, so be careful while living your Webcam without a Tape and microphone on while they are not in use. Otherwise, Psychic power may not exist with some People at all. Anyway.
So, if you think that your Song deserved in my Collection, feel free to let me know. Otherwise, don’t worry I kept everything in mind before placing these all Songs and Videos in a particular order. Believe me I started doing this since 2011 or 12. So, to reach at this point in 2022 means 10 Years. So, still search is on to have at least 100 thousand Songs and their Videos in my Collections. Otherwise, from my point of view it is a shame, shame for the People involved in Music Industry worldwide. So, looks like to create a Fusion collection I am the first one. That means someone have to pay me royalty in case of creating Fusion. Because look at the settlement amount after some of the big corporation stole regular People’s idea without paying them a penny. What? I said My Religion and God don’t allow me to make Fusion Collection like yours, so don’t very. Then it should be all Good for a Person like me. Anyway, so when I put these all Song together in a particular order, I am not sure about you, but to me it sounds like all of them are meant for each other like some of the Love Birds wants to be together for Seven lives. I mean that is what My Religion say when someone Marry someone. Because Bride and Groom have to go around the Fire Seven time and fire is the Witness.
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But as everyone knows while going around the fire Seven times before the Marriage looks and feels all Good, but after few Months some Groom or their Family Members may burn the bride alive in the same Religion, because not bringing enough dowry. I mean that Seven round around the Fire while Marrying is only for the People those believe in reincarnation. But only Seven, why not more? I have no idea. I think because in reality even some People in one life have many changes in a Month. So, forget about spending Seven Lives together without having a quality time in the office, at Work or wherever. Mumbling, thank God I never got Married and still Single. Looking around at the beautiful ladies Worldwide without any strings attached, neither breaking the fiery rules. Remember, Fire was a Witness? Yeah, but sexually I am not satisfied with my married whoever or one party is done, done, done. Well, in that case all the rituals and rules get suspended. Anyway, so again looks like most of the Married Couples (Man and Women) Worldwide either are in all kinds of silent chaos, tragedies or I really don’t know what to say. What? I said, most of the Gay couples are having a same problem too. Anyway, in here still free almost all the Ladies worldwide. Yeah, after getting exposed to the world wide web and the physical beauty of Females worldwide, I failed to stick only with Local, Domestic and National product. Trying to convince other Males too by writing this again, Agar mairee nazaroon sai daikhogay too mujhai to lagta hai kee swarg dhartee per bhee hai.
So, still I am really very confused about many things about Humans and their whatever even in my own Religion. So, forget about other Religions. Therefore, I just eliminated that religious discrimination and values totally in my Fusion Video Collections. Yeah, I found that almost all the Earthly Human’s real world and Life can be totally different from the one otherwise they pretend or are forced to pretend publicly to earn whatever. So, in reality and truth we all can be like our almost all the Politicians and Law makers. Hello, looks like on the ground things are not perfect at all. What? I said, I can’t mention those in my speeches, neither were aware while writing Laws. Anyway. So, jaisa Raja waisee praja.
Otherwise, from my point of view and liking Songs and their Videos collections are all about perfect Songs head to toe without any discrimination. Yeah, Videos of every of them may not be as perfect as they could have been. So, if you want to forget about everything for a while and want to make yourself dance, relax, feel good or whatever, then I definitely recommend watching Dancing Songs and their Videos in all kinds of Collections. Right now, auto play or play all Videos button is not available, so you have to play them manually by clicking at the Play button. Therefore, if someone will fall in sleep because of a long day at Work or wherever by having unlimited plan of using Internet, Videos will not Play automatically. See, I saved your battery, Electricity Bill and hardware. Because the more you waste something, the same thing get more unaffordable for the People those either are poor or struggling Middle class. But at the same time by not having auto play or play all the Video button, fake clicks on a Video will not get counted. That means owner of the Video may get paid less money. And that is fine with me, because that is how the best product can have a fair chance to be on the top. Beside this still I am trying to figure out if some of the People somehow are stealing other People’s clicks too. I told you, that not one problem but Millions of problems. But still, I am very happy after knowing through an Internet, that some of the Females in sports are making $ 2 Millions yearly or more then that just by posting their, thinking what they call? What? I said, racy pictures. Yeah, racy Pictures. Well, well, well, income can be increased in case of posting racy Videos. Hey, why not? Especially when it is all about making Money. Well, in that case by the time some of the Females by the time they are 30 Years old, they can have a bank balance of $ 100 Million. Not bad at all to live rest of life like a Heven while alive and on Earth. Otherwise, even in a Country like USA if working on a minimum wage for 30 Years, someone may make only $300 thousand in total. No good for sure not even for old age if getting less than $1500 Monthly in Social Security. Therefore, in the time and era of an Internet perfect physical asset from head to toe can be a good earner too. What? I said, now for you it is too late, not really, because for Males keeping themselves in perfect physical shape in any age can be much, much easier to do compare to Females. Otherwise, if total Monthly retirement benefits in old age are less than $ 1500 or 2000, then forget about having a choice even to affording something even in old age which otherwise are required just to live a normal Life. Beside this if someone have Monthly or unexpected medical bills to pay in old age, then you are done. Looking around, who is laughing? Hello, even in a Country like USA so many old and sick People either have to live on the Streets or have to keep working part time as long as physically they are able to do so. What? I said, and if something like Covid kicks in even then old people are more vulnerable to end up dead. Yeah. Well, then while living under particular circumstances even in old age, it is not possible to enjoy not even a collection of Dance Songs and their Videos. No, not necessarily. I mean as long as someone is alive and healthy and can afford Phone with the unlimited Internet. So, still for every Earthly Humans living Life fully from first to the last breath is impossible even if having equal right related to whatever including Gay Marriages. Well, then keep listening to the speeches of Politicians and political parties over and over again about improving, perfecting and fixing the broken system of almost everything. Yeah, at the same time enjoying Collections of the Songs and their Videos.
About the Songs and their Videos in Fusion Classics, Soft Rock or Classical, and Digital Nudity in the Song’s Videos. Beside this as always some more too. Parental discretion advised.
Fusion of the best Classics or Soft Rock or Classical Songs and their Video’s Collections in many Languages plus dialects are collected from Worldwide. Mostly these Songs and their Videos are related to Love, betrayal, Life, Humans feelings and emotions about something or someone. Especially, when it comes to the passion and lust between Man and Women.
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As these all ingredients or tragedies related to the same are involved in most or all Humans lives therefore, these all situations and circumstances can make some of the Songs and their Videos immortal too. Although mostly all the Songs are related to the same in every Language and Dialect, but collection of mine may explain and define the same deeply with the very strong and perfect vocal, feelings and emotions through the Words related to particular subject or as a whole. But as I wrote many times, that because some of the best lyricist Worldwide almost everyone in some way may find an explanation of something within few lines which otherwise may not be possible to know or think even if doing PHD in something. But I am sure that at some point even Lyricists are going to run out playing with the words by expressing something almost about the same thing about whoever or whatever in a totally new way. Otherwise, I have no idea that for how long Lyricist worldwide can keep something in a new way in front of the Earthly Humans about the same thing in all kinds of Lyrics. What? I said, that is why your created Fusion Collection, because not many Earthly Humans understand all the Languages and dialects but still you can force them to watch Videos of the Songs. Hello, actually as I wrote somewhere that I picked up these all Songs and their Videos from worldwide in all kinds of Languages and Dialects just for myself, but if more than that meant to be happen, then hey, not only good for me but also for everyone in every sense and meaning.
Otherwise, these days sometimes I find the same kind of Lyrics and Computer-Generated Music beats for them, the one someone hear in night Club’s while dancing in little clothes. What? How can someone dance on a sad Lyric? Yeah, but when People are little bit or overly High on something then few things really doesn’t matter. Anyway, looks like things are changing. Otherwise, my collection may make many people cry even if they don’t understand Lyric at all. And imagine what can happen, while understanding everything. So be careful don’t get emotional. But I guess that is why someone made most of the People Worldwide emotional and sensitive. Otherwise, by now we all should be in a Mafia of all kinds or in Gangs, especially the ones those even feel Good after killing innocents for fun. And looks like some of the educated are doing the same in a nice way too. But still look, who buys their Books or whatever to become one of them. That is why I kind of respect Singers, Musicians, Lyricist and some of these beautiful young Ladies in all kinds of Videos more than some of the Law Makers and Politicians. What? I said, after knowing the me-too thing, looks like most of these People in entertainment industry including Music directly or indirectly are controlled by some kind of Mafia too. Yeah, that can be true too, but still now in the Internet time and era cultches of Mafia involvements may got loosened in many ways. But Mafia and their illegally earned Money get involved into something only when legally financially financing something get considered risky. That means directly or indirectly Government and their System should be involved by backing up or creating some of the Mafia and People in them too. And it should mean, that even after having your own Country everyone including all kinds of Mafia in some way either can be a victim of something or got trapped unwillingly into something for sure. Otherwise, if someone can kill innocents just for fun or even their own to have or keep throne, then at least I consider such people remotely controlled Robots or discarded DNA in Humans. Is that too harsh or cruel to write or say? Not really, I mean according to my point of view. Because to save everything on Earth or improve to perfection everyone needs all kinds of brilliant and honest People to compete equally in everything. I am not going to include hard work, because I consider brilliant and honest people those can free Earthly Humans from all kinds of hard and unwilling work to have just required basics in Life to be happy and Healthy. Therefore, so far even inventor of an Internet had given a chance to all kinds of People worldwide in Music industry. I mean in many ways still indirect involvement of Mafia mentality and Mafia to have a Control on Money, Sex and assets can be there but not as much as it used to be. But as more and more regular People are not only getting knowledgeable about almost everything but also are getting wealthy too therefore, in the future for any kind of Mafia and dirty Politics even very lethal opposition in their neighborhoods in every sense and meaning can be very strong. Well, well, well, then looks like things are heading to a right direction. Mumbling, I hope things will not get bloodier before perfection.
