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About digital version Page 3 (continue from page 2). By Mr. Nand L Verma.
Hello, the selfie displayed below which I took in 2024, I didn’t edit at all neither any makeup. Yeah, I did dye my gray hair whatever of them left on my head, and shaved them from my beard too. And look, what happened to the Picture after wearing a digital wig and changing background. Well, then looks like Air and Water in a Village (in Himachal, India) in which I grew up are not that bad at all, even if still I was not able to upgrade few things as required to be healthy mentally and physically, beside having a required office plus bedroom. Otherwise, my diet is the same as it was while living in USA. Looking around, who is laughing? Hello, young lady, even being in old age; after wearing just a digital wig and doing little editing (under eyes and under the chin. ) still, I may look few years older then you. What? I am asking, do you still eat only Lentil soup every day. Hello, in India it dosn’t comes under the category of soup, instead the same get considered a Main course. So, young lady let me know if you have any plans planned, because now my green card got renewed too. Well then all you have to do, just send me a by Air ticket. Yeah, me no have money, so as long as you want my company you pay for everything. Mumbling, after looking at the Picture below in which I am wearing a digital wig and changing the background, even being an old Man, I decided not to date ladies over the age of 25. Please, don’t laugh, because me very serious. Otherwise, when on the balcony, sun is shining straight on your eyes, nothing much you can see in the Phone to fix your postion right before taking selfie. Anyway

Below in selfie, I am wearing a digital wig, and also changed the background too. Where we try to provide you best in the world.

So, in 2022, all kinds of circumstances related to building a website: were prety much the same as existed in 2007; when first time, I started to build a website. Therefore, hey, even in 2022, no option or choice except let’s start to build a website from scratch all over again with the totally new website builder. Otherwise, in 2007, even if I didn’t know anything about building a website at all, still, 24/7 technical support from Yahoo was free. So, people from Yahoo helped me out whenever I got stuck while building web pages for a customized website. Actually, if my memory didn’t degrade then people from Yahoo helped me keeping pages in a particular folder. But in 2022, I have to figure out everything by myself without having a folder option if decide to build a customized website. Yeah, back in 2007, many assumed that I will not be able to build a website, and if somehow I will be able to do so, still it is going to be like 5 or 10 pages in Hindi Language, mostly Gazals (Gazals means poetic Lyrics in Hind or Urdu or by mixing both the Languages) But since then, while being off and on, on the world wide web, in 2023 I reached to at this point related to a website: and all the contents on the same. Although in 2022 building a whole website from scratch all over again in world press turned out to be more difficult than 2007, even after knowing more about building a website and their pages. Because there wasn’t any option to keep these many pages category-wise in a particular folder to manage them well, but still I not only found the way to manage all the pages the way I wanted but one more time I also was able to build a whole customized website.
Yeah, still I am not sure why I don’t like 95% product made by people in Software and Hardware related to all kinds of Computers and Phones. Therefore, even if some of them are Millionaires, Billionaires or Trillionaires in US $, still I consider 99% of them directly very polite bullies but in reality, and truth the best educated manipulators. And when Government of some of the Countries find these people doing something wrong, hey, give us 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100 billion US$ or more than that in fine. What? I said, as you don’t go with the flow that is why still even in old age you are poor. Yeah, that is true though but still I feel richer than most of the rich people. Looking around, who is laughing? Yeah, I am laughing because how such feelings and emotions can be generated? The day you will come to know so, this world will become heaven on Earth as well. Otherwise, even in old age, look what some of the people including me have to do to end up in heaven to be with 72 whoors or apsarayen (whoors or apsarayain means heavenly beautiful ladies those exist only in heaven) while at the same time most of the rich people having same fun while alive on Earth. Anyway, now Erotic part of the website at: is on. Please, don’t laugh instead be serious, especially if according to most of the politicians, economist and experts in your modern and advanced or economically growing very fast City or Country Air pollution keeping you most of the time inside your Room to be alive or safe. Hello. What? I said, mujhai to lagta hai aagai dood pechai chood. Anway, sometime I have no idea what to write and think about so many things including some of the people in Government and experts in many fields.
So, even if so far I didn’t make any money from a website, still in free time it kept me busy with full interest in for sure. Otherwise as everyone knows, that if willingly people are not doing a kind of work or job in which they are fully interested, but instead have to do to stay afloat financially, the same can harm mental and physical health in many ways too. Beside this even not keeping body and mind busy into something with full interest, it is not possible to pass even time. I mean if someone can afford to do so while staying at Home.
Because for some reason after particular age I didn’t like to watch Television either at all or not more than few hours. Therefore, working on a website and in Computers on so many other things kept my Mind and Body busy from 8 to 14 Hours with full interest whenever I had a free (or you can say unexpected free time which otherwise was not easy to afford) time to stay at home. Where we try to provide you best in the world.