Although it is impossible to know the truth of everything, but sometime some of the People Worldwide may feel little sad if their one of favorite person in entertainment industry including Music die because of overdose of drugs or something else. But still, hey, no one really knows that what kind of demons someone is dealing in their personal life while presenting their perfect looking Life publicly. Otherwise, it should take a hell of work and precautions to be in a perfect Physical shape for a Female singer before dancing in a thong. Looking around worldwide, how many of you have a courage even to wear short in public Places because of being in an imperfect or very bad physical shape? Therefore, I think those People and Children grew up on the beaches, it shouldn’t be a big deal for them dancing in a thong in the Videos or watching the same in Videos of the Songs. Because for them it is kind of very normal. So, I have no idea what to say, but still I have spent too much time about the legality or illegality about so many things including in show businesses. Otherwise, in my point of view particular kind of public nudity is a Sexual provocativeness by itself, but for so many reasons the same thing are required too. Because even before marriage even most of the whoever want to know that how physically someone look. What? I said, then not a good idea taking a dip in sea water fully clothed while on the beach. Yeah. Even taking a holy dip in wintertime being fully clothed can make someone sick. Especially if someone have to keep the same wet clothes on until the time reaching Home. Actually, I am not trying to be a Jerk, but sometimes it can be bizarre world of Humans in the name of Gods, Goddesses, Religion, culture, tradition, believes and faith. Well, well, well, but still whether someone is in dry clothes, wet clothes, naked or fully clothed Collection of the Songs and their Videos are for everyone.
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Otherwise, in reality and truth not only inside every Earthly Humans is the same but also lives for the same too until the last breath of Life. But then what makes Humans inhuman? Well, I think, to know that you should read Journey of life Volume 1 by Mr. Nand L Verma to know about the same elaborately. But right now, that is available only in English Language. Because I noticed that digital translators most of the time are like, as most of the Politicians and Governments in the World are. Because from English to some other Language it translates ‘ I am a Single guy looking for a Single Female in to ‘I am a one Gay looking for a one Female’ What? I said, and after that everyone knows what kind of Females can show up. So, still free digital translators can be a very bad. Because of such translator even a straight old Man like me can be in very big trouble. Especially if someone lives in a State or a Country where Gay Marriages are Legal. Well, actually that can be a writer’s fault too, because digital translator understands Male or a Man not Guy, and Single got translated in to one. But still Guy should not get translated into Gay. Instead, digital translator should say, hey, me no understand what Guy means. So, be careful while translating few things digitally or if hackers are changing everything before something goes to the Internet. But one thing is for sure, that if someone didn’t organically born Male or Female, then they shouldn’t pretend like them at all. Otherwise, few things for someone can go not only very wrong but tragically wrong. Because most of the People have very much respect for themselves being straight Male or a Female. So, be true to yourself and others. Because that is the true meaning of respect, respecting other and to get respected.
Otherwise, just enjoy the show, even if you don’t understand a Word and are not aware of someone’s true whatever. What? I said I understand all the Languages. Really? Yeah, very really. Wow, that is great. But still being a Singer, it is not right to discriminate anyone because of their gender or sexual preferences. So, look at them and except them on the basis of their Singing and vocal.
About Music, Songs, Lyrics and their Videos Collection. By Mr Nand L Verma. Parental discretion advised.
Even though, I don’t I can’t recall that when I heard first Song, but still as far as I can remember I used to love listening some of the Songs all the time while they were plying on the Radio. And if I am remembered right, then in late 1980 or in the beginning of 1980 I bought my own second hand three in one. Which included Radio, Tape recorder and Tape Player. “OK, I bought that with my own Money while. Otherwise, back then while I was growing up, Radio was the only source to listen Songs and all other kinds of stuff. Back then very few People used to have Radio. But unfortunately, I really don’t remember my first live Concert. Although, whenever there used to be a big Marriage in our area, live concert without any Microphone and speakers still can go on like for two or three Nights. Yeah, still in Villages People have Two kinds of Marriages, big and small. Looking around, anyone remember dancing or singing with live instruments? I mean unless someone sweat to their death in a Room full of People without ventilation while enjoying a Concert. Otherwise, in the backyard in the summertime no problem. “OK, so if there is a big Marriage then still there can be 800 to more than 1000 people. Especially for a night and next day when Groom come back from his Bride’s House with her. Otherwise rest of the 3 days there can be like 150 to 600 People in big Marriages. So, in case of big Marriage you have to feed People for five days for sure. And if I am not wrong, then that was the only time when in an area Boys and Girls used to come together. Well, then if after seeing someone like each other than talk through Families can move towards Marriage too. Although back then theologically not much was available to communicate with other people except talking and seeing someone face to face, but still almost everything used to seem very real and true in every sense and meaning including hearing all kinds of Songs and folk Songs on Radio.
Therefore, I assume that I heard my first Song on the Radio transistor in our Home where I was born. So, one thing is for sure, that I am listening all kind of Songs from a very longtime. What? I asked when was it? Longtime ago. That time there wasn’t many options to know about many or anything by yourself at all. Therefore, whatever someone taught, told you or you did read in School and saw with your own Eyes that was the only truth. But because of so when someone steps into adult age many misjudgments can take place even Today. Beside this that time those People including Childrens grew up in Villages in small Family-owned Farms were very easy to exploit too. Because almost every one of them including myself were not aware of inhuman, selfish and criminal part of the Humans. I am not saying that all the Villagers used to be a perfect and without committing any crime, but still, most of them may did so because of totally illiterates and dumb about something. And when someone is totally illiterate and dumb about something or almost everything, then they think whatever they are doing nothing is wrong with that. Even if someone is doing something inhuman, criminal, wrong and cruel in every sense and meaning. I mean that is how I convinced myself about many things. And as India got independence from British in 1947 therefore, even Governments, Political parties and some People in the Governments still directly or indirectly were attached to their past Governments and their some of the People for almost everything or were struggling to hold something together as a Country. Yeah, so maybe not many People even in the Government or in charge of something had any idea that what to do to improve or establish something right. So, forget about the more then 80% population living in all kinds of Villages without any Phones, Radio, Televisions and Transportaion. Which can be a totally Economical disaster for a Country in which if out of 1 billion People 800 million lives in Villages.
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And still as you know that first 5 G Internet and Maglev train first are available only for the People living in big Cities. Otherwise, if someone instead of 200 million people in a Country have made 800 million people financially more stable by providing them all kinds of facilities first, then any Country could have grown Economically faster. Because 800 million people should have able to afford and buy everything to improve their living standard. Which means more demand for all kinds of goods and their consumption. So, still I am not sure that why almost all the Governments and investors worldwide are investing Taxpayers and their own money in old Cities and their all kinds of infrastructure which otherwise in reality and truth became almost worthless according to the standard and requirement after 2000. What? I said, to create more smoke and covid like viruses. Well, then in the end everyone knows what is going to happen sooner or later. What? I said, still Anyway
Otherwise, before 2000 almost all the People Worldwide used to listen all kinds of Songs in their own Languages and dialects. Mumbling, that was a very limited World of everything. But because of the same whatever not only Marriages used to last forever, but also true love between Men and Women may use to exist too. What? I said, otherwise as Internet got almost in everyone’s hand or Life, after that even all the Males worldwide also started to believe that another Heaven also exist on Earth too. Yeah, that is for sure. Because look at these all butt naked or totally naked all kinds of beautiful ladies in perfect shape from head to toe. Looking around, who is laughing? Hello, please be serious, because now some of the Males don’t have to live to have few things in Heven only after the death. What? I said, sirf parda othakai daikhnai kee zaroorat hai. Yeah, even in the future everyone may will have forever affordable Electricity anytime anywhere. Otherwise, aisaa swarg kis kaam ka jo na ojalai mai dekhai na andhiray main. See, even being an old Men still I think Young People. What? I said, you are going to heaven for sure. Well, well, well, not sure about that though, but hey if it will happen then, fine with me.
So, today because of the Smart Phones, Computers and their concavity to the Internet, suddenly People Worldwide got exposed to something which otherwise they never ever could have imagined or thought about its existence. And one of that existence of that is, Songs and their Videos in different Languages and dialects. And one day while I was surfing an Internet, the same thing happened to me when accidently I got exposed to some of the Songs and their Videos those were in a Language, I really don’t understand at all. But somehow still to my Ears and Eyes everything was pleasurable. And as almost everyone worldwide lives for the same, then why not? Although, I had access to Computer and the Internet since, I think 1997 or 1998, but I really never thought listening Songs and their Videos in Languages and dialects, those I don’t understand. But then back in Two thousand and I think fifteen or before that, when other People living with moved to enjoy Miami beach Florida by living me alone in one of an Apartment full of cockroaches in New Jersy USA, I needed to find something to do in the Apartment to keep myself busy. Because outside it was frizzing and Concrete like snow everywhere. “OK, actually my Roommates asked me many times, that I should go with them to Florida. So, it was actually my choice not to go. And I requested them not to disconnect the Internet, because the connection wasn’t on my name. So, they told me alright when you leave, just return the Modem. I said, alright, not a problem. I will do so. But after that my laptop went Black and broke down. Not good, because I was already struggling financially, so not in a situation to spend $ 2000 to by a new laptop. And as I told you that outside it was like -25 degree Fahrenheit. Beside this I wasn’t familiar with all kinds of shopping malls or Best Buy shop nearby by taking a public transportation. Now what to do? Yeah, that time first time in my Life I ate pasta with tomato sauce almost for 15 Days. Beside this I had to pay like $ 600 in rent for next 15 days if I want to stay in a same one-bedroom apartment full of Millions of cockroaches. Thank God, no bedbugs, otherwise I saw some of my Roommates waking up bloody because of thousands of bedbugs hiding in their beds. But still my laptop broke down in a time while I had to find a place to live within 15 days in such a cold weather. Yeah, doesn’t look like a plan of someone’s? Now I got stuck in a situation in which I can’t find even someone who can make my laptop run again. Because even to do so you need an Internet. Hello. Now what to do, because I have no idea if I will be able to run my laptop again by repairing it by myself. Hey, no other choice and option, so let’s try. Otherwise, that time I had no idea if some unauthorized people just broke my laptop deliberately. Because most of all kinds of criminals use other People’s devices through some kind of unauthorized access. Anyway, long story short, in the end somehow without knowing anything, I fixed my laptop by myself. And after that one more time it started to work the way it used to be.
So, during that time while I was watching some of the Songs and their Videos on the Internet in a Languages those, I understand to pass time, I didn’t know why I thought let’s click at one of the Song and its Video in a language which I don’t understand. Normally, if I am at Home and don’t have to Work late night, I go to bed sharp at eleven PM. But that day I think I was awake until three AM in the Morning by watching a Video of the Songs those I don’t understand Lyrically at all. But look what happened, I liked some of them more than the songs those I used to listen and watch their Videos until then by understanding everything or a part of it Lyrically. And during that time the Songs and Video I liked, I started to add them in my Favorite too. But then another problem was standing by, because Songs and their Videos I added in Favorite got arranged alphabetically. Otherwise, inside particular Folder I want them as a playlist the way I like the best for quick access. Well, actually I knew little bit about arranging Songs and their Videos inside a Folder the way I want them since I think 2013. But still I was having hard time to do so in Internet explorer Favorite. Anyway, finally I found the way to keep each Song and their Video on a list the way I want them. Now no moving around, instead each and every Song and its Video will stay forever where I want them. But after that I had no idea what to name such collection’s Folder in which Songs and their Videos from all over the World are kept. Otherwise, if there are 100 Folders or more then that then it may not be easy to find out a particular item in a particular Folder.
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Well, that is how I came up with the name Fusion Dance Songs and Fusion Classical, Classics or Classical. Believe me it is not as easy as now it looks on the display pages of Songs and their Videos at And in the beginning in a whole day I was able to embed only 20 Videos. The reason I wrote these all in here that if we don’t use our own brain to save our mental and physical health by organizing and doing many things more easily and quickly perfectly, then everything out there still may be meant for to keep almost all the Earthly Humans in limbo. What? I said, but while working in a Restaurant if I finish my assignments fast, then Manager or owner of the Restaurant can’t see me standing around without any work. Well, in most of the American Restaurants in USA they don’t do that, so I am not sure what kind of People you are working for. What? I said, teamwork. Well, in that case if you are an honest and good worker then you are dead. Because you also have to do an all kinds of work of other people too those otherwise get paid equally. But still the same people are going to say, oh my God I am dead tired. Even if you did most part of their work being a team member. Anyway.
Otherwise, while I was collecting Songs and their Videos the main problem I was facing, that how I am going to find the Songs and their Videos in all kinds of Languages and dialects from worldwide without knowing a name of the Song and Artist? Yeah, I told you, that you solve one problem and other is standing by to knock you down. But as usual I came up with the solution to find particular kind of Songs and their Videos in all kinds of Languages and dialects from worldwide. Otherwise, I was kind of getting bored by listening the same Songs, music beats, Instruments, Melodies and Singers in a Language those I understand well or partially. Although, there are some Songs and Singers, those I am listening since 1970, but still everything about them remains the same as it was back then. Therefore, I was trying to figure out, that what is it in a particular kind of Songs, which to me never gets old, bored or tasteless? Especially, while most of the new Songs don’t even, please my whatever not even once? So, when I entered into the unknown territory of Languages and dialects, I was quite shocked, that still I picked up few songs right away whenever I heard and watched their Videos first time. Even if all of them were in a Language or dialects which I really don’t understand well or not at all. After that in my case theoretically, practically and psychological one thing got proven wrong, that someone likes particular kind of Songs and Music because they grew up listening to them. So, I was thinking what is it and what kind of psychology or whatever get played with Humans Brain? Then I reached to the conclusion, that it may not be what I was being taught about something whether about the Humans or their Mentality, but it is all about not be a Mentally fanatic, radical or narrow minded about something, instead Earthly Humans should appreciate everything in the world if it is better than whatever they know about. Otherwise, almost everyone’s believes and faith into something can become not only a trap for themselves but also tool for others to use against you. “OK, so that means to me, that if anyone doing or naming anything in the World legally, illegally or personally in the name of Religion, Race, Skin color and on the basis of some other things can be a form of some kind of fanaticism and radicalism too. Therefore, it is must even to appreciate your enemy if they did or built something better then you and if someone as a whole personality and character is better then you. But as almost every Earthly Humans somehow in some way got effected with a wild Animals gene therefore, few things may not be easy to do and accept. But why? Well, because of all kinds of inequalities those may got created deliberately to dominate others inhumanly and unfairly.
But doesn’t then almost all the Earthly Humans are some kinds of Radicals and Fanatics? Not really, because if it had been so, then today most of the People and their Governments still should have been in dark without having an Electricity, all kinds of Machines and Technologies. Otherwise, because of the same even I was able to put these all kinds of Collections of the best Songs and their Videos together for all the Earthly Humans. Now I will leave for all of you to decide that who is radical or fanatic and who is not? Just ask yourself truly, believe me you don’t have to PHD to understand and know about few things. Otherwise, whatever most of the Humans do in their lives, they try to attach the same thing with their Religion, God, Goddesses or whatever.
But what such Mentality has to do with the liking or disliking Songs and their Videos? Well, I think radical and fanatic Mentality of any kind will not allow Person to like and accept something on the basis of talent, quality and Beauty. “OK, so don’t get confused in here between discussing and arguing something logical in a civilized way to build and create something right and punching someone on the face after not having a capability to argue and discuss something in a Civilized way. So, the reason I had given this example, because most of the times all kinds of violence erupt between two parties, when one is capable of arguing and discussing something on the basis of logic and facts but other are like a dumb whatever or want to have and keep everything by bullying. Therefore, dumb or whatever party can be a radical and fanatics only with the talent Bullying around everyone and everything to satisfy their egos. In that case other logical and civilized party may have no choice but to defend themselves. And in that case, someone goes down. So, what I have really learned? I have learned that Fanaticism and Radicalism can exist in Humans with the variety of many kinds and form. I mean that is what I think, so someone don’t have to be agree with me. But one thing is for sure, that almost all the Humans may try to use any kind of weaknesses and innocence even in one of their own by exploiting them in many ways. For example: There are Billions of Websites on the Internet, but still, it is not always necessary that search Engines will show the best website on the first Page. But why? Because if I am not wrong, it is a computer programming written in a way, which may evaluate Websites and their popularities on the basis of Traffic by counting clicks on a Domain and their all pages. Is that right? No. I think those are Website ranking Web sites.
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Because I think Search Engines display list of the search according to the Key Words. So, let’s say you typed in a search Engine, if their Search Engine picked up the Website address then it will display on the first Page on the top. Otherwise, if you typed Nand or Nand Verma in a search engine then may not appear on the first Page. Because there may be tons of key Words under the name of Nand or Nand Verma. I see. And everyone should know about all kinds of fake accounts, comments and doing something illegal or wrong, so total traffic in count will show much more visitors and visits to someone’s websites. What? I am asking, but why someone being well educated and brilliant do so? Hello, that is the main problem, that Earthly Humans education and brilliance get evaluated on the basis of a weight of Money or their all kinds of assets. What? I said, but then what is the use of studying or working so hard if in the end all kinds of criminals, immorality, exploitation, manipulation and inhumanity are going to be the bosses? Hello, in the hope someday poverty and struggle will get disappear from life, almost all the People worldwide those have right to choose their government by voting, mostly got stuck with two or three political parties. And those don’t have right to choose their government, everyone knows about the same people too. But look, still in Fusion Collection I collected Songs and their Videos from all over the World in all kinds of Languages and dialects. But why? Hello, so some of the best People in Music Industry and their product don’t die or get buried under whatever forever. I mean as I choose these all Songs and their Videos on the basis of my liking therefore, it depends on that how the same will go with the People worldwide.
“OK, I can understand one thing, that not listening Songs because not understanding a Language is fine and fair as a Humans and Humanity. Otherwise, not watching or viewing kinds of Songs and their Videos in my collections because of someone’s Religion, Country, Race, Skin color or gender is wrong. Mumbling, I mean in case I picked of some of the wrong, patriotic or national anthem Songs and their Videos or in my collections on the basis of sounding and looking good without understanding them Lyrically. Yeah, I don’t want to get into that stuff when it comes to Collections of Songs and their Videos. Otherwise, as I wrote above that right and perfect version of anything in a person should be respected and accepted by all the Earthly Humans. What? I said, even some of the best whatever of Females in the World. Yeah, that is true, because look at all kinds of work, affords and precaution goes behind keeping Humans Body physically in perfect shape from head to toe. Otherwise, I came to know that now even India has like 70 million Fat or obese People. And if I am not wrong then now same thing also applies in China too. It is not necessary that such situation got created because of eating junk Food but the same thing also can happen not doing much of a physical work because of getting little rich. But now because of the Internet everyone Worldwide should be aware, that being Fat or obese means creating some of the deadly disease within you by yourself too. So, as I wrote many times, that nothing may change related to Earthly Humans until the time even having Food, Beverage and their quantity to choose from a Computerized Menu according to Person’s identity and requirements for a day will not be available. But that will not happen until the time Capitalism is alive and project for the World by Mr. Nand L Verma on Earth is not functional. I told you, that almost all the Humans can be a pain in their whatever. Because if there is not enough and right of everything to eat, there are going to be so many problems, and if everything of right to eat is available and Humans can afford then eat more than a requirement. Hello, I want my visitors to be healthy in every sense and meaning. Looking at my belly, yeah if I don’t lose like 2 kilograms from my belly then sooner or later, I may have to join Ganesh followers too in the hope of getting Money-wise Fat or obese too. Looking around, who is laughing? Hello, don’t laugh please, because Humans always find excuse for their whatever. And will say hey, I am a worshiper of Genesh, so this much belly fat is fine for a sake of good luck. Yeah, but you don’t have Elephant’s nose. That is fine.
Otherwise, as long as Songs and their Videos says something about Love, Life, Humans and passion between Men and Women in a particular way what is wrong with that? So as all the People Worldwide know very well, that it may not be possible to understand and speak all the Languages and Dialects exist on Earth, but that shouldn’t mean not to view Songs and their Videos in my Collections. Otherwise, who knows may be someday I will be able to translate and display all the lyrics of Song’s Videos in every Language and dialects in a particular way. Therefore, at least I don’t find any reason not to view Songs and their Videos in my Collections. So, when first time I had an exposure for free to all kinds of Songs and their Videos on You Tube from all over the World, I felt kind of stepping into a totally new World and unknown territory of the existence of Music Industry and People involved in it from Worldwide. That also reminded me about many couples (Men and Women) those used to enjoy a romantic or whatever kind of evening or night fully, even if not understanding or saying not a single World. What? Yeah, sometime true Lovers speaks with their Eyes only, so communication in Language is not required. Are you kidding me? No, it is very common in United States of America. See, that is why you People are so poor and backward in your Country, because you People talk too much. Otherwise, look at these all-Love birds in the Internet age Worldwide, those even without understanding a language of each other still not only are married but enjoys life and everything in life fully too. What? I said, by the time we don’t understand each other well verbally chances of Divorce are zero. That is funny. Hello, nothing funny in here, but very serious relationship between Man and Women couple based on only true Love. Yeah, nothing to talk and understand through Words, because not understanding a same Language. Isn’t that little strange? No, not for true Love and Lovers. But now digital translator is available, but still if someone like me is not good in typing, then by the time something will be understood, train will may pass by. Otherwise, who knows Human translator may enjoy something better and in real then the whoever. So, love can drive Man and Women Crazy to have something between them. And as everyone knows sometimes that craziness born Children too. What? I heard someone saying something in a Voice of Ten years old. Yeah, I said most of the Adults are very weird, awkward and Fat too. Hello, you are Singing a Sexually explicit Song in front of the World too being a Ten Years old. Sexually explicit, what is that? Never mind. Anyway. Well, looks like in the Internet age from Children to old People everyone wants to be famous in some way worldwide through world wide web.