But at the same time along the way some people who know me from longtime, still may be having hard time to digest the truth. Hey, you all the B***** now havre only option, just through up, or in British English like they say vomit on youself. Especially those of you thought that this time I will not be able to build a customized website at all. Therefore, still invisible or indirect investigation about few things may be on. But hey, unfortunately this the only truth, that I was capable, I am capable, and, in the future, I may not only will get better, but also, I may start to make money too. What? I said, then Jealous people going to be up in smoke. Well, hey nothing much I can do about that. Please don’t burn yourself in to smoke, because Earth already have enough of smoke to deal with. Yeah, I never liked jealousy people, even if they are my own. And the reason of that can be because I never been a full of Jealousy kind of person. Otherwise, even if I will not make any money from a website: still I should be able to survive financially. Because for me even in old age Journey of life from head to toe remain the same as it was in my twenties. I mean except losing some of the Hair from my head and most of them turned gray too. Yeah, beard and whatever left on my head in the forms of Hair are all gray. Otherwise, I didn’t mind at all if instead of from my head I did lose the same amount of Hair from my beard and body. Mumbling, seems like creator of the Humans are Democratic Capitalists too. Or you never know if some kind of invisible medical experiment related to the same going on, on Humans. So, definitely (making sure it is definitely not definely, because I remember corrected this word many times, but still somehow it get reversed to definely from definitely) not easy at all being an Earthly Humans. But hey, as someone said that Life is short, therefore Life has to move on, so no use to keep crying on spilt milk. But it is very strange, that because of all kinds of stress and financial hardship in life I lost only Hair from my head, but according to my age I still may look much younger. Well, good for because after 70 years old, I am going to take and post my selfie only in shorts. Looking around, who is laughing? Hey, young lady, please be serious, because still website and I may look younger than you from head to toe. Otherwise, getting old being poor is not fun at all. But still as always, you don’t have to be agree with me at all. So, I hope you all worldwide will find something interested while at Otherwise, hey, no hard feelings in here. Thanks again for spending time here.
Yeah, although in the time and era of the Internet because of the existence of all kinds of websites Earthly Humans lives got much easier to live and entertain, but unfortunately at the same time all kinds of cybercrimes committed by educated or well-educated criminals may have increased too. So, if you find something suspicious at: please free to contact Mr. Nand L Verma. Although time to time I try to find some of the links and URLs inside the site builder on each and every page which looks suspicious, or I didn’t link and named but still checking each and every link and URL may not be possible. That should be all for now about You all take care of yourself and try to be happy, otherwise being sad or worried about something may not solve anything but going to harm someone mentally and physically. In that case your enemies or bad people in life wins. Otherwise, as website is getting bigger and bigger with all kinds of contents, even it is getting little difficult for me to perfect everything on a website as well as keeping up to date just by myself.

Videos from Mr. Nand L Verma Collection of the best Videos in a particular order; almost about everything. About which Earthly People may want to know as soon as possible. Whether to entertain themselves or to make them understand and knowledgeable in a very simple way. Otherwise everyone knows about all the Chaos and business practices.

Art and Designs. By Mr. Nand L Verma
100 Lyrics for you Volume 1. By Mr. Nand L Verma
Journey of Life Volume 1. By Mr. Nand L Verma
Few Words; by Mr. Nand L Verma
Project for the World; by Mr. Nand L Verma
Downloads; from Mr. Nand L Verma
Electricity Generator; by Mr. Nand L Verma.
(May work)
Smoke destroyer tank; by Mr. Nand L Verma
(May Work)
Yeah, if Electricity generator and Smoke destroyer will work, only then building a project for the World is possible. What? I said, otherwise all kinds of fights between Humans on Earth will go on as it had been so far. Yeah, actually keep fighting and all kinds of conflicts between Earthly Humans to make a decent living makes them zero visibility too: in the form of progress, powerful and advancement in all kinds of whatever. And as I wrote that still most of the People want, their own Country on the basis of whatever. So, you can’t really blame Government, System, Politicians, Gods and Goddesses for every problem and chaos on Earth.
Other Languages Yet I am not able to translate everything in other Languages, but to view Art, Designs and Pictures by Mr. Nand L Verma doesn’t require any knowledge of a language. And same may also applies to while viewing Fusion collections of the best Songs and their Video; in which you may also find the best songs and their videos fitting in very fine with the Songs and their Videos in other languages. Well, then click at the link of other Languages above, or if you will click at any of the given links below in your Language, that will take you to a page on which few things are written in a language the one you understand. Yeah, still I am working on at least creating a whole home page for every Language as listed below. But seems like free digital translator may not be able to translate all the written material perfectly from English to all the other Languages listed below, therefore, in the future I need Humans those can translate all the written material in English to Languages listed below. Anyway, so let’s see how things will turnout. But until then at least more people those understand the languages listed below, at least will have access to the contents those doesn’t require any understanding of a Language.