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So, Children below particular age really don’t understand much in a poetic or philosophical Lyrics. Because I remember not understanding the real meaning of this poetic lyric for a longtime while singing them all the time. And when some Parents heard their seven years old singing one of the Hindi Song, ” mai toom mai sama jaoon——–after Children viewed a Video of that Song on the Internet, they go like this, what? And then they asked a Child, Baitaa, what you are Singing? Mom or dad, I am singing a new song, which I just heard on my smart Phone, I like it very much. No, no, this is not a Good Song for my cutest Baby in the whole World, choose some English Song, because English Singers get Paid in US $. And now you don’t have to leave even your Country to earn in US $ or whatever. While Parents were Mumbling, thank Good my cutest Baby didn’t view a remix Version of the same Song. Now I am making a play list for you in your Smart Phone by blocking all other Songs. No, I like this Hindi Song and only blond Girls. Baita, that is a wrong combination, because Blond Girls doesn’t understand Hindi, and we have none of them in our Country. No, I like only Blonds.
“OK, here we go, I found the solution, digital hair dye is available just with the one click. So now Desi Mame is fine with me even as my Bahoo. Otherwise, lots of problems in Family Life and at Home, no Home Cooking for sure in case of original Blond. No, that is not true. But why? Because I was watching a cooking show on my Smart Phone in which blond Females cooks better then Desi Maimes. Yeah, but still many other problems. But the one you made blond her Eyes are Black, well digital contact lenses are available in every Color. Now you like her Digital Picture on your smart Phons or computer screen? Yeah. God Boy. Now you can start a play list the one I have chosen for you. Looking around, who is laughing? No ask some of the Parents, that how difficult and complicated it got after the existence of the Internet to raise or answering Children question. Because even Children below the puberty age got exposed to almost everything whatever exist Worldwide. What? I hope not to a School in which they teach Children in first grade that there is nothing wrong to become Gay, Lesbian and bisexual. Otherwise, after puberty age some of the Children may will say, hey nothing wrong, let’s try it. Therefore, in some of the Countries definitely there is something wrong with the Lawmakers as well as Lawyers too.
But still I tried my best to put collected Songs and their Videos in a particular order and Category by keeping everyone in mind. Otherwise, as everyone knows, that around Children there are always some kinds of nudity in most of the Countries Worldwide. So, those Countries, cultures, Governments and Religions don’t allow listening Music and dancing of any kind to their Children, Females or all the People in their State or a Country should consider the positive side of it too. Because who knows how the particular kind of vibration of Musical instruments and Vocal interfere with Humans Brain emotionally and physically, and of course dancing will keep someone Physical fit for sure too. So, in every Language there are some Songs, those should suit everyone in a same way. Anyway.
So, I heard many Children Singing Sexually very explicit Songs way back then while I was growing up, without knowing the real meaning of them at all. But since I moved to United States of America, everything is straight forward in almost every Song. What? I said, we believe in openness and direct approach, and that is what we teach our Children too. Oh, I see, hey maybe you are right. Yeah, over that everyone Worldwide is crying or struggling to have US $ all the time too. Otherwise, no import of many things. So, you can download this Song only if you pay in US $. Wait a Minute, checking a limit of mine in a Year about spending in US $, yeah Two Hindered and Fifty Thousand US $ in a Year. So, now in my Country US $ is not only available for the Politicians, Wealthy and their Children but for everyone too. Whether while studying Aboard, or buying an imported liquor, but also legally I can use my Card from Home to buy something in $ and can spend Yearly Two Hundred and Fifty thousand in foreign Currency. Is that right? So, having a that kind of limit to all Citizens someone can download my collection anywhere in the World by paying in $, Hundred for Hundred Songs? I mean whenever Collections will be legally available to download. Is that being how everything works legally and economically in terms of Currency and its value? But then why Citizens with the Visa of other Countries on their Passport get Paid only US $ Twenty on an Airport if limit is Two Hundred and fifty Thousand? Well, I am not sure. Hello, that was thirty Years ago. Otherwise, still everyone should know that why almost 80% People in a Country either are poor or struggling Middle class. Because if everyone is rich then everyone may want to make their honeymoon aboard by spending foreign reserves. That mean if everyone will get rich then even foreign reserve will get wiped out within a Month just for the sake of Sex trip to abroad by bachelor. Well, well, well, then after knowing these all, everyone must understand that running a Country is much, much more complex then asking or having one. And unfortunately, still in Schools particular kind of required education for all the students are not provided. And because of the same most of the times required Politicians and some People in the Governments are not available with all kinds of understanding and knowledge which otherwise are must to improve everything in a State of Country as required according to the time, neither all the People living in a Country understand many things at all. And results of the same can be all kinds of disasters for a Country and the People living in that. So, not necessarily destroyers of yours are going to be someone else but most of the times they are going to be your own People the ones you otherwise trusted.
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So, whenever I have a time, instead of getting drunk, doing drugs, hanging around or dancing in Night Clubs on the same music beat while high on something, instead I choose to sit in front of the computer every day for many Hours seven days a Week, finding, listening Songs and watching their Videos for free. I mean nothing wrong going out to have some fun including in Night clubs, but if outcome from the same are going to be harmful in any way, then it is not good at all. What? I said, and if you are straight Males then don’t show up at ticket window of night Club to buy a ticket without knowing that today it is Gay Night. Otherwise, after looking at you, lady at ticket window may ask you, are you sure that today you want to go inside our Night Club? Because today there is a Gentlemans (or whatever they say) Nights. Gentleman’s Night? We are Gentleman too. No, I mean today there is a Gay Night? What is Gay Night? Well, well, well, looks like two of you Gentleman should not go inside today if you don’t know a meaning of Gay. What Country you are from? India. I see. So, today either you should go home and come back tomorrow or find some other Night Club in which today there is no Gay Night. Well, lady at the ticket window not only saved our US $ 20 entry fee but some of our Manly asset reserved only for organically born Females too. Looking around, who is laughing? Hello, you have no idea how aggressive some of the Gay Males or bisexual can be. Otherwise, most of them are nice People, because I worked with some of the Gay Males. But still after knowing the truth some of the Straight Male may not be fully comfortable.
Otherwise, believe me sitting in front of the Computer Seven days a week at least fifteen Hours a day is not a job for all. Because sitting for so many Hours at one place and going over and over again through the massive data to choose thousands of Songs and their Video for all kinds of Collection from worldwide is not easy at all. But if I am not wrong then those people work in all kinds of offices at least 5 or 6 days a week have to sit in front of the computers for 40 to 50 Hours. Beside this still keeping everything in your computer safe or private is not 100% secure and protected. So, you never know how many other people watching and listing whatever you are doing in your computer or Phones without your knowledge. And in some cases, from the same someone may be making Money too without paying you a penny. Although, it is illegal, but still there are always going to be a People out there, those are going to have access to your personal stuff or project without your knowledge. Otherwise even putting something in a particular order as a play list of the Songs and their Videos turned out to be much more complex and difficult than I ever imagined. Because Humans are a very complex and difficult creature to engage into something fully. And as now in 2022 approximately more than 5 billion People from worldwide in some ways are on world wide web every day, therefore, even it is becoming impossible to find all kinds of right contents at one place. Otherwise, even while on the world wide web either there are more chances to get mislead or getting scammed. Beside this all kinds of problems with the Governments and their Laws if running a website, because I don’t think that any of the Government and Politician in the world want any of their even own Citizen to become more powerful than them in any sense and meaning. And in some cases, even Governments and their Laws force many corporations out of their own State or Country because of Taxing then very heavily. And because of so some of the even very good businesses will move their offices and income to a Country in which they have to pay less Taxes or no Tax at all. So, altogether even most of the Governments and their Laws can be a total disaster for all kinds of people living in their Countries including Citizens.
Otherwise, when things got much more complex about collecting and putting these all Songs and their Videos, I came up with the solution by my own which made my job easier than the time when I started. So, the Songs you are familiar with from last Ten, Twenty, Thirty, Fifty, Sixty, or ninety Years, you remember almost everything about them. And still most of them may sounds the same as they used to many Years ago whenever someone listened to them or watched their Videos. But the Songs someone found and liked just Yesterday in a language or dialects which they don’t understand are hard to remember in any sense and meaning. And because of so forget about putting them in a perfect order any Coo lection including Fusion. In that case the Song which deserve to be on the particular spot and Page to match perfectly with the Song from other Language will end up imperfectly somewhere else on the wrong Page and order. Believe me, that can be a real pain in the whatever. Therefore, I have to find the way to remember few things about all the Songs as a little hint in many Languages and Dialect, before placing them in a right order and place on each and every Page. But if you put too much pressure on your Brain to resolve something complicated and complex by your own, then I noticed that even Brain could end up collapsing too from the exhaustion. Looking around, who is laughing? Hello, it is true. If you don’t believe me, then just try to write about something for 4 hours by using your Brain. Anyway, so whenever I felt that my Brain is exhausted, I have to leave things right away until the Next Morning. And to relax my Mind I have to watch Videos of try on bikini ladies, Bikini football or Beauty pageant swimsuit. Because doing so doesn’t consume particular kind of energy of Brain. Looking around, who is laughing? No, seriously believe me, that to do something just by using your own Brain and its process sometime can take Years to complete something. Well, then even Years may pass away like a day while trying to put few things together for a website. Because someone’s Brain is constantly busy and engaged into something all the time. So, as I wrote above that actually I was making Songs and their Videos collection just for myself online before downloading the same legally from somewhere. But then I thought why not if I find the way to make the same collection available to all the People Worldwide. May be some other People will like it too. But to do so I have to go through a legal process, which binds most or all the Countries in the World to protect their inventors or Copyright holders under the Copyright treaty or agreement Worldwide. Which financially not only benefits the People for their hard Work, talent and creation but also Governments too. But then I found out that I can embed Videos from You Tube to my website.
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After that here we are in 2022. Well, one thing is for sure that since 2007 when I started building a website, I may got much better in many things. Even if since then many times I thought of giving up building and running a website But still since 2007 to almost end of 2022 somehow both of us not only survived but still are alive too. What? I said, bad news for the People those otherwise may wanted you and your website dead or expected to be dead. That is for sure. Now let’s see who goes down. Anway, it is a wastage of time keep preparing everything to take revenge, instead I rather spend my time to make website better and whatever time have left to live. But I am sure I am not going to die before reaching 100. That means still longtime to go. Well, then sometime everyone have to hang in there, no matter even if whole world is against you or you feel like a turtle upside down. “Ok, hang in there doesn’t mean hang yourself, instead it means just hold on tight on whatever until the right time come. Hey, making clear, because even still I am not aware of a right meaning of so many whatever in any Language including English.
Otherwise, under the Copyright treaty worldwide whatever someone created or invented the same automatically belongs to them legally with all kinds of legal rights, but still consult with your Lawyer. Because all kinds of thieves worldwide always may find the way to claim something which they didn’t create, neither invited, nor was their idea. And as many Countries or almost all the Countries and their Governments sooner or later may be on the brink of financial collapse therefore, some of them will do anything to have a legal right of Somone’s valuable assets of any kind. Otherwise, without a hardworking, talented, inventors of all kinds, Good and Honest People Humans could have not come so far in any sense. So, Governments or some People in Law informant Worldwide have no choice but to protect some of the People and their all kinds of Work and inventions. Because most of the Governments Worldwide makes money and run everything by Taxing some People heavily according to their income. So, for Example: Let’s say that 15 Years old made a Million US $ in a Year by Singing a Song from his or her Room on the Internet, may be the same fifteen years old have to pay Two Hundred and fifty thousand $ in Taxes to Government. Otherwise, everyone knows what can happen. But then what is the big deal as a government? Well, that is another chapter. So, in reality no one is doing any favor to anyone. But when you are dealing with something Worldwide digitally, it is not even easy to find out about original Copyright holder of the contents, neither there isn’t any System in place by any Government which verifies the Genuineness of something or someone Worldwide. But still, most of them are there with their big Mouth open to collect Tax. Even from the People those make just twelve thousand $ a Year? Yeah, I think that is right. And I was looking on the Internet to find a legal Definition of Business, but so far, no Luck. All I found information about the Business if someone want to open something on the ground Physically. So, I have no idea that still in what era and time some of the idiots are living in the Government? Otherwise, someone can end up in a legal wriggling of Copyrights infringement or not paying some of the Fee to State or Central Government. Hello, but my website is registered Worldwide, and being solo my Tax Id is SSN. And Law, Enforcement and IRS People know where I live. Because in the digital age bedroom can be an office too. So, getting wrangled up legally in anything is not Good, unless it is a big and Wealthy Corporation. Because, in case of big Corporation every risk or whatever is taken by few People is on the base of shareholders Money. Hello, we are asking just twenty or Hundred $ Registration fee of your Business? Yeah, but I didn’t make that kind of Money in last almost 3 Years. That is not our problem. What? I think that is the biggest problem of yours as a Government, Laws and while interpreting a word, Justice. So, even not many Lawyers want to deal with something Internationally or Locally which they think is already a mess in legal terms. What? I said, that is why we have given you a legal right to represent yourself in Court. So, most of the Lawyers know very well about some of the Country’s Government, Laws and Justice. But who is the victim of such incapable Governments or whoever run the World? I think, the talented, Hardworking and honest People. Otherwise, as everyone know that even some even well-educated People are happy to spend their rest of life in a Jail, after living their Version of Good life fully for few Years by committing all kind of crimes by using people’s money. But still, it is not easy to know the truth that how and why tons of Money keep moving illegally or criminally between some of the People and Governments. Because in the end Government either are going to claim the same or at least as long as particular Political party is in power some of the corporation will generate and will keeps jobs steady by investing People’s money or the loan they took from the Banks. Well, then the money got lost through corporation or found somewhere stacked in Millions, Billions or Trillions can be your Money too.
So, one thing is for sure, that if any Family, Village, Town, City, State, Country and World don’t have particular kind of crime and criminals, then the Money of hard-working People which goes into all kinds of investigations and to feed all kinds of criminals or protecting the good can be used to eliminate all kinds of poverty and illiteracy, otherwise because of which so many people directly or indirectly get forced to do something wrong and criminal. What? I said, then aging things came down to a same thing, that democratic capitalism and Governments will collapse, because so many people in many departments will not have jobs and work. Otherwise, look at all kinds of Armies and expensive weapons most or all the Government Worldwide need to protect something or someone valuable financially. Whether for the sake of Humans and Humanity or keeping civilian and Government Jobs. Therefore, in reality bad People are the main root of all kinds of problem created by them for the Good Human beings.
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But something bad, wrong, inhuman and cruel also can exist because of all kinds of poverty and illiteracy too. But legally and morally who is responsible and liable to eliminate all kind so poverty and illiteracy since whenever? Now everyone must have understood that much. But why these all I am writing here and may be over and over again too? Well, the reason writing these all in here is, that if there is not any kind of poverty and illiteracy then particular kind of radicalism and fanaticism don’t exist, and because of so Earthly Humans can appreciate and accept everything of right version without being confused or double minded and direct or indirect pressure. In which the best Songs and Videos Collections from worldwide in all kinds of languages and dialects can be included too. Beside by writing few things over and over again can prove the main root of all kinds of problems according to my best judgment and evaluation.
Otherwise, I will leave a definition of the bad People for you all to evaluate before the interpretation of the same. Because sometime something or someone which looks Good in reality and truth can be the baddest too. What is going on, where is the Humanity? What? I said, just exist in words. What? I said we have a Job opening for you in Housekeeping. I think, that is the most inhuman and gross Job in the World, especially if working in a Motel in which most of the people stays to do illegal drugs. So, be careful about the hidden syringes hidden under the mattresses or somewhere where housekeepers have to clean. What? I said, that is why we want you to be fail making any Money digitally while in USA.
Otherwise, who is going to do some of the shittiest Jobs in the world? Which otherwise Americans don’t want to do at all. and what will happen to my investment in real State? So, it reminds me the Person who told me something when I was in my may be twenties after reading one of my Gazal, that you are going to be in a big trouble. I asked him, but why? Because I think you understand too much about the real truth of Humans and Humanity or whatever and whoever. And it turned out to be true. “OK, so it doesn’t mean, that all the People so far in the Government were bad. Because, sometime Governments, System and Justice can be in the same situation and circumstances, where hungry person from last three days didn’t eat anything under the same Government, Justice and System those are legally libel not to let that happen to any person in their Village, Town, City, State or a Country. So, hungry person left with no choice but to steal food or to rob innocents to stay alive. So, anyone can be in a desperate situation and circumstances including Governments and their system. But who create these all? Of course, all the Humans Worldwide. But who can change it for the better or perfection? Of course, all the Humans Worldwide. Otherwise, you never know what is coming next to someone’s Town and City. State or a Country. But why only to Towns and Cities? Because most the People living in Towns and Cities either don’t like to grow food or don’t know how to plow Agriculture land with the Bulls with Homemade plow, beside even Government and their system in most of the Countries always provide the best Tecnologies and facilities first to People those lives in Cities. But now almost all the Cities also became a creator of all kinds of problems too, not only for the Humans but for the environment and planet Earth too. But hey, still may be these all Songs and their Videos in my Collection got created by People living in all kinds of Cities worldwide. But so, if all the People worldwide may not be able to enjoy these all Songs and their Videos in my collection because of so many other problems in their lives or health related issued caused by all kinds of pollutions, poverty, radicalism and fanaticism?
Otherwise, if required Food and beverages including clean water is not available, then Money, all kind of precious Metal and Luxury can’t be eaten to satisfy Hunger. What? I said, beside this everybody knows about all kinds of physical fight in some of the Shops in some of the developed Countries for toilet papers during Covid.

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Yeah. That is what it happens when someone never wiped or wash their whatever with bare hands and water. That is gross to and more chances to get sick. Looking around, who is laughing? No, I am serious. Therefore, before it is too late, even 14 years old must think something seriously to grow all kind of Food and having enough Clean Water as required, instead of Playing violent Video Games, watching porn or doing whatever on the Internet those otherwise can be enjoyed better later in Life. Otherwise, old People worldwide may have few more years to go, or you never know when last breath of live will be taken. Yeah, watching all kinds of Songs and their Videos in my collections may not be a bad idea for anyone. Believe me the best in the world. Otherwise, if few things can happen in developed Nations as shown above in the videos, then everyone knows what can happen in undeveloped Nations related to almost everything.
So, as in 2022 availability for more than 5 billion People worldwide are available, therefore, most of the People Worldwide can keep their talent or whatever on a World stage even just by sitting in their Rooms. Which could open many doors of futuristic opportunities in the form of making a decent living. And as for the Music industry and people involved in it worldwide totally new digital market is open, therefore new and old Artist of all ages can jump in. Otherwise, creation and inventions of someone will benefits the ones, those own Copyrights of something after the death of an original creator or inventor. But still, I am not sure how money-wise things are getting sort out between people about the Songs and Videos when Internet didn’t exist the way it exists today. The reason I wrote these all in here, because until 1998 or 2000 I wasn’t aware of Copyright, Patient and so many other things related to the product which someone invented or created. Even if I was in Collage for few Years back mid 1970 to 1980. Doesn’t it show the poor and bad infrastructure of the education and all kind of incapable People in the Education department of the Government in a particular State or a Country? So, be careful being a talented or an inventor in the Internet age. Because some educated People can make someone’s death very natural after killing them to be a Copyright holder or owner of something which otherwise created and invented by others. So, in that case if God really exist, then only God can save someone. Because may be God also need, talented and honest people too. I mean in case Gods and Goddesses are not competing or participating in whatever too. What? I said, especially if Gods and Goddesses can convert themselves into anything. Yeah. That is scary. Looking around, who is laughing? Hello, be serious, because even your 18 years perfect whatever can be on the line too. Otherwise, everyone knows that in Earthly Humans world how ugly things can get just to have toilet papers to wipe their whatever, while at the same time paper napkins are available in tons next to empty toilet papers shelves in a shop. What? Paper napkins are made out of steel. Anyway. So, imagine what can happen when it comes to Money, all kinds of properties or assets and Sex between Earthly Humans. Well, then be careful about your all kinds of digital inventions and creativities, because educated thieves of all kinds can be ahead of you to own something legally which otherwise you invented or created.
Well, most of the time it is not easy to understand or figure out, that if God exist and live in heaven or inside some of the Humans. So, just try not to do something wrong deliberately. Because the same thing may save someone even going to heaven or hell unexpectedly. Beside this you never know that if Gods and Goddesses exist then they may want some Humans to stay on our beloved true Version of the mother like Planet Earth for longer. Look, who got washed clean this Year. So, you all Children Worldwide be good by not having garbage dumps everywhere, neither pollute planet Earth to Death. Because even it is possible to make the best Songs and their Videos too if someone is healthy and Air is breathable. Hello, what? Who is this? I am a mother of all of you, Planet Earth. Tell them all, that be careful before polluting me in any sense and meaning. Otherwise, next year it will be your turn, because I have to keep myself clean too if Earthly Humans failed to do so. That make perfect sense to me for sure. Otherwise, even being an Earth I will be enjoying Songs and their Videos collection by Mr. Nand L Verma. “OK, Nand, let me know how much, when and where you want Rain, Snow or tennis ball sized hailstorm.
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So, watch your heads and all the Vehicles parked outside. Looking around, who is laughing, No. I am serous anything can be true even if I made few stuff up related to talking to Earth. But hey, as all the Humans are always attached to Earth in some way, so you never know. Otherwise, if almost all the Vehicles are parked outside and hails storm of tennis ball size hailstorm created by whoever or whatever, still good for the capitalism and their governments. Because not only all the windshields have to be replaced but also dents on all kinds of Vehicles will not look good either. Yeah, sometime everything can be scary about, Humans, Governments, their system and whoever are the protectors of Earth.
And in the Earth a Country in which I live right now provides me a legal right to do what I am doing on world wide web as a website and all kinds of contents displayed on it. Beside this protecting the same also become a legal responsibility and liability of the Government too. Because if I will start making Money from a website: then making more Money than a particular amount I have to pay Tax. Which goes to the Government, and because of that Money not only Governments and their Employees get paid but also everything get build in a Country get build from Taxpayers Money beside providing all kinds of help for less privileged People. And as I wrote somewhere that in some way almost everyone in a Country pays sale tax to Government whenever they buy something from any Shop. What? I said be careful don’t cross the legal line while writing or displaying something against Government and some of their Employees, because we are looking for a loophole in the Laws from a longtime to arrest you. Yeah, you are trying so, since I moved to USA, but so far, no luck. Hello, this is the time to give up, because you have tried all the tricks of the trade, even some of your People once opened 100 of pages related to child pornography by controlling my Desktop remotely. Therefore, everyone have to be careful while on the world wide web, because sometime even criminals want to hide their crimes by framing you for some of the crime or force you directly or indirectly to commit one. Yeah, such kind of tricks on immigrants can be played from behind the computer even in a Country like USA. And People playing such kind of tricks from behind the computer to put you in a Jail can be people from your own Country.
Otherwise, sometimes it makes me think hard about my believes and the way I imagined about USA, especially when so many Businesses refuse to take 100 or 50 US $ Bill or note, because of a doubt, that it can be fake or counter fit. So, still secret service couldn’t find the way to have some kind of Machine in every Shop which recognize fake or counterfeit Money. Therefore, hey pay by debit or with credit card, but the same of yours can be used by criminals too. Hello, I never been to Texas, but in my credit report it says that I used some credit cards in one of a City in Texas beside about the credit card got used I am not aware about having the same at all. Otherwise, if I am not wrong then no one can refuse to take valid Currency in a Country? What? I said, yes, I can, or we can under the terms and Condition of my or our own. What? Yeah, because being a most Technically advanced Country in the World still our government can’t provide all the Businesses a particular kind of Machines to verify fake or Genuine Currency. So, be careful you may have two Websites, one fake and one Original, but original may be in fixed deposit locker without an interest. Oh really? Yeah. So, such kind of stuff still also can happen even in a Country like USA. What? I said, on the Internet it says that most of the CEOs of big Tech Companies are not only Indians but majority of the Employees of their too. Loji yeto wo walee baat ho gayee kee assmaan sai geerai khzoor pay lautkai. Anyway, but as always life and time keep moving on while inside of that circle all the Earthly People try best to live their lives fully. And I guess even in old age still I am trying to do the same, by not only building a website: but also collecting and putting the best Songs and their Videos together in a particular way for all of you too. Otherwise, sometime almost all the Earthly Humans in some way get exploited and mislead by almost everyone just for their own benefits and profits. And in that case sometime even some of the hard working, talented, creative, inventors, good and honest people can end up dead too, before they start to get benefited from their creation, work or invention. Yeah, still real world and humanity or almost everything can be that bad even in devolved Nations, so forget about undeveloped ones. Because of all kinds of corruption, dishonesty, desperation, greed, incapabilities and bad condition of Law and order. In that case organized crime or criminals of all kinds directly or indirectly can be involved in almost everything. Which sooner or later will not only damage the Economy of a Country but many ways all the People Worldwide. Because only mostly bad People with the talent of having and acquiring something criminally can be in charge of wealth and power. Anyway, all together this also can be a real and ugly face of some or most part of the World in which all the Humans and their Humanity lives. But still, it is not right and civilized, insulting or using few Words publicly awkwardly and unnecessarily against some of your People in the Government in the name of freedom of speech. Because, you have a right to purse everything wrong and illegal legally. Otherwise, take a look at the People in many Countries Worldwide, those even can’t say not even a World against their rulers, neither have a right to pursue something legally. So, I think none of the Humans should waste and misuse something. What? I said, even from the domestic Animals and Humans waste Gas and fertilizer can be made. Yeah.
And as everyone knows, that even to build, organize and alter something digitally consume lots of energy of the Brain, Body, Hardware and Electricity. Beside this making a right package of something available as a website and contents on it for the people worldwide also need Money, knowledge, time and right People too. Unless some Humans can work like a robot by doing everything by themselves. But still may be People in whatever may kill that person on the way, while trying to figure out whether this person is a Human or a robot. What? I am asking, that are you a real Human.
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Hello, yes. “OK, so it might not be always true, that Humans can be Powerful in any form just because they eat and drink right or have big Mussels. Although, in the sense of Physically and Medically this is true, but still, everything of right and perfect looking may not work the way it should in very sense. Especially, if most of the Earthly Humans are not even true to themselves. But what that should really means, when someone says be true to yourself? Well, things come down to the same thing, that there can be nothing true in an any kind of powerful person, who makes living by exploiting others in any form. Therefore, such People’s any kind of powers may have to deal with Mentally and eternally always with their own demons. I mean if someone is not a robot who looks and do everything else similar to Humans. Looking around, who is laughing? Hello, if it is true that Humas or Aliens exist from whenever with their all kinds of past and stories, then anything can be possible. And in the Universe making many Earths like planet and everything in them exactly the same may be as easy as copy and pasting something digitally. Well, well, well, then definitely everyone living in the Universe may have unauthorized an access to my website too. Hello, don’t forget about the non-charitable donation to me.
So, I think, when it comes to making the best Songs and their Videos worldwide, the most difficult part of this business must be understanding the complexity and chemistry about liking something by all the Earthly Humans. Unless someone can hypnotize someone or everyone remotely to listen and enjoy their whatever or robot keep clicking on the pages or contents to increase total views. Because hey it is also about making Money too. Otherwise, I think it is not easy at all even digitally to do something, especially if someone trying to reach People all over the World. But as these days everything got so easy related to making a Songs and their Videos for almost all the Earthly Humans, therefore, things also start to get messy and very crowed too. Because few things can’t be taught, neither can be learn by everyone, but still, everyone may try to do few things. And the same thing also can apply while making some of the best Songs and their Videos in digital age. Especially when almost related to making a Song and their Videos almost sits in everyone’s Computer. But in the end, it comes down the same thing to be the best worldwide. Well, then may be few Earthly Humans born with particular kind of Genes and DNA in them.
Although, liking or disliking about something or everything in life depends up on many things’ person to person in a different way, but one thing related to the same should applies on everyone Worldwide. Because that is how some of the Songs and their Videos became immortal. So, whatever someone is doing on world wide web shouldn’t keep only their own People in Mind. Because when something goes on the Internet it is available for the World. Therefore, I think authenticity of instruments or right combination of them is very important while making a Song and their Videos. Otherwise, same music beat may be good only for the drunk people in clubs, or the People those get emotionally attached to the Words or Lyric after understanding them well. And of course, Singer must be able to all kinds of justification with Lyrics and Music too. Now comes to the Video of a Song. Well, if someone is not singing on a live stage, then Videos of the Songs can be made even without a presence of a Singer. Which should be fine at least with me. I mean, that is my point of view even if I didn’t produce any record so far. But hey, I think in the Internet age nothing can betook late for anyone. Therefore, anything can happen in any age as long as someone is Mentally and physically healthy as required for some kind of job and work. Otherwise, if you don’t believe me, then look at the in charge of the Countries or the World, yeah, most of them are in their Eighties and still going strong or lunatic. Well, then in the Internet age many more old people can popped up like a popcorn in every whatever even after the retirement. Looks, like young People are going to have a hard time to compete with some of the oldies for sure. Otherwise, resume for most of the Jobs used to get discarded just by looking at the date of birth. This Person is 40 Years old? Too old. Looking around, who is laughing? Hello, be serious. Otherwise, look how many lonely old and young people looking for a love on the world wide web got scammed for up to US $ Million. So, still I am not sure why someone send Money to their lovers, admirer or whoever instead of refundable return by Air or Train ticket. Yeah, looks like even in Cyber world love not only can be just to extort money but also in few cases can turn deadly too. Therefore, still even in old age I am not able to understand about the meaning of love at all. What? I said, then may be love don’t exist, but Sex does. Yeah, but having a desire of Sex only with particular person can be a part of love too. And that is why someone named it love making. I am not sure about Females but definitely almost all the Males surely want to make love to all the physically beautiful Females in the World. Especially after the existence of world wide web. Hey, it is all up to two parties. Otherwise, before the existence of the world wide web even Electricity and separate Room wasn’t available even for the Married people. Anway, but one thing is for sure, that because of these all whatever happened between Men and Women, some of the best all kinds of Songs and their Videos got born. And look how many People worldwide made money from the same stories or real action. But I am not sure about the future of the same reaming intact.
Otherwise, when it comes to watching Songs and their Videos, then may be the busiest Human in the World should to that at least an Hour a day. Not sure about the Animals and if someone else also listening and watching on some other planets too. Beside this you never know, maybe there are Billions of Earths like Planet in the Universe. And People living there are also either like us, dumber than us, more corrupt than us or smarter and Technology much, much advanced then us. Looking around, do anyone have an ET Friend, who just looks like one of us?
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Look, ET speaks the same Languages as Humans on Planet Earth. But looks like this ET is not mentally so smart. What? I said, that is why we will do whatever you tell us to do. Alright then, see ETs trust me fully. Looking around, then who got their stuff from another Planet? Anyway, that was an illusion not a reality. So, I made this all up to make more space available for Advertisers and their advertisements while keeping something for the readers interesting too. Believe me keeping someone busy with full interest is the hardest job, especially while in every minute may be many new websites pops up Worldwide with the almost same thing.
Otherwise, let’s think or believe that Universe is a big, big place. Yeah, very big. So, who knows if there are Billions of Planets in the Universe like Earth, or we are the only one in the whole Universe as a Humans? What? I said, I see Stars though. Yeah, but that doesn’t mean anything except a giant Ball of Gas many light years away. I mean that is what Humans got told or taught about by scientist or whoever. Otherwise, not many Humans can travel not even in their State because of the poverty, so forget about going to space. But why? Because it is very expensive. But why everything have to be expensive and unaffordable for most of the Humans on Planet Earth? Very simple, because Humans don’t work for free. Well, then just start building a project of the Worldwide by Mr. Nand L Verma.
Otherwise, nothing is wrong watching Songs and their Videos even on another Planet, as long as Earthly Humans get paid. Hey, in here on our Earth Money, Sex and having all kinds of luxury are the real Gods and Goddesses. What? I said, you can’t track us, Aliens. Anyway, so, I have tried my best to choose some of the best Songs and their Videos from worldwide on the basis of my liking and choice. But not sure about the perfection of the dance in some of the Videos, which comes along with them. Therefore, I will be keep updating the list of Songs and their Videos according to the time, availability and finding the right ones on You Tube to embed. Otherwise, I am noticing that those Videos including Song’s once were available to embed for some reason now are not available. Yeah, something makes me very angry too, because it takes a hell of time finding a right Song and its Videos for a particular place including for all other kinds of collections of the Videos. Otherwise, so far, the Songs and their Videos I have chosen to put into a particular order, in my point of view are not are only then best. Therefore, all the Songs and Videos in my Collections should have a capability of capturing the entertainment center of Human’s brain forever like some of the Drugs does. No, I am not Joking, I am serious. Beside this these all Songs have a similarities and capabilities to blend with each other perfectly after I was able to put them in to a particular order on each and every page of collections. What is that particular kind of order? Sorry I am not going to tell you that. So, If I will starts making money in tons from a website, that is going to be a win, win for the People, those not only don’t have a MBA degree but also can’t spell very well without a spellchecker. Well, then if someone makes Money in Tons then their all kinds of whatever can be compared automatically to the student those got educated in Harvard, Oxford, MIT, Yale, or any other big Schools, College and University in the World. Yeah, then these all may pay you money too to visit their educational institutions. “OK, that doesn’t mean Children shouldn’t have particular kind of Education. Otherwise, now as everyone knows, that some very talented and brilliant Children and all kind of People Worldwide were unknown to others without a worldwide web and the Internet. So, without an Internet even some of the smartest and Brilliant People Worldwide never could have a chance to show there whatever.
Well, then discriminating all these Songs and their Videos in my collections on the basis of worthless things will be a damage to some of the best in Music industry. Otherwise, hey, liking or disliking something on the basis of genuine feelings and emotions can happens to anyone. Otherwise, I don’t think, that seven Years oldies are going to like a Shakespeare and his writing. But as I wrote somewhere that still Children can have same kind of attraction towards Songs and their Videos as Adults does. Even if Children doesn’t understand anything lyrically at all. And that used to happen to me too after starting to live in USA. Even though my English is not that bad, but still hardly I was able to understand few words or lines in a whole while listening or watching a Video of the Songs. The first line of the Song I remember understanding this, “I will be right here waiting for you” back in I think 1994. Otherwise, forget understanding the whole Lyric even today in most of the Songs and their Videos in English Language. Even if I lived my half of Life in USA. But I found out that writing lyrics and singing a Song in English Language is much, much easier than in Hindi. Yeah, I can sing many Songs in English Language in which you may not find any Indian accent at all. Beside this more then 100 Lyrics written in English by Mr. Nand L Verma (me) is ready to rock and roll too. Hey, you never know may be old age will become 21 Years young. Looking around, who is laughing? Hello, I am not Joking, because phycological effects of something on Humans may have an ability to turn them physically young too. And of course, if someone is rich than they can afford required of everything to keep themselves forever young too. Otherwise, hey as somehow past passed by and still I am alive, so will do the future. Well, then keep regretting and worrying about something doesn’t make any sense at all. Mumbling, I can’t believe that from last more than 2 weeks I got stuck only on this page from 7 am to 12 noon, but still there are going to be so many mistakes or imperfections. Yeah, writing or editing something perfect not only can be a pain in the whatever, but also Year can pass by like a Month too. Hello, just to edit, almost more then 600 pages to go. Over that I found impossible to write or edit something more than 5 hours a day. And I can do the same only in the Morning.
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I know, the World in which Humans are living today instead of perfect got more dangerous. Because Earthly Humans are having more worthless problems with each other. But if being Human everyone wants to live a good and healthy life then it shouldn’t be that way. Because getting trapped in that mentality, dirty Politics, selfishness or believes even Humans can’t appreciate and accept many good and perfect things done by others for them. Well, but still at least I collected all the Songs and their Videos from worldwide on the basis of to be the best, therefore, I am also hoping that many people may live worldwide those don’t discriminate or avoid some of the other people work those can be much, much better than them including Songs and their Videos. Because, who knows how the same mentality and perfection in something effects Humans and their whatever for the sake of themselves and others. What? I said hello, one of my favorite Singer have filed for a bankruptcy after earning a 100 million US$, and other one died because of an overdose of Drugs. Beside this look at the divorce settlements. Well, Humans really don’t have to make every talented, famous or wealthy person their role Model, but nothing wrong respecting someone for their talent. In which some of the best Songs and their Videos can be included too. What? I said some of them are weirdos. Yeah, that can be true, because everyone doesn’t handle money and fame well, neither should marry. Because when someone have Money and fame then not many People dare to say that some of you are not only idiots but weirdos too. Anyway, like they say, all people are not the same, neither their whatever. And when worldwide there are few billionaires in US$ worldwide and rest of whatever, then even wealthy People’s lives can be more complicated and complex in every sense and meaning.
Otherwise, it may surprise some of you, that almost all the People Worldwide through the Songs and their Videos in every Language and Dialect try to say and explain about the same thing. Therefore, only the difference between them is expressing the same feelings and emotions in a different Language and Dialects. And because of that reason, I don’t get offended, neither it changes my Religion, nor make me jealous, instead it makes me appreciate better things in all the Humans in the form of talent or their affords to make something perfect. Looking around, anyone got my point? So, in my point of view, it doesn’t make me a bad or unholy Hindu if I write, say, hear or Sing Khuda or Jesus Word in a Song. Nether my Religion, God and Goddesses stops me to do that. Evan If they do, I really give a damn. Therefore, If I inserted a background of Mosque or Church’s Picture as a background or backdrop in my Pictures, that doesn’t make me Christian or Muslim. What? I said you don’t know anything about your Religion, neither so far you did read any of the Religious Book. Beside this when did you pray and went to Temple last time? May be twenty Years ago? Well, still it is fine with me. Because I believe if I am not doing anything wrong, Temple and prayer is with in me and so does the God and Goddesses lives within me. Because If I don’t do and think something wrong, I become a prayer and temple from head to toe. So, if God really exist, they have no choice but to live within me. Especially if I don’t exploit and hurt anyone to make a living or to have Sex. Looking around, who laughed again? What? I said I don’t see either of that in you. Yeah, because you are a Human, so, no hard feelings in here. And it really doesn’t bother me that what People think about me, if I am true to myself. I mean that is how I see and value Religion and being Religious myself as a Hindu. But what really makes me Hindu? To be very frank I have no idea. Instead, I consider myself just a Human who can be a right version of the Humanity too. But do all of you have a that kind of freedom with in you to follow and practice? May be not.
So, if being a Hindu I like the Song which have a Word of Khuda, Jesus or a name of any other God, I really don’t mind singing along or having that Song in my Collection according to my own perspective about something. Beside this I really don’t care what other People of my Religion are going to think or say about me because of that nature of my mentality about Gods and Religions. Because I can make their own version for myself to practice and follow without telling anyone. And if any God really exist, they should be aware of my inner feelings and emotions about them without saying a Word. Therefore, if I inserted a Picture of Mosque, Church or another Religious Place behind my Picture as a background, then I like the Architect of them, but by doing so it didn’t change anything in me as a whole person and character. But doesn’t that how Humans supposed to be? What? I said Man, who have hired some of the idiots in spy agencies or wherever? Wastage of my Tax. Look, how much Money they have spent to know your Religion and birthplace after looking at the Pictures illegally in which you inserted Picture of the Religious Place, which otherwise doesn’t match with you Name. What? I said, I was thinking that Verma was a Hindu when he was my classmate back in School but now, he may have changed his Religion. No. Because I like Hindu Religion, especially after knowing that some of the immortal Sanyasi while living in Jungle can live only with one Apsara (God’s send very beautiful Female from heaven to save their throne in heaven) for 700 Years, and some of the Gods can keep thousands of Girlfriends too. Singing, hum too kiska dil toadna nahee chahtai, aur asai hee apna dharm nibhatai. Per aisa kartai kabhee Zindige thodee katraatee hai, aur kabhee sawrag kee gadee bhee chalee zatee hai. Well, well, well still same thing on Earth happens to so many Politicians too. So, I guess jaisa Raja vasee praja. What? I said, verna abhee idhar to tripple talak bhee khatam ho gaya. But why someone have to get marry if someone can keep thousands of Girlfriends and all of them are happy? Beside this visibility is not bad either. Looking around who is laughing? Hello, if someone tells you the truth then please don’t laugh, instead just think seriously. Even most of the Politicians change parties on the basis of whatever.
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What? I am asking, since when you have a Technology inserting any Picture as a Background behind your Pictures without a green screen and putting some of the Humans and Females next to you in Pictures digitally? Let me think, since the ancient time, but someone else may got paid for the same in may be in 1997 or 1998. Very late payment System. See, still I remember inventing a any Picture inserting as a Background Technology in my Computer. So, as it happened in an ancient time, and back then maybe I wasn’t born Hindu. Looking around, who got a very fat check for the Technology which otherwise I may have invented in 1997 or 1998? Mumbling, that is why my Desktop broke down and suggestion was send that to us and we will send you a brand new. I thought such things doesn’t happen in United States of America. But all kinds of thieves and fraudsters may not be Americans but the People from your own Country. Those may have manipulated and robed their own People in many ways even in foreign Countries. So, don’t be fooled by few things, because it can be true that few things are in someone’s blood. Now I kind of start to understand a meaning of dirty blood too. “OK, so I made few things up in here about investigation by whoever and remembering to change background in my Pictures from an Ancient time. Look I have a one of the castles in Germany behind my Picture as a background which otherwise may got taken in 1996, so someone shouldn’t be so stupid to think, that either I am a German, or I have some kind of power visiting anywhere in the World invisibly anytime and taking my selfie. What? I said, more wastage of my Tax if getting to investigate. Counting, now how much is going to be a lawsuit for all kind of indirect physical and Mental harassment by the investigators with the thirty percent Interest rate for the Fat check which someone else may have cashed in US $ in Billions? What? I said, I am not paying for that as a Taxpayer. Looking around, who got a fat check for the ancient technology? Anyone? What? I said, we found a Muslim dress (pathanee suit) in your suitcase too. Yeah, because it is more comfortable while sitting on the ground or work chair for many hours.
Otherwise, if I write Khuda Word in Gazals someone can think, hey Verma can be a Muslim. What? I said, Khuda bachyai asai Zahelon sai. Beside this I never been to Germany, France, Turkey, San Fransisco California or in some other Countries ever to take my selfie. Instead, I started inserting pictures as a background behind my Pictures in my computer since, I think 1997. Beside this look how many Females and other things I put next to me in my Pictures digitally too. Wow, young Lady we look good together. Hello, I am Married. Yeah, but that was a trial to put Picture together in confidentiality without knowing the Martial Status of anyone. No, you are too short, we don’t look good together not even in Picture. Next one Please. Because there were to many Pictures of beautiful ladies on the Internet to try for free by placing them next to your Picture. That is why People shouldn’t get into someone’s Computer illegally. Because who knows what kind of project someone is working on, and suddenly someone find a Picture of their Girlfriend or Wife sleeping in someone else’s bed only in Pictures. But how someone can choose such kind of whoever in their lives who took the same thing for real? So, be careful and don’t do something stupid being going mad after getting into someone’s Computer illegally and finding Fake Pictures. Because someone may be working on some kind of project by doing so by keeping everything confidential. Even world wide web is full of all kinds of Fake stuff including Pictures. Therefore, doubting someone on the basis of the same can turn deadly too. I am not saying that few things don’t happen, but still in some of the relationships trust is very important too. Beside this even expert can’t keep up with all kinds of hackers, bad guys and changing Tecnologies, so forget about the regular people knowing about the same. So, never hack into innocent People’s Computers and Smart Phones.
So, let’s move from Pictures to Songs and their Videos. Even though some of the Songs are lip synced in Videos by some other People, but it doesn’t bother me. Maybe they do so to increases a density of viewers and emotions through Physical beauty’s attraction, dance and acting to meet the demand of Lyrical and Musical sequence to execute the meaning and sense of Words right. So, I don’t know about you, but it is fine with me. But in some of the Song’s Videos some dancing can be very awkward too. Therefore, still sometimes I am kind of confused between Gymnastic and dance. But hey, enjoy as long as someone like them. Otherwise, watch all kinds of Videos collection of the Videos those got recorded while Singers and other People on a stage were performing Live. Otherwise, I like all the Videos in my Collections too in which you don’t see original Singers. But still, some of the People worldwide may find everything perfect in Videos of the Songs or Movie Songs in which original Singers play their part being a playback, Singers. Therefore, in the Videos of the Movie Songs Actor and Actresses lip-sync a Song and move their other part of the Body with all kinds of emotions and feeling as required according to the Lyrics. And if someone want to see Singers Singing on a Live stage, then for such viewers I put a best Collection together of the videos those got recorded during when Singers and all other People in the Videos were performing live on a stage.
In my all kinds of collections may be some of the Songs are very old, and the People who recorded them that time may didn’t realize, that making Video of the recording session is going to worth. Otherwise, in the Internet age, some People may would like to see all the original People involved in the Songs while they got recorded in recording Studios. Otherwise, all the Songs (except performances on live stage) in Song’s Videos must be lip synced, even if the Song is sung by a original Singer. Otherwise, I noticed, that in most of the live shows recording quality of the Sound is not that grate, neither some of the Singers sounds exactly the same as they sound in a Song those got recorded in recording studio.
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What? I said, live performances sometime are lip synced too. No, then what is the meaning of live show? Because someone paid for to see someone singing Live. So, I really don’t want to get into the legal term of live performances and shows. Otherwise, may be many viewers want to see everyone involved in the Song, while song got recording in a studio. Because that is how and why the whole Song became immortal or whatever. Anyway, So, long story short, I don’t believe, that People don’t get paid fairly for their Work, especially if someone created something with their own talent and idea. Otherwise, imagine how bland, lonely and misguided Humans, humanity, feelings, emotions and all the Musical instruments could have been, without a some of the Lyricist, Musicians, Producers, musical instrumental players and Singers? Beside this without a Video of the Songs it could have been impossible to make any Song popular worldwide. Therefore, also thank People those invented Electricity and all other kinds of Technologies because of which everyone worldwide is able to keep Videos of the Songs in front of the world. And as I wrote many times that some of the Lyrics and the way same got Musically composed and sung can explain and define almost everything related to something or someone just in few lines in a way, which otherwise Humans may not be able to know or understand by having all the educational degrees.
Therefore, still I be sitting at the bank of a flooded River of the Songs from all over the World in any Language or Dialect, those are trying to reach to a Sea of 8 billion people worldwide in 2022. But as everyone knows that picking selected things of your choice from a flooded River can’t be easy. Even to find a just ounce of Gold can take many days or even Month. What? I said, checking out, if you are tied to a safety wire while sitting at the bank of flooded River, otherwise if you faint or unexpectedly the flow of flooded Rivers rises, then you may get swept away too. Looks, like you are watching more Videos, in which Females are dancing in a very little cloths with their perfect Physical beauty. Hey, after particular age that part also become a part of almost everyone’s Life. So, why not?
So, in the time and era of world wide web all the Females Singing have to be smarter than whatever they used to sell in a Video of the Songs when world wide web didn’t exist. Because, I really don’t think, that in the internet age all the Males always are going to be attracted to a Females in Songs and their Videos, those are dancing in a thong. Because, in that case Male can switch to swimsuit shows to have a better view of whatever. So, I think nudity and seduction of Females in Songs and their Videos should depends up on the Lyrics too. But still, some of the Females Singers worldwide can be a whole package too. The reason I mentioned only Female Word, because Man has nothing much to show as a nudity except fitness while dancing in shorts or not wearing a Shirt. Therefore, there should be a big difference in sexual seduction and being trashy while Females are dancing by wearing a particular kind of clothes. Because sometime when I watch the old Songs and their Videos in which Females dances and dressed sexually provocatively to seduce Male audiences, still everything looks classy not trashy. Otherwise, now a days in most of the Songs and their Videos the same thing looks sometimes trashier. I mean that is what I think. Even if I am still not sure that who made some of the decisions about a kind of dress someone should wear in Songs and their Videos.
Otherwise, before the Internet, it might be true to sell something on the basis of Female’s nudity only, but after the Internet the same psychology may not get applied. Because the same customers or viewers are divided to view the same thing or better than that available all over the world wide web. Especially, when it comes to selling something Locally, Nationally or Internationally on the basis of Female’s physical beauty nudity. What? I said, unless someone is very extra ordinary from head to toe. Otherwise, I noticed many times, that some of the Lyric are explicit in a way which someone below a particular age may not understand a real meaning behind them, otherwise even Children can see nudity in a Videos very well. What? I heard some fifteen years old said something in a Male Voice. I said, I like only descontrol Songs and their Videos. Well, I hope your parents allowed you to do that or if you live near a beach, then hey nothing new even for Children. Because I don’t think that any normal beach in the World is only for adults. May be nude beaches. What? I said, otherwise if in India Maglev train 700 or 1000 KMPH runs in the middle of a Country from J & K Border to Beaches of Kanyakumari then even Pakistani people living nearby Himalayas can reach to Beaches of Kanyakumari within 4 Hours. Yeah. And I am sure that China sooner or later will do the same in middle of the Country from Shanghai to Tibetan border then I can reach to beaches of Shanghai within 4 hours too. What? I am wondering if the same progress going to harm dirty theaters business in Pakistan as shown below in a Videos.

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No, it will not affect any dirty theaters business. It should boost the business. Wow, making 600 Euro in a week just by working 21 to 40 hours a week. Hello, in USA minimum wagers still may make $ 250 per week after all kinds of deduction. Well, better then working in a porn Movies. Beside this I am noticing that almost all the Pakistanis and Afghanistanis are white. Mumbling, most of the Females looks hot too me even while covered head to toe. Singing Hindi Song, ye parda hata doo——— Well then even Hollywood can have a tough competition in show business. Otherwise, hey, in the end doesn’t matter what I say, because as usual choice is always yours. Because everyone have their own Philosophy, choice, experiences, needs and evaluation about something before liking and disliking something. But as Governments need Money to run a Country therefore, Females should have equal right too.
Enjoy the show. Because, no matter what, life have to move on with or without someone. So, there is always someone new and something new in life. Whether someone left someone forever or because of whatever. So don’t be stupid by getting stuck with something which is not worth, neither there for you. Because you may deserve the best. So, if you are feeling little down or sad, then click at the best Dance Song and their Videos. Otherwise, if you want to land on particular Collection and their Page then click at following link.

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